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属天的奥秘 第8467节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8467

8467. Gather ye of it every man according to the mouth of his eating. That this signifies reception and appropriation according to the capacity of each one, is evident from the signification of "gathering," when said of the good of truth that is signified by "the manna," as being to receive; and from the signification of "each one according to the mouth of his eating," as being appropriation according to the capacity of each one. For "according to the mouth of the eating," when food is treated of, denotes according to the necessity demanded for nourishment; but when said of the good of truth, it denotes according to the capacity of reception and appropriation, because by "eating" in the spiritual sense is signified to be appropriated (see n. 3168, 3513, 3596, 4745).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8467

8467. 'Gather from it, each according to the mouth of his eating' means receiving and making it their own, each in accordance with his own ability This is clear from the meaning of 'gathering' - when said in regard to the good of truth, which is meant by 'the manna' - as receiving; and from the meaning of 'each according to the mouth of his eating' as making their own, each in accordance with his own ability. For when 'according to the mouth of one's eating' refers to food it means in accordance with what is requisite and necessary to nourish [the body]; but when the expression refers to the good of truth it means in accordance with the ability to receive and make one's own, since 'eating' in the spiritual sense means making a thing one's own, 3168, 3513 (end), 3596, 4745.

Latin(1748-1756) 8467

8467. `Colligite de eo, quisque ad os edere sui': quod significet receptionem et appropriationem secundum cujusvis facultatem, constat ex significatione `colligere' cum dicitur de bono veri quod significatur per `mannam,' quod sit recipere, et ex significatione `quisque ad os edere sui' quod {1}sit appropriatio secundum cujusvis facultatem; `ad os edere' enim, cum de cibo agitur, est secundum necessitatem requisitam nutricionis, at cum de bono veri dicitur, est secundum facultatem receptionis et appropriationis, nam per `edere' in sensu spirituali significatur appropriari, n. 3168, 3513 fin., 3596, 4745. @1 significet appropriationem$

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