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属天的奥秘 第8461节


  8461.“就彼此对问说”表困惑。这从以下事实和“彼此”的含义清楚可知:“说”包括接下来的话,在此包括他们看见吗哪时的困惑,正如他们说,“这是什么呢,因为他们不知道是什么”;“彼此”(a man to his brother)是指相互(4725节)。

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Potts(1905-1910) 8461

8461. And they said a man to his brother. That this signifies amazement, is evident from the fact that "saying" involves that which follows, here that they were amazed when they saw the manna, as they said, "What is this [Man hoc]? because they knew not what it was;" and from the signification of "a man to his brother," as being mutually (n. 4725).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8461

8461. 'And said, a man to his brother' means bewilderment. This is clear from the consideration that 'saying' includes what comes after it, at this point their bewilderment when they saw the manna, meant by 'they said, Man is it? because they did not know what it was'; and from the meaning of 'a man to his brother', as mutually, dealt with in 4725.

Latin(1748-1756) 8461

8461. `Et dixerunt vir ad fratrem suum': quod significet (x)obstupescentiam, constat ex {1}eo quod `dicere' involvat illud quod sequitur, hic quod obstupescerent cum viderent mannam, dixerunt enim, `Man hoc? quia non sciverunt quid hoc'; et ex significatione `vir ad fratrem' quod sit mutuo, de qua n. 4725. @1 significatione dicere, quod sit obstupescentia, involvit enim$

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