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属天的奥秘 第9738节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9738

9738. Hollow of boards shalt thou make it. That this signifies application, is evident from the signification of "hollow of boards," when said of the altar on which the burnt-offerings were to be burned and the fat things of the sacrifices were to be offered, as being application; for the altar was thereby rendered applicable to this use. Consequently there is also signified application in respect to those things which belong to the worship of the Lord from the good of love, which were represented by the altar, and by the burnt-offerings and sacrifices upon it (see n. 9714).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9738

9738. 'A boarded hollow you shall make it' means the suitableness. This is clear from the meaning of 'a boarded hollow', used in reference to the altar on which the burnt offerings were to be burned and the fat of sacrifices was to be offered, as the suitableness, for by being a boarded hollow the altar was rendered suitable to that purpose. Therefore also the suitableness is meant of those things which belong to worship of the Lord that springs from the good of love, which were represented by the altar and by the burnt offerings and sacrifices offered upon it, 9714.

Latin(1748-1756) 9738

9738. `Cavum tabulatum facies illud': quod significet applicationem, constat ex significatione `cavi tabulati' cum de altari, super quo comburerentur holocausta, et adolerentur pinguia sacrificiorum, quod sit applicatio, nam altare per id (o)ad eum usum applicabile reddebatur; inde quoque significatur applicatio quoad illa quae sunt cultus Domini ex bono amoris, quae repraesentabantur per altare, et per holocausta et sacrificia super illo, n. 9714.

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