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属天的奥秘 第9513节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9513

9513. Out of the propitiatory [mercy seat] shall ye make the cherubs upon the two ends thereof. That this signifies the reception of all things of worship from these goods, is evident from the signification of "the propitiatory [mercy seat]" as being the hearing and reception of all things of worship from the good of love (see n. 9506); from the signification of "the cherubs," as being admission and approach to the Lord through this good (n. 9509); and from the signification of "the two ends" as being celestial good and spiritual good (n. 9511). From this it is plain that by, "out of the propitiatory [mercy seat] shall ye make the cherubs on the two ends thereof" is signified the reception of all things of worship from these goods. (What celestial good is, and what spiritual good, and what the difference between them, may be seen from these citations in n. 9277.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 9513

9513. 'Of one piece with the mercy-seat you shall make the cherubs on the two ends' means the reception of all things that belong to worship arising from those two kinds of good. This is clear from the meaning of 'the mercy-seat' as the hearing and reception of all things that belong to worship arising from the good of love, dealt with in 9506; from the meaning of 'the cherubs' as admission and access to the Lord through that good, dealt with in 9509; and from the meaning of 'the two ends' as celestial good and spiritual good, dealt with in 9511. From these meanings it is evident that 'of one piece with the mercy-seat you shall make the cherubs on its two ends' means the reception of all things that belong to worship arising from those kinds of good. What celestial good is and what spiritual good is, and what the difference is, see the places referred to in 9277.

Latin(1748-1756) 9513

9513. `Ex propitiatorio facietis cherubos super duabus extremitatibus': quod significet receptionem omnium quae cultus ex illis bonis, constat ex significatione `propitiatorii' quod sit auditio et receptio omnium quae cultus ex bono amoris, de qua n. 9506, ex significatione `cheruborum' quod {1}sint intromissio et aditus ad Dominum per id bonum, de qua n. 9509, et ex significatione `duarum extremitatum' quod sint bonum caeleste et bonum spirituale, de qua n. 9511; inde patet quod per `ex propitiatorio facietis cherubos super duabus ejus extremitatibus' significetur receptio omnium quae cultus ex illis bonis; quid bonum caeleste et quid bonum spirituale, et quae differentia, videantur citata n. 9277. @1 sit$

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