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属天的奥秘 第8414节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8414

8414. Verses 4, 5. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Behold, I am making it rain bread for you from heaven, and the people shall go out, and they shall gather the word of a day in its day, in order that I may try them, whether they walk in My law, or not. And it shall be in the sixth day, that they shall prepare that which they have brought, and there shall be double over what they shall gather day by day. "And Jehovah said unto Moses," signifies consolation from the Lord; "Behold, I am making it rain bread for you from heaven," signifies that heavenly good shall flow in; "and the people shall go out," signifies life therefrom; "and they shall gather the word of a day in its day," signifies continually according to need; "in order that I may try them," signifies that thereby they will be examined; "whether they will walk in My law, or not," signifies whether they can live a life of truth and good; "and it shall be in the sixth day," signifies in the end of every state; "that they shall prepare that which they have brought," signifies the disposal of the appropriated goods; "and there shall be double over what they gather day by day," signifies that the goods are to be conjoined.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8414

8414. Verses 4, 5 And Jehovah said to Moses, Behold, I am causing it to rain bread from heaven for you; and the people will go out and gather the thing of a day in its day,a in order that I may test them [to sea] whether they walk in My law or not. And it shall be on the sixth day, that they are to prepare what they have brought in; and it shall be double to what they shall gather day by day.

'And Jehovah said to Moses' means comfort from the Lord. 'Behold, I am causing it to rain bread from heaven for you' means that heavenly good will flow in. 'And the people will go our means the consequent life. 'And gather the thing of a day in its day' means continually, in proportion to need. 'In order that I may test them' means that from this it will be discovered ... 'Whether they walk in My law or not' means, whether they can lead a life of truth and good. 'And it shall be on the sixth day' means at the end of each state. 'That they are to prepare what they have brought in' means setting in order forms of good that have been assimilated. 'And it shall be double to what they shall gather day by day' means that they are to be joined together.


a i.e. a day's portion every day

Latin(1748-1756) 8414

8414. Vers. 4, 5. Et dixit Jehovah ad Moschen, Ecce Ego pluere faciens vobis panem e caelo, et exibit populus, et colligent verbum diei in die suo, propterea ut tentem illum, num ambulat in lege Mea, si non. Et erit in die sexto, et praeparent quod adduxerunt, et erit duplum super quod colligent die die. `Et dixit Jehovah ad Moschen' significat consolationem a Domino: `Ecce Ego pluere faciens vobis panem e caelo' significat quod bonum caeleste influet: `et exibit populus' significat vitam inde: `et colligent verbum diei in die suo' significat jugiter ad necessitatem: `propterea ut tentem illum' significat quod inde in explorato erit: `num ambulat in lege Mea, si non' significat (x)num vitam veri et boni possint vivere: `et erit in die sexto' significat in fine cujusvis status: `et praeparent quod adduxerunt' significat dispositionem bonorum appropriatorum: `et erit duplum super quod colligent die die' significat quod conjungenda.

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