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属天的奥秘 第9887节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9887

9887. And shalt put them on the shoulders of the ephod. That this signifies in this way the support of heaven, and the preservation of good and truth there with all exertion and power, is evident from the signification of "putting on the shoulders of the ephod," as being the support and preservation of good and truth in the heavens. (That it denotes support, see just above, n. 9886; and that it denotes preservation with all exertion and power, n. 9836.) That it denotes the support of heaven by means of the Divine that proceeds from the Lord, and also the preservation of good and truth there, is because by "the breastplate," which was fastened by the cords to the shoulderpieces of the ephod, and thereby supported, is signified the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord's Divine good (n. 9823), thus all the goods and truths in the complex which make heaven (n. 9879).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9887

9887. 'And put them onto the shoulders of the ephod' means the support given thereby to heaven, and the preservation of the good and truth there by all exertion and power. This is clear from the meaning of 'putting onto the shoulders of the ephod' as the support given to good and truth in the heavens, and the preservation of them. Regarding that support, see immediately above in 9886; and regarding that preservation by all exertion and power, 9836. The reason why the support given to heaven by means of the Divine emanating from the Lord and also the preservation of the good and truth there are meant is that 'the breastplate', which was tied to the shoulder-pieces of the ephod by means of the slender ropes, and thereby supported, means the Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good, 9823, and so means all the forms of good and the truths in their entirety which make heaven, 9879.

Latin(1748-1756) 9887

9887. `Et dabis super umeros ephodi': quod significet sic sustentationem caeli et conservationem boni et veri ibi omni opera et potentia, constat ex significatione `dare super umeros ephodi' quod sit sustentatio {1} et conservatio boni et veri {2}in caelis; quod sit sustentatio, {3}videatur mox supra n. (x)9886, quod sit conservatio omni opera et potentia, {4} n. 9836; quod sit sustentatio caeli per Divinum procedens a Domino, ut et conservatio boni et veri ibi, est quia per `pectorale,' quod per funiculos alligabatur umeralibus ephodi, et sic sustentabatur {5}, significatur Divinum Verum {6}procedens ex Divino Bono Domini, n. 9823, {7}ita omnia bona et vera in complexu {8}quae faciunt caelum, n. 9879. @1 i coeli,$ @2 ibi$ @3 nunc supra n. 9885 dictum est$ @4 i videatur$ @5 i et conservabatur$ @6 elucens$ @7 tum$ @8 proinde$

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