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属天的奥秘 第8964节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8964

8964. He who has not with him truths of faith from the Word by which he may fight, thus who has not any spiritual life in himself from these, is not admitted into any combat, because he yields; and if a man yields, his state after Temptation becomes worse than his state before Temptation, for evil has then acquired to itself power over good, and falsity over truth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8964

8964. No one who lacks the truths of faith :derived from the Word which have to be used in conflict, thus no one who is devoid of spiritual life derived from them, is ever allowed to be involved in conflict, because he suffers defeat. And if a person suffers defeat his state after temptation is worse than his state before it. Assuredly, evil has then gained power over good, and falsity over truth.

Latin(1748-1756) 8964

8964. Qui non habet apud se vera fidei ex Verbo per quae pugnet, ita qui non habet aliquam vitam spiritualem in se ex illis, is non admittitur in aliquam pugnam, {1}quoniam succumbit; et si homo succumbit, fit status ejus post tentationem pejor statu ejus ante illam; quippe malum tunc acquisivit sibi potentiam super bonum, et falsum super verum. @1 nam$

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