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属天的奥秘 第9572节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9572

9572. And the tongs thereof, and the basins thereof. That this signifies the purifiers and evacuators in the natural, is evident from the signification of "tongs and basins," as being things for cleansing, thus for purifying and emptying. That these are in the natural, is because the natural is the emunctory,* thus the place of purifying and evacuating; for all things that belong to the internal or spiritual man descend into the natural, and are purified; for there things filthy and superfluous are discharged, and things suitable for uses are disposed into order. That this is done in the natural, can be seen from the fact that while the internal or spiritual man is in the body, it thinks in the natural, and sets forth or utters its thoughts in the corporeal; and that it also wills in the natural, and does what it wills in the corporeal; and therefore the evacuators and cleansers are there. This is signified by "the washing of the feet," of which the Lord thus speaks in John:

He that is washed needeth not save to be washed as to his feet, and is clean every whit (John 13:10);

"washing" signified the purification of the internal man (n. 3147, 5954, 9088); and "the feet," the natural (n. 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952). * place of waste removal

Elliott(1983-1999) 9572

9572. 'And its tongs and its trowels' means things in the natural that serve to purify and clean out. This is clear from the meaning of 'tongs' and 'trowels' as things that serve to remove waste products, and so to purify and clean out. They exist in the natural because the natural serves to remove waste and so to purify and clean out. For everything that belongs to the internal or spiritual man comes right down into the natural and is purified there; for in the natural that which is filthy and that which is superfluous are discharged, and that which is suitable is set in order for useful service. The fact that this takes place in the natural may be recognized from the consideration that since the internal or spiritual man, while in the body, thinks within the natural, revealing and declaring its thoughts through the body, and also wills within the natural, carrying out the desires of the will through the body, therefore the natural is what serves to clean out and remove waste products. This is meant by 'feet-washing', which the Lord speaks of as follows in John,

He who has been washed has no need except to wash his feet, and the whole person is clean. John 13:10.

'Washing' meant the purification of the internal man, 3147, 5954 (end), 9088; and 'feet' meant the natural, 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952.

Latin(1748-1756) 9572

9572. `Et forcipes ejus et trullas ejus': quod significet purificatoria et evacuatoria in naturali, constat ex significatione `forcipum et trullarum' quod sint emunctoria, {1}ita purificatoria et evacuatoria; {2}quod in naturali,est quia naturale est emunctorium, ita purificatorium et evacuatorium; omnia enim quae interni seu spiritualis hominis sunt descendunt usque in naturale et {3} purificantur, nam ibi sordida et superflua exonerantur, et {4}convenientia ad usus disponuntur; {5}quod hoc fiat in naturali, constare potest ex eo quoniam internus seu spiritualis homo, dum in corpore est, cogitat in naturali, et cogitata sua exponit seu eloquitur in corporeo, et quoque vult in naturali, et quae vult agit in corporeo; quapropter ibi sunt evacuatoria et emunctoria. Hoc significatur per `lavationem pedum' de qua (t)Dominus ita apud Johannem, Qui lotus est non opus habet nisi ut quoad pedes lavetur, et mundus est totus, xiii 10;

lavatio significabat purificationem interni hominis, n. 3147, 5954 fin., (x)9088, et `pedes' naturale, n. 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952. @1 seu$ @2 quoniam forcipes et trullae illis usibus inserviebant;$ @3 i ibi$ @4 After disponuntur$ @5 hoc fit in naturali, quod constare potest ex eo, quod internus seu spiritualis homo cogitet in naturali et cogitata sua exponat in sensuali, et quoque velit in naturali, et quae vult agat in corporeo, quae sunt ultima$

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