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属天的奥秘 第9608节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9608

9608. Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain. That this signifies complete conjunction in the ultimates of the spheres, is evident from the signification of "fifty," as being what is full (see n. 2252); from the signification of "loops," as being conjunction (as just above, n. 9605); and from the signification of "the edge of the curtain" where the loops were, as being where the sphere of truth ceases (of which also above, n. 9606), thus in the ultimates.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9608

9608. 'Fifty loops you shall make in the one curtain' means a complete joining together in the outermost parts of the spheres. This is clear from the meaning of 'fifty' as what is complete, dealt with in 2252; from the meaning of 'loops' as a joining together, as just above in 9605; and from the meaning of 'the edge of the curtain', where the loops go, as the place where the sphere of truth ends, also dealt with above, in 9606, that is, in the outermost parts.

Latin(1748-1756) 9608

9608. `Quinquaginta loramenta facies in aulaeo uno': quod significet conjunctionem plenariam in sphaerarum ultimis, constat ex significatione `quinquaginta' quod sint plenum, de qua n. 2252, ex significatione `loramentorum' quod sint conjunctio, ut mox supra n. 9605, et ex significatione `orae aulaei' ubi loramenta, quod sit sphaera veri ubi desinit, de qua etiam supra n. 9606, ita in ultimis.

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