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属天的奥秘 第9724节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9724

9724. And its shovels, and its basins, and its fleshhooks, and its fire-tongs. That this signifies memory-knowledges that contain and that are of service for every use, is evident from the signification of "vessels" in general, as being the things of the external memory; that is, memory-knowledges (see n. 3068, 3069); and, in holy things, as being the knowledges of good and truth, which are means for the worship of the Lord (see n. 9544). Such also is the meaning of the vessels for ministration about the altar; but each vessel there must signify memory-knowledges for a particular use; thus all the vessels there signify memory-knowledges that are of service for every use.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9724

9724. 'And shovels, and basins, and its forks, and its tongs' means known facts that act as containers and serve every purpose. This is clear from the meaning of vessels generally as the items of knowledge or known facts that the external memory possesses, dealt with in 3068, 3069, and - in regard to things of a holy nature - as the cognitions of good and truth which serve as means by which to worship the Lord, 9544. Such also is what the vessels for ministry around the altar mean. But each particular vessel there means the known facts that relate to some specific purpose, so that all the vessels there mean the known facts that serve every purpose.


a lit. The priest must cause the burnt offering to go up

Latin(1748-1756) 9724

9724. `Et palas, et crateres, et fuscinulas ejus, et forcipes ejus': quod significet scientifica continentia et omni usui inservientia, constat ex significatione vasorum in genere, quod sint res memoriae (o)externae seu scientifica, {1} de qua n. 3068, 3069; et in rebus sanctis, quod sint cognitiones boni et veri, quae media cultus (o)Domini, n. 9544, ita quoque vasa ministerii circa altare; sed unumquodvis vas ibi significat {2} scientifica singularis usus; ita omnia vasa ibi scientifica omni usui inservientia. @1 i quae media cultus,$ @2 significabit IT$

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