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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1032

1032. Saying unto me, Come, I will show thee the judgment of the great whore. That this signifies their religious persuasion, in which all the good and truth of the church is adulterated and profaned, is evident from the signification of judgment, as denoting all that concerns their religious persuasion, and at length the damnation thereof; and from the signification of the great whore, as denoting the adulteration and profanation of the good and truth of the church, as may be seen above (n. 141, 161, 817, 881). The reason why these things are meant by the great whore is, that Babylon is thereby understood, as is evident from the fifth verse of this chapter, where it is said: "Upon the forehead of the whore was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth." And by Babylon is signified the adulteration and profanation of good and truth, as shown many times above in article 1029.

[2] The reason why Babylon is called the great whore, and the mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth is, that the love of ruling over all things of the world, and also over all things of heaven and the church, and at last over the Lord Himself, cannot but entirely turn Divine truths into falsities, and Divine goods into evils; thus, the church into a religious persuasion, in which all its good and truth is adulterated and profaned. For, by that love, a man altogether turns himself away from the Lord, and turns towards himself alone. Consequently he can no longer be led by the Lord, but is led by his proprium; and to be led by this is to be led by hell. For a man is led either from heaven, or from hell; he cannot be led by both at the same time. And he is led from heaven, when he is led by the Lord, and from hell, when he is led by self. For a man is so created that he can be raised out of his proprium, and think in that state of elevation; and he is raised above his proprium, and thinks in that state of elevation, when he is thus raised by the Lord; and this takes place when he acknowledges the Lord, and His Divine power over heaven and earth. For by that confession and belief of the heart, he has conjunction with the Lord; and when conjunction takes place, then the Lord keeps under His view the interiors of his mind, or of his understanding and will, which takes place by raising him out of his proprium; and when he thinks in that state, he thinks truth from the Lord and does good from Him.

[3] The contrary is the case when a man seeks dominion over the world, over heaven, and over the Lord; for he then immerses the interiors of his mind, which are those of his thought and will, in his proprium, and when he is immersed in his proprium, he thinks and wills from hell, consequently falsities and evils. The reason is, that a man's proprium is nothing but evil, for it is his hereditary evil itself. Such therefore are the Babylonians. Therefore they have adulterated and profaned all the goods and truths of the church.

This is now why Babylon is called a whore, and the mother of the whoredoms, and abominations of the earth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1032

1032. Saying unto me, Come, I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot, signifies the religious persuasion of those in whom all the good and truth of the church has been adulterated and profaned. This is evident from the signification of "judgment," as being all that concerns their religious persuasion, and finally its condemnation. Also from the signification of "the great harlot," as being the adulteration and profanation of the good and truth of the church (See above, n. 141, 161, 717, 881). This is the meaning of "the great harlot" because by her Babylon is meant, as is evident from the fifth verse of this chapter, where it is said, "Upon the forehead" of the harlot "a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth;" and "Babylon" signifies the adulteration and profanation of good and truth (as has been fully shown above in article 1029).

[2] Babylon is called "the great harlot" and "the mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth," because a love of having dominion over all things of the world, and still further, over all things of heaven and the church, and finally over the Lord Himself, cannot do otherwise than wholly change Divine truths into falsities and Divine goods into evils, thus the church into a religious persuasion in which all its good and truth is adulterated and profaned. For by that love a man wholly turns himself away from the Lord, and turns only towards self; and thus he can no longer be led by the Lord, but is led by what is his own [proprium]; and to be led by what is his own is to be led by hell. Man is either led from heaven or he is led from hell; he cannot be led by both at the same time; and he is led from heaven when he is led by the Lord, and from hell when he is led by self. For man was so created as to be capable of being raised above what is his own [proprium] and of thinking in that elevated state. He is raised above what is his own [proprium] and thinks in that elevated state when he is raised up by the Lord; and this is effected when he acknowledges the Lord and His Divine power over heaven and earth; and by that confession and faith of the heart he has conjunction with the Lord; and when conjunction is effected, the interiors, which belong to his mind, that is, to his understanding and will, are held by the Lord under his view. This is effected by an elevation above what is his own [proprium]; and when man thinks in that elevated state he thinks truth from the Lord and does good from Him.

[3] The opposite comes to pass when a man strives to gain dominion over the world, over heaven, and over the Lord; for he then immerses the interiors of his mind which belong to his thought and will in what is his own [proprium]; and when a man is immersed in what is his own he thinks and wills from hell; consequently he thinks and wills falsities and evils; and for the reason that what is man's own [proprium] is nothing but evil, for it is his inherited evil itself. Such then are the Babylonians; and therefore they have adulterated and profaned all the goods and truths of the church; and this is why Babylon is called a "harlot," and "the mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth."

Apocalypsis Explicata 1032 (original Latin 1759)

1032. "Dicens mihi, Veni, ostendam tibi judicium meretricis magnae." - Quod significet religiosum illorum, in quo omne bonum et verum ecclesiae adulteratum et profanatum est, constat ex significatione "judicii", quod sit omne quod concernit religiosum illorum, et tandem ejus damnationem; et ex significatione "meretricis magnae", quod sit adulteratio et profanatio boni et veri ecclesiae (videatur supra, n. 141(b), 161, 717(d), 881): quod haec per "meretricem magnam" intelligantur, est quia per illam intelligitur Babylon, ut patet a versu quinto hujus capitis, ubi dicitur, "Super fronte" meretricis "nomen scriptum, Mysterium, Babylon magna, mater scortationum et abominationum terrae", et per "Babylonem" significatur adulteratio et profanatio boni et veri (ut in articulo 1029, supra, multis ostensum est).

[2] Causa quod Babylon dicatur "meretrix magna", et "mater scortationum et abominationum terrae", est quia amor dominandi super omnia mundi, et insuper super omnia caeli et ecclesiae, ac demum super Ipsum Dominum, non potest aliter quam prorsus convertere Divina vera in falsa, et Divina bona in mala, ita ecclesiam in religiosum in quo omne bonum et verum ejus adulteratum et profanatum est; homo enim per illum amorem se prorsus avertit a Domino, et convertit ad semet, et sic non amplius duci potest a Domino, sed ducitur a suo proprio; et a suo proprio duci est ab inferno. Homo vel ducitur e caelo, vel ducitur ex inferno; non potest duci ab utroque simul; e caelo ducitur dum a Domino, et ex inferno cum a semet: nam homo ita creatus est ut possit a proprio suo elevari, et in elevatione cogitare; et tunc elevatur a proprio, et in elevatione cogitat, dum a Domino, et hoc fit dum agnoscit Dominum, ac Divinam Ipsius potestatem super caelum et terram; per illam confessionem et fidem cordis fit ei conjunctio cum Domino; et cum fit conjunctio, tunc interiora quae mentis ejus sunt, seu quae intellectus et voluntatis ejus sunt, tenentur a Domino in intuitione Ipsius, quod fit per elevationem a proprio; et cum homo in illa elevatione cogitat, tunc verum cogitat a Domino, et bonum facit ab Ipso.

[3] Contrarium evenit dum homo dominium ambit super mundum, caelum, et super Dominum; tunc homo immergit interiora mentis suae, quae sunt cogitationis et voluntatis ejus, suo proprio; et dum homo immersus est suo proprio, tunc cogitat et vult ex inferno, ita falsa et mala: causa est, quia proprium hominis non est nisi quam malum, est enim ipsum malum ejus hereditarium. Tales itaque sunt Babylonici; quare omnia bona et vera ecclesiae adulteraverunt et profanaverunt: inde nunc est quod Babylon appelletur "meretrix", et "mater scortationum et abominationum terrae."

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