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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1013

1013. And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, out of the throne, saying, It is done. That this signifies manifestation out of heaven from the Lord, that it is consummated, and thus that the Last Judgment is at hand, is evident from the signification of a great voice, saying, as denoting manifestation; and from the signification of the temple, as denoting heaven as to Divine truth, by which all manifestation is effected (concerning which, see n. 220, 391, 915); and from the signification of the throne, as denoting where the Lord is as to judgment (see n. 253, 267, 462, 477); and from the signification of its being done, as denoting to be consummated, that is, that there is no longer any good and truth, thus, no longer any church, because all things are devastated. From these things it is evident, that by a great voice coming out of the temple of heaven, out of the throne, saying, "It is done," is signified manifestation out of heaven from the Lord, that it is consummated, and that the Last Judgment is at hand.

This was said after the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air, which signifies that all the things of man's thought are turned away from heaven, whence there is no longer any communication of the men of the church with heaven; and when this communication is broken, the Last Judgment then comes. For so long as there is communication of heaven with the church, all things are held together in connection; but when communication perishes, it is like a house that falls when the foundation is taken away; nevertheless, a new house is then built instead of it by the Lord; a house is the church.

Continuation concerning the Seventh Precept:-

[2] Because all in hell hate the Lord, and, consequently, heaven - for they are opposed to goods and truths - therefore hell is murder itself, or the origin of murder. This is the case, because a man is a man from the Lord by the reception of good and truth; therefore, to destroy good and truth is to destroy the human itself, thus to kill the man.

[3] That those who are in hell are such is not yet known in the world, because with those who are of hell, and, therefore, come into hell after death, there appears to be no hatred of good and truth, nor of heaven, and still less of the Lord. For every one while he lives in the world is in external things, which are taught and learnt from childhood to counterfeit things that are honourable and becoming, just and equitable, good and true. But, nevertheless, hatred lies concealed in their spirit, and this according to the degree of the evil of their life. And because hatred is in the spirit, it therefore breaks out when the externals are laid aside, as is the case after death.

[4] This infernal hatred of all who are in good, because it is hatred of the Lord, is deadly. This is especially evident from their delight in doing evil, which is such as to exceed in degree every other delight; for it is a fire burning with the lust of destroying souls. It was also discovered that this delight is not from hatred of those whom they attempt to destroy, but from hatred of the Lord Himself.

Now because a man is a man from the Lord, and the Human which is from the Lord is good and truth, and because those who are in hell, from hatred of the Lord, are in the lust of killing the Human, which is good and truth, it follows, that it is from hell that murder itself proceeds.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1013

1013. And there came forth a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done, signifies manifestation out of heaven from the Lord that the end is come, and thus that the Last Judgment is at hand. This is evident from the signification of "a great voice, saying," as being manifestation; from the signification of "temple," as being heaven as to the Divine truth, through which all manifestation is effected (See n. 220, 391, 915); also from the signification of "throne," as being where the Lord is as to judgment (See n. 253, 267, 462, 477); also from the signification of "It is done," as being to be ended, that is, that there is no longer any good and truth, thus no longer any church, because all things are devastated. All this makes clear that "a great voice coming forth out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done," signifies manifestation out of heaven from the Lord that the end is come, and that the Last Judgment is at hand. This was said after "the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air," which signifies that all things of man's thought have been turned away from heaven, consequently there is no longer any communication of men of the church with heaven; and when this communication has been broken off the Last Judgment comes. For so long as there is a communication of heaven with the church all things are held together in connection; but when communication is destroyed it is like a house falling when the foundation is taken from under it. And yet a new house is then built by the Lord in its place; the house is the church.

(Continuation respecting the Seventh Commandment)

[2] As all who are in hell are in hatred against the Lord, and thus in hatred against heaven, for they are against goods and truths, so hell is the essential murderer or the source of essential murder. It is the source of essential murder because man is man from the Lord through the reception of good and truth; consequently to destroy good and truth is to destroy the human itself, thus to kill man.

[3] That those who are in hell are such has not yet been known in the world, because with those who belong to hell and therefore after death come into hell, there does not appear any hatred against good and truth, nor against heaven, nor still less against the Lord. For everyone while he lives in the world is in externals; and these externals are taught and trained from infancy to counterfeit such things as are honest and decorous, just and equitable, and good and true. Nevertheless, hatred lies concealed in their spirit, and this in equal degree with the evil of their life. And as hatred is in the spirit it breaks forth when the externals are laid aside, as is the case after death.

[4] This infernal hatred against all who are in good is deadly hatred because it is hatred against the Lord. This can be seen particularly from their delight in doing evil, which is such as to exceed in degree every other delight, for it is a fire that burns with the lust for destroying souls. Moreover, it has been ascertained that this delight is not from hatred against those whom they attempt to destroy, but from hatred against the Lord Himself. Now since man is a man from the Lord, and the human which is from the Lord is good and truth, and since those who are in hell are, from a hatred against the Lord, eager to kill the human, which is good and truth, it follows that hell is the source of murder itself.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1013 (original Latin 1759)

1013. "Et exivit vox magna e templo caeli, e throno, dicens, Factum est." - Quod significet manifestationem e caelo a Domino, quod consummatum sit, et sic quod instet ultimum judicium, constat ex significatione "vocis magnae dicentis", quod sit manifestatio; ex significatione "templi", quod sit caelum quoad Divinum Verum, per quod fit omnis manifestatio (de qua (supra), n. 220, 391 (c, e), 915); ex significatione "throni", quod sit ubi Dominus quoad judicium (de qua (supra), n. 253, 267, 462, 477); et ex significatione "factum esse", quod sit consummatum, hoc est, non amplius aliquod bonum et verum, ita non amplius ecclesia, quia omnia devastata: ex his patet quod per "Exivit vox magna e templo caeli, e throno, dicens, Factum est", significetur manifestatio e caelo a Domino, quod consummatum sit, et quod instet ultimum judicium. Hoc dictum est postquam "septimus angelus effudit phialam suam in aerem", per quod significatum est quod omnia cogitationis hominis e caelo aversa sint, unde non amplius communicatio hominum ecclesiae cum caelo; quae communicatio cum rupta est, tunc venit ultimum judicium: omnia enim in nexu continentur quamdiu communicatio caeli est cum ecclesia; at cum communicatio perit, est sicut domus quae cadit sublato fundamento: sed usque tunc nova domus loco ejus aedificatur a Domino; "domus" est ecclesia.

[2] (Continuatio de Septimo Praecepto.)

Quoniam omnes qui in inferno sunt, in odio sunt contra Dominum, et inde in odio contra caelum, sunt enim contra bona et vera, ideo infernum est ipse homicida, seu unde ipsum homicidium; quod inde sit ipsum homicidium, est quia homo est homo a Domino per receptionem boni et veri; quare bonum et verum destruere est ipsum humanum destruere, ita occidere hominem.

[3] Quod tales sint qui in inferno sunt, nondum ita notum est in mundo, ex causa quia apud illos qui ab inferno sunt et ideo post mortem in infernum veniunt, non apparet aliquod odium contra bonum et verum, nec contra caelum, et minus adhuc contra Dominum; est enim unusquisque dum vivit in mundo in externis, quae ab infantia docentur et imbuuntur mentiri talia quae honesti et decori, quae justi et aequi, et quae boni et veri sunt; at usque odium latet in spiritu illorum reconditum, et hoc in tali gradu in quali est malum vitae illorum; et quia odium est in spiritu, ideo illud erumpit quando externa deposita sunt, quod fit post mortem.

[4] Infernale id odium contra omnes qui in bono sunt, quia contra Dominum, est internecinum. Hoc imprimis constare potest ex jucundo malefaciendi illorum, quod tale est ut gradu excedat omne aliud jucundum, est enim ignis cupidine perdendi animas flagrans; exploratum etiam est quod id jucundum non sit ex odio contra illos quos aggrediuntur perdere, sed ex odio contra Ipsum Dominum. Nunc quia homo est homo ex Domino, et humanum quod ex Domino est bonum et verum, et quia illi qui in inferno sunt humanum quod est bonum et verum ex odio contra Dominum occidere cupiunt, sequitur quod infernum sit unde ipsum homicidium.

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