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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1007

1007. And keepeth his garments. That this signifies who live according to His Divine truths, is evident from the signification of garments, as denoting truths covering good (concerning which see n. 64, 65, 195, 271, 395, 637). Hence by keeping the garments, is signified to live according to truths; in this case, according to the Lord's Divine truths in the Word.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

In a word, from every conjunction of evil and falsity in the spiritual world there issues forth a sphere of adultery, but only from those who are in falsities of doctrine and in evils of life; but not from those who are in falsities of doctrine and yet are in goods of life; for with the latter there is no conjunction of evil and falsity, but only with the former.

But this flows especially from priests who have taught falsely and lived wickedly; for these have both adulterated and falsified the Word. By such, although they were not adulterers in the world, adultery is nevertheless excited, but an adultery called sacerdotal adultery, which is nevertheless distinguishable from other adulteries. Hence it is evident that the origin of adulteries is the love and consequent conjunction of evil and falsity.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1007

1007. And keepeth his garments, signifies who live according to His Divine truths. This is evident from the signification of "garments," as being truths covering good (See n. 64, 65, 195, 271, 395, 637); therefore "to keep the garments" signifies to live according to truths, here according to the Lord's Divine truths in the Word.

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

In brief, from every conjunction of evil and falsity in the spiritual world a sphere of adultery flows forth, but only from those who are in falsities as to doctrine and in evils as to life; but not from those who are in falsities as to doctrine yet are in goods as to life, for with these there is no conjunction of evil and falsity, but only with the former. That sphere flows forth particularly from priests who have taught falsely and lived wickedly; for these have adulterated and falsified the Word. Even though these were not adulterers in the world, adultery is excited by them; but it is an adultery called sacerdotal adultery, which is distinguishable from other adulteries. All this makes clear that the origin of adulteries is the love and consequent conjunction of evil and falsity.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1007 (original Latin 1759)

1007. "Et servat vestimenta sua." - Quod significet qui vivunt secundum Divina vera Ipsius, constat ex significatione "vestimentorum", quod sint vera tegentia bonum (de qua (supra), n. 64, 65, 195, 271, 395, 637); inde per "servare vestimenta" significatur vivere secundum vera, hic secundum Divina vera Domini in Verbo.

(Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

In summa, ex omni conjunctione mali et falsi in mundo spirituali effluit sphaera adulterii, sed solum ab illis qui in falsis quoad doctrinam sunt, et in malis quoad vitam; non autem ab illis qui in falsis quoad doctrinam, sed in bonis quoad vitam sunt, nam apud hos non est conjunctio mali et falsi, sed apud illos. Ast illud imprimis effluit ex sacerdotibus qui false docuerunt et male vixerunt, hi enim etiam adulteraverunt et falsificaverunt Verbum. Ex his, tametsi non adulteri fuerunt in mundo, usque excitatur adulterium, sed adulterium quod vocatur adulterium sacerdotale, quod tamen distinguitur ab adulteriis reliquis. Ex eo patet quod origo adulteriorum sit amor et inde conjunctio mali et falsi.

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