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属天的奥秘 第9607节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9607

9607. And so shalt thou do in the edge of the uttermost curtain in the second joining together. That this signifies thus reciprocally, that is, that the conjunction of the one sphere with the other is through the celestial love of truth, is evident without further explication.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9607

9607. 'And you shall do the same in the edge of the end curtain in the complementary joining-place' means a reciprocal joining together of the same kind, that is to say, the joining of one sphere to the other is accomplished by means of the celestial love of truth. This is clear without any further explanation.

Latin(1748-1756) 9607

9607. `Ac ita facies in ora aulaei extremi in conjunctura altera': quod significet ita reciproce, nempe quod conjunctio unius sphaerae cum altera sit per caelestem amorem veri, constat absque ulteriore explicatione.

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