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属天的奥秘 第9514节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9514

9514. And the cherubs shall spread out their wings upward. That this signifies the elevation effected by the truth of faith, is evident from the signification of "wings," as being the truths of faith (of which in what follows); and from the signification of "spreading out the wings upward," as being to be elevated; for in the spreading out of the wings upward there is the endeavor to elevate one's self, the act of which is elevation. From this it is plain that by "the wings of the cherubs being spread out upward" is signified the elevation of good to the Lord by means of the truths of faith; for by "the cherubs" is signified approach to Him through good. It shall here be briefly stated how the case is with the elevation of good by means of the truths of faith. There are two things to which all things in heaven, and also all things in the world, bear relation, namely, good and truth. Good without truth is not good, and truth without good is not truth; for good without truth has no quality, and truth without good has no being; for truth is the very form of good, and there must be form in order that there may be quality; and good is that very being the manifestation [existere] of which is truth. [2] Good is to truth exactly as the will is to the understanding, for the will has been allotted to the reception of good, and the understanding to the reception of truth. The will receives its quality from the understanding, and the understanding its being from the will; for the will is formed in the understanding, and thus puts on quality. Good also is to truth as the body is to the arms and feet, and in the case of flying creatures, as the body is to the wings. A body without arms and feet, or without wings, cannot move itself, but with their aid it moves itself. Moreover, in the Word the body corresponds to good, and the arms and wings to truths, and also to the powers of good through truths. From these comparisons, which are also correspondences, it may be known how the case is with the elevation of good by means of the truths of faith, which in general are called "spiritual" things. (That "wings" denote the truths of faith has been shown in n. 8764.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 9514

9514. 'And the cherubs shall be spreading out their wings upwards' means a raising accomplished by the truth of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'wings' as the truths of faith, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'spreading out the wings upwards' as being raised, for in the spreading out of the wings upwards the endeavour to raise oneself is present, the fulfillment of the endeavour being the actual raising up. From all this it is evident that 'the wings of the cherubs, outspread upwards' means a raising of good in the Lord's direction by means of the truths of faith; for access to Him through good is meant by 'the cherubs'. Something brief must be stated here to show what a raising of good by means of the truths of faith implies. There are two realities with which everything in heaven and also everything in the world have connection - good and truth. Good without truth is not good, and truth without good is not truth; for without truth good lacks any specific quality, and without good truth is devoid of anything to give it being. Indeed truth is the actual outward form taken by good, and the form must exist to give it specific quality; but the good is the essential being, the manifestation of which is the truth.

[2] The relationship of good to truth is altogether like that of the will to the understanding, in that the will is dedicated to the reception of good and the understanding to the reception of truth. The will receives specific quality from the understanding, and the understanding its essential being from the will. For the will is formed within the understanding and thereby clothes itself with a specific quality. The relationship of good to truth is also like that of the body to the arms and feet, or to the wings in the case of birds. A body without arms and feet or without wings cannot move itself; but with the use of them it does move. Furthermore in the Word the body corresponds to good, and its arms or wings to truths and also to the powers good possesses in and exercises through truths. From these comparisons which are also correspondences one may see what is implied by a raising of good by means of the truths of faith, which in general are called spiritual truths. As regards the meaning of 'wings' as the truths of faith, see what has been shown in 8764.

Latin(1748-1756) 9514

9514. `Et erunt cherubi expandentes alas suas sursum': quod significet elevationem veri fidei, constat ex significatione `alarum' quod sint vera fidei, de qua sequitur, et ex significatione `expandere {1}alas sursum' quod sit elevari, nam expansioni alarum sursum inest conatus se elevandi, cujus actus est elevatio, {2}ex quibus patet quod per `alas cheruborum expansas sursum' {3}significetur elevatio boni ad Dominum per vera fidei, nam per `cherubos' significatur aditus ad Ipsum per bonum. Hic paucis dicetur quomodo se habet cum elevatione boni per vera fidei: sunt duo ad quae omnia in caelo, et quoque omnia in mundo, se referunt, nempe bonum et verum; bonum absque vero non est bonum, nec verum absque bono est verum, nam bonum absque vero non habet aliquod quale, et verum absque bono non habet aliquod esse; verum enim est ipsa forma boni, et forma erit ut sit 2 quale; et bonum est ipsum esse {4}cujus existere est verum; bonum ad verum se prorsus habet sicut voluntas ad intellectum, voluntas etiam dicata est receptioni boni et intellectus receptioni veri; voluntas quale suum accipit ab intellectu, et intellectus suum esse a voluntate; formatur enim voluntas in intellectu, et sic induit se quali; se quoque habet bonum ad verum sicut corpus ad bracchia et pedes, et in volucribus ac alas; corpus absque bracchiis et pedibus aut absque alis non se movere potest, sed per illa se movet; etiam corpus in Verbo correspondet bono et bracchia atque alae veris, {5}tum boni per vera potentiis. Ex his comparativis, quae etiam sunt correspondentiae, sciri potest quomodo se habet cum elevatione boni per vera fidei, {6}quae in genere vocantur spiritualia. Quod alae sint vera fidei, (t)videatur ostensum n. 8764. @1 illas$ @2 ex his constare potest$ @3 significatum est altered to significata sit$ @4 et verum est ejus existere$ @5 et$ @6 After vera fidei, in the next sentence$

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