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属天的奥秘 第8476节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8476

8476. Verses 19, 20. And Moses said unto them, Let no one make a residue of it till the morning. And they heard not unto Moses; and men made a residue of it until morning and it bred worms and stank, and Moses was angry with them. "And Moses said unto them," signifies exhortation; "Let no one make a residue of it till the morning," signifies that they should not be solicitous about acquiring it from themselves; "and they heard not unto Moses," signifies no faith and thence no obedience; "and men made a residue of it until the morning," signifies the abuse of good Divine, in that they desired to acquire it from themselves; "and it bred worms," signifies that consequently it became filthy; "and stank," signifies consequently infernal; "and Moses was angry with them," signifies that consequently they turned away truth Divine from themselves.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8476

8476. Verses 19,20 And Moses said to them, Let no one leave any of ita until the morning. And they did not hearb Moses, and some did leave part of itc until the morning;, and it bred worms and became putrid. And Moses was incensed with them.

'And Moses said to them' means an admonition. 'Let no one leave any of it until the morning' means that they must not be anxious to acquire it of themselves. 'And they did not hear Moses' means lack of faith and consequently lack of obedience. 'And some did leave part of it until the morning' means the abuse of God's goodness, in that they wished to obtain it of themselves. 'And it bred worms' means that it was consequently something foul. 'And became putrid' means consequently something hellish. 'And Moses was incensed with them' means that therefore they were averse to God's truth.


a lit. Let not anyone make a residue from it
b lit. hear towards
c lit. and men (vir) made a residue out of it

Latin(1748-1756) 8476

8476. Vers. 19, 20. Et dixit Moscheh ad illos, Quisque ne residuum faciat de illo usque ad mane. Et non audiverunt ad Moschen, et residuum fecerunt viri ex illo usque ad mane, et vermiculavit vermes, et computruit; et succensuit super illos Moscheh. `Et dixit Moscheh ad illos' significat exhortationem: `Quisque ne residuum faciat de illo usque ad mane' significat quod non solliciti erunt de ejus acquisitione ex se: `et non audiverunt ad Moschen' significat non fidem, et inde non oboedientiam: `et residuum fecerunt viri ex illo usque ad mane' significat abusum boni Divini, quod ex se sibi id comparare vellent: `et vermiculavit vermes significat quod inde spurcum: `et computruit' significat inde infernale: `et succensuit super illos Moscheh' significat quod averterent inde a se verum Divinum.

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