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属天的奥秘 第9886节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9886

9886. And the two extremities of the two cords thou shalt put on the two settings. That this signifies the method of the conjunction with the supports in the extremes, is evident from the signification of "the extremities," as being the ultimates or extremes (see above, n. 9883); from the signification of "the cords," as being an indissoluble conjunction (see n. 9880); the method of the conjunction is signified by "putting them on the settings." And from the signification of "the settings which were upon the shoulders," as being a coming-forth and substance (n. 9847, 9851). That they also denote support, is because they were upon the shoulders, and by "the shoulders" are signified things that support, because these support and carry.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9886

9886. 'And the two ends of the two slender ropes you shall put into the two sockets' means the mode by which it is joined to the supports in the most external parts. This is clear from the meaning of 'the ends' as the last or most external parts, dealt with above in 9882; from the meaning of 'slender ropes' as an indissoluble joining together, also dealt with above, in 9880, the mode of the joining together being meant by 'putting them into the sockets'; and from the meaning of 'the sockets', which were above the shoulders, as being brought into being and kept in being, dealt with in 9847, 9851. The reason why support is also meant by 'the sockets' is that they were above the shoulders, and supports are meant by 'the shoulders' since objects are supported by and carried on them.

Latin(1748-1756) 9886

9886. `Et duas extremitates duorum funiculorum dabis super duabus fundis': quod significet modum conjunctionis cum sustentantibus in extremis, constat ex significatione `extremitatum' quod sint ultima seu extrema, de qua supra n. 9882; ex significatione `funiculorum' quod sint conjunctio indissolubilis, de qua etiam supra n. 9880; modus conjunctionis significatur per `dare illos super fundis'; et ex significatione `fundarum quae super umeris' quod sint {1}existentia et subsistentia, de qua n. 9847, 9851; quod etiam {2}sint sustentatio, est quia super umeris erant, et per `umeros' significantur (x)sustentantia, quoniam sustinent et portant. @1 existere et subsistere$ @2 sit sustentare$

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