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属天的奥秘 第8455节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8455

8455. There was a deposit of dew round about the camp. That this signifies the truth of peace adjoining itself, is evident from the signification of "dew," as being the truth of peace (n. 3579). "Dew" signifies the truth of peace because in the morning it comes down from heaven and appears upon the herbage like fine rain, and has also stored up in it something of sweetness or delight more than rain has, whereby the grass and the crops of the field are gladdened; and "morning" denotes a state of peace (n. 2780). What peace is see n. 2780, 3696, 4681, 5662, namely, that it is like dawn on the earth, which gladdens minds with universal delight; and the truth of peace is like the light of the dawn. This truth, which is called "the truth of peace," is the very Divine truth in heaven from the Lord, which universally affects all who are there, and makes heaven to be heaven; for peace has in it confidence in the Lord, that He directs all things, and provides all things, and that He leads to a good end. When a man is in this faith, he is in peace, for he then fears nothing, and no solicitude about things to come disquiets him. A man comes into this state in proportion as he comes into love to the Lord. [2] All evil, especially self-confidence, takes away a state of peace. It is believed that an evil person is at peace when he is in gladness and tranquility because all things succeed with him. But this is not peace; it is the delight and tranquillity of cupidities, which counterfeit a state of peace. But in the other life this delight, being opposite to the delight of peace, is turned into what is undelightful, for this lies hidden within it. In the other life the exteriors are successively unfolded even to the inmosts, and peace is the inmost in all delight, even in what is undelightful with the man who is in good. So far therefore as he puts off what is external, so far a state of peace is revealed, and so far he is affected with satisfaction, blessedness, and happiness, the origin of which is from the Lord Himself. [3] Concerning the state of peace which prevails in heaven it can be said that it is such as cannot be described by any words, neither, so long as he is in the world, can it come into the thought and perception of man, by means of any idea derived from the world. It is then above all sense. Tranquility of mind, content, and gladness from success, are relatively nothing; for these affect only his externals; whereas peace affects the inmost things of all-the first substances, and the beginnings of substances in the man, and therefrom distributes and pours itself forth into the substantiates and derivatives, and affects them with pleasantness; and affects the origins of ideas, consequently the man's ends of life, with satisfaction and happiness; and thus makes the mind of the man a heaven.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8455

8455. 'There was a deposit of dew around the camp' means the truth of peace attaching itself. This is clear from the meaning of 'dew' as the truth of peace, dealt with in 3579. The reason why 'dew' means the truth of peace is that it comes down in the morning from heaven or the sky and on grassland looks like a light shower of rain. But also it holds a certain sweetness or pleasantness, more so than a shower of rain does, and causes grass and crops in the field to rejoice. And 'morning' is a state of peace, 2780. For what peace is, see 2780, 3696, 4681, 5662, where it is said to be like the dawn on earth, which fills people's minds with overall delight. And the truth of peace is like the light of dawn. This truth which is being called the truth of peace is the Divine Truth itself present in heaven and coming from the Lord; it influences all there without exception, and causes heaven to be heaven. Peace holds within itself trust in the Lord, the trust that He governs all things and provides all things, and that He leads towards an end that is good. When a person believes these things about Him he is at peace, since he fears nothing and no anxiety about things to come disturbs him. How far a person attains this state depends on how far he attains love to the Lord.

[2] Everything bad, especially trust in self, takes away the state of peace. People think that someone bad is at peace when he is calm and cheerful because everything is going right for him. But this is not peace, it is the calm and delight belonging to evil desires that merely simulates the state of peace. This delight, being the opposite of the delight belonging to peace, turns to undelight in the next life, for that is what lies hidden within it. In the next life outward things are rolled away one layer after another through to inmost things at the centre. Peace is at the centre of all delight, even of the undelight of a person governed by good. So far therefore as he casts off what is external the state of peace is revealed and he is filled with bliss, blessedness, and happiness, the source of which is the Lord Himself.

[3] Regarding the state of peace that exists in heaven one may say it is such that no words can describe it; nor can any idea of a worldly origin enable it to enter a person's thought and perception, as long as he is in the world. It transcends all his awareness then. Calmness of mind, contentment, and cheerfulness because things are going right are nothing in comparison, for these affect only the outward parts of the mind. But peace affects the inmost parts of all; it affects the primary substances, and the beginnings of substances as they exist with a person, and from these it spreads and pours itself out into parts formed from those substances and beginnings of them. It brings a lovely feeling into them; it brings bliss and happiness to the parts where his ideas form, consequently to his ends in life, and so makes his mind into a heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 8455

8455. `Fuit positio roris circum castra': quod significet verum pacis adjungens se, constat ex significatione `roris' quod sit verum pacis, de qua n. 3579; causa quod `ros' sit verum pacis, est quia mane descendit de caelo et apparet super (x)virecta sicut tenue imbris, et quoque prae imbre recondit aliquid dulcis {1}seu jucundi, unde gramen et seges agri laetantur, {2}et mane est status pacis, n. 2780; quid pax, videatur n. 2780, 3696, 4681, 5662, quod nempe se habeat sicut aurora in terra, quae animos universali jucundo laetificat; et verum pacis est sicut lux aurorae; hoc verum, quod vocatur verum pacis, est ipsum Divinum Verum in caelo a Domino, ac (t)afficit universaliter omnes qui ibi, et facit ut caelum sit caelum; pax enim {3}in se habet confidentiam in Dominum, quod Ipse regat omnia ac provideat omnia, et quod ad finem bonum ducat; cum homo in {4}fide horum est, tunc in pace est, nam tunc nihil timet, et nulla sollicitudo de futuris illum (x)inquietum reddit; in (x)hunc statum venit homo quantum in amorem 2 in Dominum; statum pacis aufert omne malum, imprimis confidentia sui; creditur quod {5} malus in pace sit, cum in laeto (c)et tranquillo {6}, ex eo quod omnia ei succedant; sed hoc non est pax, {7} est jucundum et tranquillum cupiditatum, quod mentitur {8}statum pacis, at {9}id jucundum, quia oppositum est jucundo pacis, vertitur in altera vita in {10} injucundum, tale enim latet intus in illo; {11} in altera vita exteriora successive evolvuntur usque ad intima, pax est intimum in omni jucundo, etiam in injucundo apud hominem qui in bono est; quantum itaque is exuit externum, tantum revelatur status pacis, et tantum afficitur fausto, beato, et felici, cujus origo est ab Ipso Domino. 3 De statu pacis qui in caelo, dici potest quod sit talis ut {12}nullis 3 verbis describi queat, nec per ullam ideam ex mundo venire in cogitationem et perceptionem hominis, quamdiu est in mundo; est {13}super omnem sensum tunc; tranquillum animi, contentum, et laetum ex successibus, nihil {14} sunt respective, nam haec afficiunt modo externa, at pax afficit omnium intima, primas substantias, et substantiarum principia apud hominem, et inde se derivat et effundit in substantiata et principiata, ac ea afficit amoeno, (c)et idearum origines, proinde {15} fines vitae hominis fausto et felici; {16}et sic mentem hominis facit caelum. @1 ac jucundum$ @2 nam$ @3 secum$ @4 hac fide$ @5 i homo etiam$ @6 i est$ @7 i sed$ @8 jucundum$ @9 hoc$ @10 i merum$ @11 i nam$ @12 nusquam$ @13 supra$ @14 i prorsus$ @15 i ipsos$ @16 ac inde$

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