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属天的奥秘 第8745节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8745

8745. But when the external man has been regenerated, the internal man makes all good consist in thinking well of the neighbor and willing well to him, and the external man makes all good consist in speaking well of him and acting well toward him; and at last each has as its end to love the neighbor and to love the Lord, and not as before to love self and to love the world. In this case the external or natural man serves, and the internal or spiritual man commands.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8745

8745. But when the external man has been regenerated the internal considers all good to consist in thinking well of the neighbour and wishing him well, while the external considers it to consist in speaking well of him and behaving well towards him. Both at length have loving the neighbour and loving the Lord as their end in view, and not loving self and loving the world, as they did at first. Now the external or natural man is the servant, and the internal or spiritual is the master.

Latin(1748-1756) 8745

8745. Cum autem externus homo regeneratus est, ponit internus omne bonum in cogitare bene de proximo et velle ei bene, et externus ponit in loqui bene de illo et agere bene erga illum; et tandem uterque pro fine habet amare proximum et amare Dominum, et non ut prius amare {1}se et amare mundum; tunc homo externus seu naturalis servit, et internus seu spiritualis imperat. @1 semet$

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