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属天的奥秘 第844节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]844. From here to verse 6 the chapter speaks of the first state the people of this church experienced after their trials. The contents of this verse symbolize the end of those struggles.
Challenges to the intent of their will and to the ideas in their intellect have already been dealt with. The stopping-up of the springs of the abyss symbolizes the end of struggles involving their will, while the stopping-up of the floodgates of heaven symbolizes the end of struggles involving their intellect. These symbolisms have been mentioned and illustrated before at Genesis 7:11 [756-757], and the symbolism of rain as trial itself at Genesis 7:12 [759], so there is no need to spend any more time corroborating them.

Potts(1905-1910) 844

844. From this to the sixth verse the first state of the man of this church is treated of, after temptation; and what is said in the present verse signifies the cessation of temptation. His temptation, both as to what is of the will and as to what is of the understanding, has been previously treated of; and its cessation as to what is of the will is here meant by "the fountains of the deep being stopped;" and its cessation as to what is of the understanding, by "the cataracts of heaven being stopped." That these expressions have such a signification has been stated and shown in the preceding chapter (Gen. 7:11); and also that "rain" signifies temptation itself (Gen. 7:12), wherefore there is no need to dwell longer in confirmation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 844

844. From this verse down to verse 6 the subject is the first state of the member of this Church following temptation. The present verse means the end of temptation. Previously the subject has been his temptation as regards things of the will, and also his temptation as regards those of the understanding. The end of temptation as regards things of the will is meant by 'the fountains of the deep were stopped', and as regards those of the understanding by 'the floodgates of heaven'. That this is the meaning of these phrases has been stated and shown already at Chapter 7:11, and that 'rain' means temptation itself at 7:12. Consequently there is no need to pause any longer to confirm these matters.

Latin(1748-1756) 844

844. Ab hoc versu ad sextum agitur de primo statu hominis hujus Ecclesiae post tentationem; et quae in hoc versu, significant cessationem tentationis. Actum est prius de tentatione ejus quoad voluntaria, tum de tentatione ejus quoad intellectualia; quod cessaverit tentatio quoad voluntaria, significatur per quod 'obturati sint fontes abyssi'; et quod quoad intellectualia, per quod 'cataractae caeli'; quae quod talia significent, prius dictum et ostensum est cap. praec. vii ad vers. 11; et quod 'imber' ipsam tentationem, etiam ibi vers. 12, quare iis confirmandis non amplius immorandum.

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