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属天的奥秘 第9747节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9747

9747. And the pillars thereof shall be twenty. That this signifies the goods of truth fully supporting, is evident from the signification of "the pillars," as being the goods of heaven and of the church which support (see n. 9674), here the goods of truth, because they are said of the ultimate heaven which is supported by the good of faith, which is the same as the good of truth; and from the signification of "twenty," as being fully (n. 9641).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9747

9747. 'And its pillars shall be twenty' means forms of the good of truth which provide complete support. This is clear from the meaning of 'pillars' as the forms of good that support heaven and the Church, dealt with in 9674, at this point forms of the good of truth since what is said refers to the lowest heaven, and this heaven is supported by the good of faith, which is one and the same as the good of truth; and from the meaning of 'twenty' as what is complete, dealt with in 9641.

Latin(1748-1756) 9747

9747. `Et columnae ejus viginti': quod significet bona veri sustentantia plene, constat ex significatione `columnarum' quod sint bona caeli et Ecclesiae sustentantia, de qua n. 9674, hic bona veri quia dicuntur {1} de caelo ultimo, quod sustentatur per bonum fidei quod idem est cum bono veri; et ex significatione `viginti' quod sin plene, de qua n. 9641. @1 praedicatur$

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