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属天的奥秘 第9114节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9114

9114. From this it is that those who have Conscience speak from the heart what they speak, and do from the heart what they do. Such also have an undivided mind, for they act in accordance with what they believe to be true and good, and in accordance with what they understand. Consequently a more perfect Conscience is possible with those who are more enlightened than others in the truths of faith, and who are in a clearer perception than others, than is possible with those who are less enlightened, and who are in an obscure perception.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9114

9114. So it is that when people who have conscience speak they speak from the heart, and when they act they act from the heart. They also have an undivided mind, since they act in accordance with what they believe to be true and good, indeed in accordance with what they understand to be so. Consequently those who are more enlightened than others in the truths of faith and whose perception is clearer can be endowed with a more perfect conscience than those who are less enlightened and whose perception is dim.

Latin(1748-1756) 9114

9114. Inde est quod qui conscientiam habent, ex corde loquantur quae loquuntur, et ex corde faciant quae faciunt. Habent etiam illi mentem non divisam, nam secundum id quod credunt verum et bonum esse faciunt, et quoque secundum id quod intelligunt; inde conscientia perfectior potest dari apud illos qui in veris fidei illustrati sunt prae aliis, et qui in clara perceptione sunt prae aliis quam apud illos qui minus illustrati sunt et qui in obscura perceptione sunt.

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