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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1006

1006. Blessed is he that watcheth. That this signifies the happy state of those who look to the Lord, is evident from the signification of blessed, as denoting to be in a happy state; and from the signification of watching, as denoting to procure for oneself spiritual life (concerning which see n. Matthew 13:25; 25:5, 6; Mark 4:26, 27; 13:36; Isaiah 5:27; Jeremiah 51:39, 57; Psalms 13:4; 76:7; and elsewhere.

Hence it is evident what is signified by watching.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] It must be known, however, that there are adulteries more or less infernal and abominable. The adulteries arising from the more grievous evils and the falsities therefrom are also the more grievous, and those from the milder evils and the falsities therefrom are milder. For adulteries correspond to the adulterations of good, and thence the falsifications of truth, adulterations of good being intrinsically evils, and falsifications of truth being intrinsically falsities; according to correspondences therewith the hells are arranged into genera and species. Cadaverous hells are formed of those who delighted in the violation of wives; excrementitious hells of those who took delight in the deflorations of virgins; direful slimy hells, of those whose delight was in varieties and a change of harlots; and filthy hells, of the rest. Sodomitic hells are formed of those who were in evils from the love of ruling over others from sole delight in ruling who find no delight in use.

From those who have separated faith from good works, both in doctrine and in life, adulteries like those as of a son with a mother, or with a mother-in-law, breathe forth. From those who have studied the Word only for the sake of glory, and not for spiritual uses, there exhale adulteries like those of a father with a daughter-in-law. From those who believe that sins are remitted through the Holy Supper, and not by repentance of life, adulteries like those of a brother with a sister breathe forth. From those who altogether deny the Divine, there exhale abominations with beasts, and so on.

The reason why such hells are formed of these is because of the correspondence with the adulterations or defilements of good and truth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1006

1006. Happy is he that is awake, signifies the happy state of those who look to the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "happy," as being to be in a happy state; also from the signification of "being awake," as being to acquire for oneself spiritual life (See n. Matthew 13:25; 25:5, 6; Mark 4:26, 27; 13:36; Isaiah 5:27; Jeremiah 51:39, 57; Psalms 13:4; 76:7 elsewhere). This makes clear what is signified by "being awake."

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] But it is to be known that adulteries are more and less infernal and abominable. The adulteries that spring from more grievous evils and their falsities are more grievous, and those from the milder evils and their falsities are milder; for adulteries correspond to adulterations of good and consequent falsifications of truth; adulterations of good are in themselves evils, and falsifications of truth are in themselves falsities. According to correspondences with these the hells are arranged into genera and species. There are cadaverous hells for those whose delights were the violations of wives; there are excrementitious hells for those whose delights were the debauching of virgins; there are direful, slimy hells for those whose delights were varieties and changes of harlots; for others there are filthy hells. There are sodomitic hells for those who were in evils from a love of ruling over others from mere delight in ruling, and who were in no delight of use.

[3] From those who have separated faith from good works both in doctrine and in life there exhale adulteries like that of a son with a mother or a mother-in-law; from those who have studied the Word only for the sake of glory, and not for the sake of spiritual uses, there exhale adulteries like that of a father with a daughter-in-law; from those who believe that sins are remitted by the Holy Supper, and not by repentance of life, there exhale adulteries like that of a brother with a sister; from those who altogether deny the Divine, there exhale heinous things with beasts; and so on. Such hells are for them because of the correspondence with the adulterations or defilements of good and truth.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1006 (original Latin 1759)

1006. "Beatus qui vigilat" - Quod significet statum felicem illorum qui spectant ad Dominum, constat ex significatione "beati", quod sit in felici statu esse; et ex significatione "vigilare", quod sit vitam spiritualem sibi comparare (de qua (supra), n. 187); et haec comparatur per id, quod homo spectet ad Dominum, quia Dominus est ipsa Vita, et ab Ipso solo est vita aeterna: dum homo in vita a Domino est, tunc est in vigilia; cum autem in vita a semet est, tunc est in somno; seu quod idem, dum homo in vitaspirituali est, tunc est in vigilia; cum autem est in vita naturali separata a spirituali, tunc est in somno ; et illa quae homo tunc videt, est sicut quae videt in somnio:

hanc vitam vivere etiam intelligitur per "dormire" et "obdormire" in Verbo (Ut Matthaeus 13:25; 25:5, 6; Marcus 4:26, 27; 13:36; Esaias 5:27; Jeremias 51:39, 57; Psalms 13:4; Psalms 76:7: et alibi):ex eo patet quid significat "vigilare."

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

At sciendum est quod sint adulteria plus et minus infernalia et abominabilia. Adulteria oriunda ex gravioribus malis et inde falsis sunt etiam graviora, et ex mitioribus malis et inde falsis sunt mitiora: correspondent enim adulteria adulterationibus boni et inde falsificationibus veri; adulterationes boni sunt in se mala, et falsificationes veri sunt in se falsa: secundum correspondentias cum illis disposita sunt inferna, in genera et in species; inferna cadaverosa sunt illis quibus violationes uxorum deliciae fuerunt; excrementitia illis quibus stuprationes virginum deliciae fuerunt; tetre viscosa illis quibus varietates et mutationes scortorum deliciae fuerunt; ac sordida reliquis: inferna sodomitica sunt illis qui in malis ex amore imperandi super alios ex solo jucundo imperii, et in nullo jucundo usus, fuerunt.

[3] Ex illis qui fidem separaverunt a bonis operibus tam doctrina quam vita, exspirant adulteria sicut filii cum matre aut cum matertera; ex illis qui studuerunt Verbo solum propter gloriam, et non propter usus spirituales, exspirant adulteria sicut patris cum nuru; ex illis qui credunt peccata remitti per Sanctam Cenam, et non per paenitentiam vitae, exspirant adulteria sicut fratris cum sorore; ex illis qui prorsus negant Divinum, exspirant nefanda cum bestiis; et sic porro. Quod inferna illis talia sint, est ex correspondentia cum adulterationibus et conspurcationibus boni et veri.

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