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属天的奥秘 第8575节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8575

8575. A little more and they stone me. That this signifies that they are not far from doing violence to truth from the Divine, is evident from the signification of "a little more," as being that it is not far off; and from the signification of "stoning," as being the punishment on account of the violation of the truth which is of worship (see n. 7456); here, in the opposite sense, of the doing of violence to truth from the Divine, which truth is represented by Moses. (That "Moses" denotes truth from the Divine, has been frequently shown.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 8575

8575. 'Yet a little, and they stone me' means that they are not far from doing violence to the truth from God. This is clear from the meaning of 'yet a little' as not far from; and from the meaning of 'stoning' as punishing for the violation of truth that relates to worship, dealt with in 7456, though here it is used in the contrary sense and so means doing violence to the truth from God, which 'Moses' represents. The fact that 'Moses' represents the truth from God has been shown rather often.

Latin(1748-1756) 8575

8575. `Adhuc parum et lapidant me': quod significet quod non procul sit quin vero a Divino violentiam inferant, constat ex significatione `adhuc parum' quod sit quod non procul sit, (d)et ex significatione `lapidare' quod sit punitio propter violationem veri quod cultus, de qua n. 7456, hic in opposito sensu violentiam inferre vero a Divino, quod per `Moschen' repraesentatur; quod `Moscheh' sit verum a Divino, saepius ostensum est.

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