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属天的奥秘 第9628节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9628

9628. The half of the curtain that is over and above, thou shalt make to superabound over the hinder parts of the Habitation. That this signifies that which proceeds to the ultimate of heaven, is evident from the signification of "that which superaboundeth," as being that which proceeds (see just above, n. 9627); and from the signification of "the hinder parts of the Habitation," as being the ultimate of heaven, for "the Habitation" denotes heaven, which is here treated of.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9628

9628. 'The half of the additional curtain, shall trail over the back of the dwelling-place' means the last and lowest part of that heaven, that is to say, an extension of it. This is clear from the meaning of 'the additional part trailing backwards' as an extension, dealt with immediately above in 9627; and from the meaning of 'the back of the dwelling-place' as the last and lowest part of that heaven, 'the dwelling-place' meaning the heaven that is the subject here, 9594.

Latin(1748-1756) 9628

9628. `Dimidium aulaei superflui redundare facies super posteriora habitaculi': quod significet ad ultimum illius caeli, nempe procedens, constat ex significatione `superflui redundantis' quod sit procedens, de qua mox supra n. 9627, et ex significatione `posteriorum habitaculi' quod sint ultimum caeli, `habitaculum' enim est caelum, de quo hic agitur, n. 9594.

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