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属天的奥秘 第9745节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9745

9745. A hundred cubits the length. That this signifies full of good from the Lord, is evident from the signification of "a hundred," as being all, much, and what is full (of which in what follows); and from the signification of "length," as being good (see n. 1613, 9487). That it denotes good from the Lord, is because the good of faith, in which are those who are in the ultimate heaven, which is represented by the court of the Habitation, is from the Lord. That "a hundred" denotes all, much, and what is full, is because "a hundred" has the same signification as "ten," "a thousand," and "ten thousand" (that by these numbers such things are signified, see n. 2575, 3107, 4638, 8715; and that the same is signified by "a hundred," n. 2636, 4400).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9745

9745. 'A hundred cubits the length' means complete with good from the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'a hundred' as all, much, and what is complete, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'the length' as good, dealt with in 1613, 9487. The reason why it is good from the Lord is that the good of faith - by which those in the lowest heaven, represented by the court of the dwelling-place, are governed - originates in the Lord. 'A hundred' means all, much, and what is complete because it carries the same meanings as ten, a thousand, and ten thousand. As regards these latter numbers, that they have such meanings, see 2575, 3107, 4638, 8715; and as regards a hundred, 2636, 4400.

Latin(1748-1756) 9745

9745. `Centum in cubito longitudo': quod significet plenum bono a Domino, constat ex significatione `centum' quod sint omne, multum, et plenum, de qua sequitur, et ex significatione `longitudinis' quod sit bonum, de qua n. 1613, 9487; quod sit bonum a Domino, est quia bonum fidei, in quo sunt qui in ultimo caelo, quod repraesentatur per atrium habitaculi, est a Domino. Quod centum sint omne, multum, et plenum, est quia centum ejusdem significationis sunt {1} cum decem, cum mille, et cum myriadibus, per quos numeros quod talia significentur, videatur n. 2575, 3107, 4638, 8715, et quod per centum, n. 2636, 4400. @1 est$

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