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属天的奥秘 第8403节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8403

8403. And all the assemblage of the sons of Israel murmured. That this signifies the suffering and the consequent complaint on account of the grievousness of the temptation, is evident from the signification of "to murmur," as being the suffering from the bitterness of the temptation, and the complaint (see n. 8351); "the assemblage of the sons of Israel" denotes those who are of the spiritual church (see n. 8398). Here a third temptation is treated of, which is on account of the lack of delight and of good. This temptation follows, in a series, the former one, which was on account of the lack of truth. [2] They who have not been instructed about man's regeneration suppose that a man can be regenerated without temptation; and some that he has been regenerated when he has undergone one temptation. But be it known that without temptation no one is regenerated, and that many temptations follow on, one after another. The reason is that regeneration takes place to the end that the life of the old man may die, and the new heavenly life be insinuated, which shows that there must needs be a fight, for the life of the old man resists, and is not willing to be extinguished, and the life of the new man cannot enter except where the life of the old man has been extinguished. Hence it is evident that there is a fight on both sides, and this fight is a fiery one, because it is for life. [3] He who thinks from enlightened reason can see and perceive from this that no man can be regenerated without a fight, that is, without spiritual temptation; and also that he is not regenerated by one temptation, but by many. For very many kinds of evil have made the delight of his former life, that is, have made his old life; and it is impossible for all these evils to be suddenly and simultaneously mastered, because they cling to the man very firmly, having been rooted in parents from time immemorial, and consequently are innate in him, besides having been confirmed in him from his infancy through his own actual evils. All these evils are diametrically opposite to the heavenly good that is to be insinuated, and that is to make the new life.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8403

8403. 'And all the assembly of the children of Israel grumbled' means grief and [therefore] complaint on account of the severity of the temptation. This is clear from the meaning of 'grumbling' as grief caused by the bitterness of the temptation, and complaint, dealt with in 8351, 'the assembly of the children of Israel' being those who belong to the spiritual Church, as above in 8398. The subject here is a third temptation, which arises because there is a lack of delight and good. This temptation follows the previous one in the series, which arose because there was a lack of truth.

[2] People uninformed about human regeneration suppose that a person can be regenerated without temptation, and some that he has been regenerated after he has undergone a single temptation. But let it be known that no one can be regenerated without temptation, and that he suffers very many temptations, following one after another. The reason for this is that regeneration takes place to the end that the life of the old man may die and a new, heavenly life may be instilled. From this one may recognize that conflict is altogether inevitable; for the life of the old man stands its ground and refuses to be snuffed out, and the life of the new man cannot enter except where the life of the old has been snuffed out. From this it is evident that fierce conflict takes place between mutually hostile sides, since each is fighting for its life.

[3] Anyone thinking with enlightened reason can see and perceive from all this that a person cannot be regenerated without conflict, that is, without spiritual temptation, and also that a person is not regenerated by undergoing a single temptation, only by undergoing very many of them. For there are numerous kinds of evil that have formed the delight of the former life, that is, have constituted the old life. All those evils cannot be subdued on one occasion and all together. They cling stubbornly to the person, for they become deeply rooted in his forebears going back many centuries and are for that reason innate in him. They have also been made stronger since early childhood by the evils of his own doing. All these evils are diametrically opposed to the heavenly good that is to be instilled and that must constitute the new life.

Latin(1748-1756) 8403

8403. `Et murmurabant omnis coetus filiorum Israelis': quod significet indolentiam et [inde] querimoniam propter tentationis gravitatem, constat ex significatione `murmurare' quod sit indolentia ex tentationis acerbitate, et querimonia, de qua n. 8351; `coetus filiorum Israelis' sunt qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, ut supra n. 8398. Agitur hic de tertia tentatione, quae est propter defectum jucundi et boni, quae tentatio succedit priori in serie, quae fuit propter defectum veri. 2 Qui non instructi sunt de regeneratione hominis autumant quod homo regenerari queat absque tentatione, et quidam quod regeneratus sit quando unam tentationem subierat; sed sciendum quod absque tentatione nullus regeneretur, et quod plures tentationes succedant una post alteram; causa est quia regeneratio fit ob {1} finem ut vita veteris hominis moriatur, et vita nova quae caelestis insinuetur; inde constare potest quod omnino pugna erit, vita enim veteris hominis resistit, nec vult exstingui, et vita novi hominis non potest intrare nisi ubi vita veteris exstincta est; inde patet quod utrinque pugna sit, et ardens, quia pro vita; qui ex rationali illustrato cogitat, inde potest 3 videre et percipere quod regenerari nequeat homo absque pugna, hoc est, absque tentatione spirituali; tum quoque quod non regeneretur per unam tentationem sed per plures; sunt enim perplura genera mali quae jucundum vitae prioris, hoc est, vitam veterem, fecerunt; omnia illa mala non possunt semel et simul domari, inhaerent enim pertinaciter, nam irradicata sunt {2}parentibus a multis retro saeculis, et inde innata homini, et confirmata per (x)actualia mala ex semet ab infantia; haec mala omnia sunt e diametro opposita bono caelesti quod insinuandum, et quod faciet vitam (x)novam {3}. @1 i illum$ @2 After saeculis$ @3 i, inde acerbitas pugnae$

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