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属天的奥秘 第9515节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9515

9515. Covering with their wings over the propitiatory [mercy seat]. That this signifies the spiritual things that cover (or protect), is evident from the signification of "covering over the propitiatory [mercy seat]" as being to cover the good through which there is an approach to the Lord; and from the signification of "wings," as being the truths of faith, or things spiritual (of which just above, n. 9514, and n. 8764). Spiritual things are said to "cover," because the celestial, which is the good of love, is presented in heaven as naked; but as clothed, by means of spiritual things, which are the truths of faith.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9515

9515. 'Covering over the mercy-seat with their wings' means spiritual realities that provide cover. This is clear from the meaning of 'covering over the mercy-seat' as providing cover for the good through which lies access to the Lord; and from the meaning of 'wings' as the truths of faith or spiritual truths, dealt with immediately above in 9514, and in 8764. The spiritual realities are said to provide cover for the good because in heaven what is celestial, the good of love, manifests itself as something naked; but when it manifests itself through spiritual realities, which are the truths of faith, it is seen as something clothed.

Latin(1748-1756) 9515

9515. `Obtegentes alis suis super propitiatorium': quod significet spiritualia integentia, constat ex (m)significatione `obtegere super propitiatorium' quod sit integere bonum per quod aditus ad Dominum, et ex significatione `alarum' quod sint vera fidei seu spiritualia, de qua nunc supra n. 9514, et n. 8764. Spiritualia dicuntur integentia, quia caeleste quod est bonum amoris in caelo {1}sistitur ut nudum, sed per spiritualia, quae sunt vera fidei, ut amictum.(n) @1 apparet$

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