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属天的奥秘 第8413节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8413

8413. To kill this whole congregation with hunger. That this signifies that they were expiring from a lack of delight and of good, is evident from the signification of "killing," as being to deprive of life, here, of that which is from delight and good, for in these the life of man consists (see n. 3607, 6767); from the signification of "the congregation," as being those who are of the spiritual church (n. 7843); and from the signification of "hunger," as being a lack of good (see n. 5893), here of the good of pleasures, which is signified by "bread" (n. 8410); for when that which nourishes the spiritual life, or the life of the spirit, is taken away, hunger results. How the case herein is shall be briefly told. [2] When the good of charity, which makes the spiritual life, is to be insinuated, the delight of the pleasures which had made the natural life is removed. When this delight is removed, the man comes into temptation, for he believes that if he is deprived of the delight of pleasures, he is deprived of all life, because his natural life consists in this delight, or good, as he calls it. But he does not know that when this delight of life is removed, spiritual delight, or good, is insinuated by the Lord in its place. It is this good that is signified by the "manna;" the former good or delight being meant by the "flesh and bread in the land of Egypt," and the privation of this being meant by "hunger." [3] But it is to be carefully observed that the man who is being regenerated is not deprived of the delight of the pleasures of the body and lower mind, for he fully enjoys this delight after regeneration, and more fully than before, but in inverse ratio. Before regeneration, the delight of pleasures was everything of his life; but after regeneration, the good of charity becomes everything of his life; and then the delight of pleasures serves as a means, and as an ultimate plane, in which spiritual good with its happiness and blessedness terminates. When therefore the order is to be inverted, the former delight of pleasures expires and becomes no delight, and a new delight from a spiritual origin is insinuated in its place.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8413

8413. 'To kill all this congregation with hunger' means that they were perishing owing to the lack of delight and of good. This is clear from the meaning of 'killing' as depriving of life, at this point life made up of delight and good, for a person's life consists in these, dealt with in 3607, 6767; from the meaning of 'congregation' as those belonging to the spiritual Church, dealt with in 7843; and from the meaning of 'hunger' or 'famine' as a lack of good, dealt with in 5893, at this point the good of lower pleasures, meant by 'bread' in 8410. For when that which nourishes spiritual life, or the life of the spirit, is taken away, hunger or famine occurs.

[2] A brief statement showing the nature of all this needs to be made. When the good of charity, which is to constitute a spiritual life, is to be installed, the delight belonging to lower pleasures, which has constituted a natural life, is taken away. And when this delight is taken away the person enters into temptation. The person thinks that if he is deprived of the delight which belongs to those pleasures he is deprived of all life; for the life of his natural has consisted in that delight or good as he calls it. But he does not know that when this delight in which his life has consisted is taken away the Lord instills spiritual delight and good instead; and this good is what is meant by 'the manna'. The previous kind of good or delight is meant by 'flesh and bread in the land of Egypt', and the deprivation of it by 'hunger'.

[3] But it should be thoroughly understood that a person undergoing regeneration is not deprived of the delight belonging to bodily and mental pleasures, for after regeneration he has full enjoyment of such delight, fuller than he had before, but in inverse proportion. Before regeneration the delight that belongs to lower pleasures was the all of that life; but after regeneration the good of charity becomes the all of life, and when it does so the delight belonging to lower pleasures serves as a means, as something embodying spiritual good and the happiness and bliss that go with it. When therefore order is to be inverted, the previous delight belonging to lower pleasures fades away and ceases to be anything, and a new delight from a spiritual origin is instilled instead.

Latin(1748-1756) 8413

8413. `Ad occidendum omnem congregationem hanc fame': quod significet quod ex defectu jucundi et boni exspirarent, constat ex significatione `occidere' quod sit privare vita, hic quae ex jucundo et bono, nam vita hominis in illis consistit, de qua n. 3607, 6767; ex significatione `congregationis' quod sint qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, de qua n. 7843; et ex significatione `famis' quod sit defectus boni, de qua n. 5893, hic boni voluptatum, quod per `panem' n. (x)8410 significatur, cum enim id quod nutrit vitam spiritualem, seu vitam spiritus, aufertur, fit {1} fames {2}. 2 Quomodo cum hoc se habet, paucis dicendum: cum bonum charitatis insinuandum est, quod vitam spiritualem {3}facit, tunc removetur jucundum voluptatum, quod fecerat vitam naturalem; cum hoc jucundum removetur, tunc homo in tentationem venit; credit enim, si privatur jucundo voluptatum, quod deprivetur omni vita, nam vita ejus naturalis in illo jucundo aut bono, ut id vocat, constitit; sed nescit quod cum removetur hoc vitae, loco ejus insinuetur a Domino jucundum et bonum spirituale; hoc bonum est quod per `mannam' significatur; prius bonum seu jucundum intelligitur per `carnem et panem in terra Aegypti,' ac privatio ejus per `famem.' 3 At probe observandum quod homo qui regeneratur {4}non privetur jucundo voluptatum corporis et animi, hoc enim jucundo post regenerationem plene fruitur, et plenius quam prius, sed in inversa ratione; {5}jucundum voluptatum ante regenerationem fuit omne vitae illius, at post regenerationem bonum charitatis fit omne vitae, et tunc jucundum voluptatum inservit pro medio et pro ultimo plano in quo bonum spirituale cum suo felici et beato terminatur; cum itaque invertendus est ordo, tunc prius jucundum voluptatum exspirat et fit nullum, et novum ex spirituali origine loco ejus insinuatur. @1 i tunc$ @2 i, ex qua laborat vita illa$ @3 faciat$ @4 nusquam$ @5 jucundum voluptatum quod ante regenerationem fuit omne vitae illius et finis, usque adeo ut exstinxerit bonum vitae spiritualis, at post regenerationem bonum charitatis fit omne vitae ejus et finis$

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