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属天的奥秘 第8402节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8402

8402. Verses 2, 3. And all the assemblage of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron in the wilderness. And the sons of Israel said unto them, Oh that we had died by the hand of Jehovah in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh-pot, when we did eat bread to satiety! for ye have brought us forth unto this wilderness, to kill this whole congregation with hunger. "And all the assemblage of the sons of Israel murmured," signifies the suffering and the consequent complaint on account of the grievousness of the temptation; "against Moses and against Aaron," signifies against truth Divine; "in the wilderness," signifies a state of temptation; "and the sons of Israel said unto them," signifies thought from anxiety; "Oh that we had died by the hand of Jehovah in the land of Egypt," signifies that it would have been better for them to have been left by the Lord when they were in a state of infestations; "when we sat by the flesh-pot," signifies a life according to what they like, and as they had desired; "when we did eat bread to satiety," signifies that thus they had enjoyed the good of pleasures as much as they wished; "for ye have brought us out," signifies after they were liberated; "unto this wilderness," signifies a state of temptations; "to kill this whole congregation with hunger," signifies that they were expiring from a lack of delight and of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8402

8402. Verses 2, 3 And all the assembly of the children of Israel grumbled against Moses and against Aaron in the wilderness. And the children of Israel said to them, Would that we had adied by the hand of Jehovah in the land of Egypt, when we sat by a pot of flesh, eating bread to the full! For you have brought us out to this wilderness, to kill all this congregation with hunger.

'And all the assembly of the children of Israel grumbled' means grief and therefore complaint on account of the severity of the temptation. 'Against Moses and against Aaron' means God's truth. 'In the wilderness' means a state of temptation. 'And the children of Israel said to them' means the thoughts arising in a troubled state of mind. 'Would that we had died by the hand of Jehovah in the land of Egypt' means that it would have been preferable for them to have been forsaken by the Lord when they were in the state involving molestations. 'When we sat by a pot of flesh' means a life according to their own pleasure, and such as they craved for. 'Eating bread to the full!' means that in that situation they enjoyed the good of lower pleasures, as much as they wished to have. 'For you have brought us out' means after they were delivered. 'To this wilderness' means a state involving temptations. 'To kill all this congregation with hunger' means that they were perishing owing to the lack of delight and of good.


a lit. Who will give? We should have died

Latin(1748-1756) 8402

8402. Vers. 2, 3. Et murmurabant omnis coetus filiorum Israelis contra Moschen et contra Aharonem in deserto. Et dixerunt ad illos filii Israelis, Quis dabit? mortui fuissemus manu Jehovae in terra Aegypti, in sedendo nos ad ollam carnis, in edendo nos panem ad satietatem; quia eduxistis nos ad desertum hoc, ad occidendum omnem congregationem hanc fame. `Et murmurabant omnis coetus filiorum Israelis' significat indolentiam et inde querimoniam propter tentationis gravitatem: `contra Moschen et contra Aharonem' significat verum Divinum: `in deserto' significat statum tentationis: `et dixerunt ad illos filii Israelis' significat cogitationem ex anxietate: `Quis dabit? mortui fuissemus manu Jehovae in terra Aegypti' significat quod praestiterit relictos fuisse a Domino cum erant in statu infestationum: `in sedendo nos ad ollam carnis' significat vitam secundum libitum, et sicut concupiverunt: `in edendo nos panem ad satietatem' significat quod sic bono voluptatum fruerentur quantum vellent: `quia eduxisti nos' significat quod postquam liberati: `ad desertum hoc' significat statum tentationum: `ad occidendum omnem congregationem hanc fame' significat quod ex defectu jucundi et boni exspirarent.

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