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属天的奥秘 第8576节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8576

8576. And Jehovah said unto Moses. That this signifies aid, is evident from the signification of "saying," as involving the things which follow, here that truths should be given, of the lack of which they so grievously complained, which truths are signified by "water from Horeb." Therefore "saying" here involves aid.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8576

8576. 'And Jehovah said to Moses' means aid. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying', which includes what comes after it, in this instance that truths, the lack of which they complained about so bitterly, were supplied, those truths being meant by 'the water out of Horeb'. Thus 'saying' here implies aid.

Latin(1748-1756) 8576

8576. `Et dixit Jehovah ad Moschen': quod significet opem, constat (c)ex significatione `dicere' quod involvat sequentia, hic quod darentur vera, de {1}quorum defectu tam graviter questi sunt, quae significantur per `aquam e Chorebo'; ita `dicere' hic involvit opem. @1 quibus$

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