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属天的奥秘 第9115节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9115

9115. Those have Conscience who have received from the Lord a new will. This will is itself the Conscience; and therefore to act contrary to Conscience is to act contrary to this will. And as the good of charity makes the new will, the good of charity also makes the Conscience.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9115

9115. The people with conscience are those who have received a new will from the Lord. That will itself is their conscience; therefore acting contrary to conscience is acting contrary to their new will. And since the good of charity composes the new will it also composes conscience.

Latin(1748-1756) 9115

9115. Illi conscientiam habent qui novam voluntatem acceperunt {1} a Domino; ipsa illa voluntas est conscientia; quapropter facere contra conscientiam est contra voluntatem illam. Et quia (m)bonum charitatis facit novam voluntatem, etiam bonum charitatis facit conscientiam.(n) @1 After Domino$

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