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属天的奥秘 第9448节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9448

9448. From all this it is evident what the Forgiveness of Sins is. To be able to be kept by the Lord in the good of love, and the truths of faith, and to be withheld from evils and falsities, is the Forgiveness of Sins. And to shun evil and falsity, and to feel aversion for them, is then Repentance. But these are possible only with those who, through regeneration, have received new life from the Lord; because these things belong to the new life.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9448

9448. All this shows what the forgiveness of sins is. Being able to be maintained by the Lord in the good of love and the truths of faith and to be withheld from evils and falsities constitutes the forgiveness of sins; and at the same time keeping well away from evil and falsity and detesting them constitutes repentance. But all this is so only with those who have received new life from the Lord through regeneration, for those things belong to the new life.

Latin(1748-1756) 9448

9448. Ex bis constat quid sit remissio peccatorum; posse a Domino teneri in bono amoris et veris fidei, et detineri a malis et falsis est remissio peccatorum; ac tunc fugere malum et falsum, et aversari illa, est paenitentia; sed haec non dantur nisi apud illos qui novam vitam per regenerationem receperunt a Domino, nam illa sunt novae vitae.

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