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属天的奥秘 第9884节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9884

9884. And thou shalt put the two cords of gold on the two rings. That this signifies the method of the indissoluble conjunction, is evident from the signification of "the cords," as being an indissoluble conjunction (of which above, n. 9880); from the signification of "gold," as being the good of love (of which also above, n. 9881). But the method of the conjunction is signified by "putting them on the two rings." From this it is evident that by "putting the two cords of gold on the two rings" is signified the method of the indissoluble conjunction of good with the Divine sphere.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9884

9884. 'And you shall put the two slender ropes of gold in the two rings' means the mode of the indissoluble joining together. This is clear from the meaning of 'the slender ropes' as an indissoluble joining together, dealt with above in 9880; from the meaning of 'gold' as the good of love, also dealt with above, in 9881; and from the meaning of 'the two rings' as a Divine sphere through which a joining together is accomplished, also dealt with above in 9881, the mode of the joining together being meant however by 'putting them in the two rings'. From all this it is evident that 'you shall put the two slender ropes of gold in the two rings' means the mode of the indissoluble joining of good to the Divine sphere.

Latin(1748-1756) 9884

9884. `Et dabis duos funiculos auri super duobus annulis': quod significet modum conjunctionis indissolubilis, constat ex significatione `funiculorum' quod sint conjunctio indissolubilis, de qua supra n. 9880, ex significatione `auri' quod sit bonum amoris, de qua etiam supra n. 9881, et ex significatione `duorum annulorum' quod sint Divina sphaera per quam conjunctio, de qua etiam supra n. 9881; modus {1}autem conjunctionis significatur per `dare illos super duobus annulis'; ex his patet quod per `dabis duos funiculos auri super duobus annulis' (x)significetur modus conjunctionis indissolubilis boni cum Divina sphaera. @1 illius$

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