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属天的奥秘 第9888节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9888

9888. Over against the faces thereof. That this signifies to eternity, is evident from the signification of "over against the faces," as being to eternity; for by the "breastplate" is signified heaven and every good and truth that constitutes it (n. 9879). That which is over against the faces there is in the Lord's perpetual view, thus is preserved to eternity.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9888

9888. 'Before the face of it' means to eternity. This is clear from the meaning of 'before the face' as to eternity; for 'the breastplate' means heaven and every good and truth that constitutes it, 9879. What is 'before the face' in heaven is in the Lord's everlasting sight, thus is preserved to eternity.

Latin(1748-1756) 9888

9888. `E regione facierum ejus': quod significet in aeternum, constat ex significatione `e regione facierum{1}' quod sit in aeternum, per `pectorale' enim significatur caelum, ac omne bonam et verum quod id constituit, {2} n. 9879; quod `e regione facierum' {3}ibi est, hoc in perpetuo conspectu Domini {4} est, ita conservatur in aeternum. @1 i pectoralis$ @2 i videatur$ @3 ejus$ @4 i qui in coelis,$

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