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属天的奥秘 第9517节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9517

9517. Toward the propitiatory [mercy seat] shall be the faces of the cherubs. That this signifies the interiors continually looking to good, and thus to the Lord, is evident from the signification of "the propitiatory, [mercy seat]" as being the good of love, from which is the hearing and reception of all things of worship (see above, n. 9506), and thus also the Lord, because all the good of love is from the Lord, and is the Lord Himself with angel and man; from the signification of "faces," as being the interiors (of which just above, n. 9516); and from the signification of "the cherubs," as being a guard from providence lest the Lord be approached except through the good of love (n. 9509). [2] The case herein is this. Heaven and the church, or the angels of heaven and the men of the church, are guarded by the Lord by means of the elevation of their interiors to Himself; and when they are elevated, they are in the good of love to Him and in the good of love toward the neighbor. Elevation to the Lord is attended with this; and in this way, as before said, the angels of heaven and the men of the church are guarded. They who are elevated by the Lord, continually turn their faces to Him, because, by means of the good of love, the Lord keeps them conjoined with Himself; whereas those who are not elevated turn their faces away from the Lord. From all this it can be seen what is signified by "the faces of the cherubs being toward the propitiatory [mercy seat]." But concerning this turning to the Lord, of the Lord's Divine mercy more shall be told from experience elsewhere.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9517

9517. 'The faces of the cherubs shall be towards the mercy-seat' means the interiors looking unceasingly towards good, thus towards the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'the mercy-seat' as the good of love, from which comes the hearing and reception of all things that belong to worship, dealt with above in 9506, thus also as the Lord since all the good of love originates in the Lord and is the Lord Himself as He resides with angel and man; from the meaning of 'the faces' as the interiors, dealt with immediately above in 9516; and from the meaning of 'the cherubs' as watchfulness and providence, guarding against access to the Lord except through the good of love, dealt with in 9509.

[2] What happens is this: Heaven and the Church, or the angels of heaven and members of the Church, receive protection from the Lord by having their interiors raised towards Him; and when they are raised they are suffused with the good of love to Him and the good of love towards the neighbour. This is what being raised towards the Lord is; and in this way, as has been stated, angels in heaven and members of the Church receive protection. Those who are raised by the Lord turn their face constantly towards the Lord, because the Lord keeps them joined to Himself through the good of love, whereas those who are not raised turn their face away from the Lord. All this shows what is meant by the requirement that the faces of the cherubs should be 'towards the mercy-seat'. But regarding that turning of themselves towards the Lord something will in the Lord's Divine mercy be stated from experience elsewhere.

Latin(1748-1756) 9517

9517. `Ad propitiatorium erunt facies cheruborum': quod significet interiora jugiter spectantia bonum, ita Dominum, constat ex significatione `propitiatorii' quod sit bonum amoris, ex quo auditio et receptio omnium quae cultus, de qua supra n. 9506, ita quoque Dominus quoniam omne bonum amoris est a Domino, et est Ipse Dominus apud angelum et hominem; ex significatione `facierum' quod sint interiora, de qua mox supra n. 9515; et ex significatione `cheruborum' quod sint custodia {1}et providentia ne Dominus adeatur nisi per bonum amoris, de qua n. 9509. Cum hoc ita se habet: caelum et Ecclesia, seu angeli caeli 2 et homines Ecclesiae, custodiuntur a Domino per elevationem interiorum eorum ad Se, et cum elevantur, tunc in bono amoris in Ipsum et in bono amoris erga proximum sunt; hoc secum habet elevatio ad Dominum; {2}ita custodiuntur, ut dictum est, angeli caeli et homines Ecclesiae; qui elevantur a Domino, vertunt continue faciem ad Dominum, quia Dominus tenet eos Sibi conjunctos per bonum amoris, at qui non elevantur {3}avertunt faciem a Domino; {4}ex his constare potest quid significatur per quod `facies cheruborum essent ad propitiatorium'; sed de (t)conversione illa ad Dominum {5}, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, ab experientia alibi dicetur. @1 ex IT$ @2 i elevatio fit per vera fidei,$ @3 vertunt IT$ @4 quod ita sit, homo nescit quamdiu in mundo est; quapropter$ @5 i et a Domino$

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