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属天的奥秘 第9143节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9143

9143. When a fire shall go forth. That this signifies anger from the affection of evil, is evident from the signification of "fire," as being love, here the love of evil and its affection (of which just above, n. 9141). It is said "the affection" of evil, because by affection is meant what is continuous of love. That "fire" denotes anger from the affection of evil, is because anger is from this source, for when that which a man loves is assailed, a fieriness bursts forth and as it were burns. Hence it is that anger is described in the Word by "fire," and it is said "to burn;" as in the following passages:

There went up a smoke out of His nostrils, and fire out of His mouth; coals did burn from Him (Ps. 18:8). Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, for His anger will burn shortly (Ps. 2:12). Who shall abide for us with the devouring fire? Who shall abide for us on the hearths of eternity? (Isa. 33:14). He poured upon him the wrath of His anger; it set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart (Isa. 42:25). Behold, Jehovah will come in fire, and His chariots like the whirlwind; to recompense them in the wrath of His anger, and His rebuke in flames of fire (Isa. 66:15). I looked back, and came down from the mount, when the mount was burning with fire. I was afraid by reason of the anger and wrath wherewith Jehovah was angry against us (Deut. 9:16, 19). In these and many other passages anger is described by "fire." The anger is attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, but it is in man (n. 5798, 6997, 8282, 8483). (That the Lord appeared on Mount Sinai to the Israelitish people in accordance with their nature; thus in fire, smoke, and thick darkness, see n. 6832.) But be it known that anger is a fire that breaks forth from the affection of evil; while zeal is a fire that breaks forth from the affection of good (n. 4164, 4444, 8598). Therefore zeal also is described by "fire," as in these passages:

Jehovah thy God is a devouring fire, a zealous God (Deut. 4:24). I will pour upon them all the wrath of Mine anger; for all the earth shall be devoured in the fire of My zeal (Zeph. 3:8). (That the zeal of Jehovah is love and mercy, and that it is called "anger" because it so appears to the wicked when they incur the penalty of their evil, see n. 8875.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 9143

9143. 'When fire breaks out' means anger arising from an affection for evil. This is clear from the meaning of 'fire' as love, at this point the love of evil and an affection for it, dealt with just above in 9141. The term 'affection for evil' is used because an extension from love is meant by an affection. The reason why 'fire' means anger arising from an affection for evil is that anger has its origin in that affection. For when that which a person loves is attacked fiery passion erupts and so to speak burns in him. This is the reason why anger is described in the Word as 'fire' and is said to be 'burning', as in David,

Smoke went up out of His nose, and fire out of His mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from Him. Ps 18:8.

In the same author,

Kiss the Son lest He be angry, for His anger will shortly blaze up. Ps 2:12.

In Isaiah,

Who among us will dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us will dwell with the hearths of eternity? Isa 33:14.

In the same prophet,

He poured out on him the wrath of His anger; He set him on fire round about, and he made no acknowledgement; He burned him, and yet he did not take it to heart. Isa 42:25.

In the same prophet,

Behold, Jehovah will come in fire, and His chariots will be like a whirlwind, to requite in the wrath of His anger; and His rebuke [will come] in flames of fire. Isa 66:15.

In Moses,

I looked back and came down from the mountain, when the mountain was burning with fire. I was extremely afraid on account of the anger and wrath with which Jehovah was angry with you.a Deut 9:15, 19.

In these and many other places 'fire' is used to describe anger. And 'anger' is attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord; but in fact it resides with man, 5798, 6997, 8284, 8483. The Lord appeared on Mount Sinai to the Israelite people in a way suited to the kind of people they were, therefore in fire, smoke, and thick darkness, see 6832. But it should be remembered that anger is fire bursting out from an affection for evil, whereas zeal is fire bursting out from an affection for good, 4164, 4444, 8598. Therefore 'fire' is also used to describe zeal, in Moses,

Jehovah your God is a devouring fire, a zealousb God. Deut 4:24.

And in Zephaniah,

I will pour out onto them all the wrath of My anger, because in the fire of My zeal the whole earth will be destroyed. Zeph 3:8.

'The zeal of Jehovah' is love and mercy, but it is called anger because it is seen by the evil as anger when they incur the punishment of their evil, 8875.


a The Latin means us but the Hebrew means you.
b or jealous

Latin(1748-1756) 9143

9143. `Quando exiverit ignis': quod significet ex (x)affectione mali iram, constat ex significatione `ignis' quod sit amor, hic amor mali et ejus affectio, de qua mox supra n. 9141; affectio mali dicitur quia per affectionem intelligitur continuum amoris; quod `ignis' sit ex affectione mali ira, est quia ita inde est, nam cum impugnatur id quod homo amat, igneum erumpit et quasi ardet; inde est quod ira describatur in Verbo per `ignem,' et dicatur `ardere,' ut apud Davidem, Ascendit fumus ex naso Ejus, et ignis ex ore Ejus; prunae arserunt ex Eo, Ps. xviii 9 [A.V. 8]:

apud eundem, Osculamini Filium, ne irascatur, quia ardebit brevi ira Ejus, Ps. ii 12:

apud Esaiam, Quis manebit nobis igne comedente? quis manebit nobis focis aeternitatis? xxxiii 14:

apud eundem, Effudit super illum excandescentiam irae Suae, inflammavit illum circumcirca, nec agnovit; incendit eum, nec tamen posuit super cor, xlii 25:

apud eundem, Ecce Jehovah in Igne veniet, et sicut procella currus Ejus, ad retribuendum in excandescentia irae Suae, et increpatio Ejus in flammis ignis, lxvi 15:

apud Moschen, Respexi et descendi de monte, cum mons ardens igne: extimui propter iram et excandescentiam, qua iratus fuit Jehovah contra nos, Deut. ix 15, 19;

in his et (o)in pluribus aliis locis ira describitur per `ignem'; tribuitur ira {1} Jehovae, hoc est, Domino, sed est apud hominem, n. 5798, 6997, (x)8284, 8483; (m)quod Dominus apparuerit super monte Sinai populo Israelitico secundum quale ejus, ideo in igne, fumo, caligine, (o)videatur n. 6832.(n) Sed sciendum quod ira sit ignis erumpens ex affectione mali, zelus autem {2} ignis erumpens ex affectione boni, n. 4164, 4444, (x)8598; ideo etiam zelus describitur per `ignem' apud Moschen, Jehovah Deus tuus est ignis comedens, Deus zelotes, Deut. iv 24:

et apud Zephaniam, Effundam super eos omnem excandescentiam irae Meae, quoniam in igne zeli Mei comedetur tota terra, iii 8. Quod `zelus Jehovae' sit amor et misericordia, et {3} quod dicatur ira, quia apparet malis cum incurrunt in poenam sui mali sicut ira, n. 8875. @1 ibi$ @2 i sit$ @3 sed$

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