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属天的奥秘 第9072节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9072

9072. And he hath not watched him. That this signifies no repression, is evident from the signification of "watching," when said of evil of the will which has passed into the light of the intellectual, as being a restraint or repression; for the understanding has been given to man that he may see evil, and may then repress it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9072

9072. 'And he does not keep it in' means failure to restrain it. This is clear from the meaning of 'keeping in', when it refers to evil belonging to the will that has passed into the light of the understanding, as curbing or restraining. For a person has been given an understanding to enable him to see evil and so restrain it. .

Latin(1748-1756) 9072

9072. `Et non custodiverit eum': quod significet non repressionem, constat ex significatione `custodire' cum de malo voluntarii quod transivit in lucem intellectualis, quod sit inhibitio seu {1} repressio; datum enim est homini intellectus {2} ut videat malum et tunc reprimat. @1 ut$ @2 intellectuale$

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