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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 141

141. To eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. That this signifies that they may acquire evils and thence falsities is evident from the signification of to eat, as denoting to appropriate to themselves, and to consociate (concerning which see n. 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042; and that eating together signified the appropriation of good, n. 10109.) Because the eating together of things sanctified to Jehovah signified the appropriation of good, therefore the eating together of the sacrifices which were for the gods of the Gentiles, and which were called things sacrificed to idols, signified the appropriation of evil.

[2] That to commit whoredom, in the spiritual sense, signifies to acquire falsities and also to falsify truths is evident from several passages in the Word. The same was signified by the whoredoms of the sons of Israel with the daughters of Moab; for all the historicals of the Word involve and signify spiritual things (as is evident from the explanations of Genesis and Exodus, which are called Arcana Coelestia). And because the sons of Israel eating of things sacrificed to idols, and their whoredoms with the daughters of Moab, involved also such things (for what they signify they also involve), therefore it was commanded that the heads of the people should be hung up to Jehovah before the sun; and therefore also Phinehas the son of Eleazar thrust through a man of Israel and a Midianitish woman in a tent, on account of which he was also blessed; and for the same reason there were slain of Israel twenty and four thousand, as may be seen, Numbers 25:1 to the end. Such punishments and plagues would by no means have been commanded solely because of their eating of the idolatrous sacrifices, and committing whoredom with the women of another nation, unless these things involved things unlawful against heaven and the church, which are not evident in the literal sense of the Word, but only in its spiritual sense. The unlawful things involved were the profanation at the same time of the goods and truths of the church, which, as said above, was the appropriation of evil and falsity.

[3] That adulteries and whoredoms involve such things is evident from numerous passages in the Word, where they are referred to, from which it is clear that by them are signified the adulterations of good and the falsifications of truth. In Ezekiel:

Jerusalem, "thou hast trusted in thy beauty, and hast played the harlot because of thy renown, so that thou hast poured out thy fornications on every one that passed by. Thou hast committed fornication with the sons of Egypt thy neighbours, great of flesh, and hast multiplied thy whoredoms. Thou hast played the whore with the sons of Asshur, when there was no satiety to thee, with whom thou committedst whoredom. Thou hast multiplied thy fornication even to Chaldea, the land of merchandise. An adulterous woman receiveth strangers under her own husband. All others give reward to their harlots, but thou hast given reward to all thy lovers, and hast rewarded them that they may come unto thee on every side in thy whoredoms. Wherefore, O harlot! hear the word of Jehovah" (16:15, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, and following verses).

Who cannot see, that by the whoredoms here mentioned are not meant whoredoms in an ordinary natural sense? For the church in which all the truths of the Word are falsified is here treated of; these things are what are meant by whoredoms; for whoredoms, in the spiritual sense, or spiritual whoredoms, are nothing but falsifications of truth. Jerusalem, there, is the church; the sons of Egypt with whom she committed whoredom, are scientifics (scientifica) and knowledges (cognitiones) of every kind, perversely applied to confirm falsities. The sons of Asshur, are fallacious reasonings therefrom; Chaldea, the land of merchandize, signifies the profanation of truth; the rewards which she gave to her lovers, signify the selling of falsities. From the adulteration of good by means of the falsification of truth, that church is called a woman adulterous under her own husband.

[4] In the same:

"Two women, the daughters of one mother, have committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth." One "committed whoredom under me, and chose for lovers the Assyrians her neighbours: she gave her whoredoms upon them, nevertheless she hath not deserted her whoredoms in Egypt." The other "hath corrupted her love more than she, and her whoredoms above the whoredoms of her sister she added to her whoredoms, she loved the Chaldeans the sons of Babel came to her to the bed of loves, and they defiled her with their whoredom" (23:2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, and following verses).

That by whoredoms are here also meant spiritual whoredoms, is evident from the particulars mentioned. The two women, daughters of one mother, are the two churches, the Israelitish and the Jewish; their whoredoms with the Egyptians, the Assyrians and Chaldeans signify things similar to what were explained above; the bed of loves with the sons of Babel is the profanation of good.

[5] In Jeremiah:

"Thou hast played the harlot with many companions, thou hast profaned the land with thy whoredoms, and with thy wickedness. Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? Going away upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hast thou played the harlot: perfidious Judah also hath gone away and played the harlot, so that by the voice of her whoredom she hath profaned the land; she hath committed adultery with stone and with wood" (3:1, 2, 6, 8, 9).

Israel is the church which is in truth, Judah is the church which is in good, for they represented these two churches; the falsifications of truth are signified by the whoredoms of Israel, and the adulterations of good by the whoredoms of Judah. To go away upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and commit whoredom, is to inquire into all the knowledges of good and truth, even from the Word, and to falsify them; to commit adultery with stone and wood, is to pervert and profane all truth and good; stone signifies truth, and wood signifies good.

[6] In the same:

"Run ye through the streets of Jerusalem, and seek in the broad ways thereof, if ye can find a man (vir), if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth. When I fed them to the full, they committed whoredom and came by troops to the house of the harlot" (5:1, 7).

To run through the streets, and to seek in the broad ways of Jerusalem is, to see and examine the doctrinals of that church; for Jerusalem is the church, and streets and broad ways are doctrinals. If thou canst find a man (vir), if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth denotes whether there be any truth in the church. When I had fed them to the full they committed whoredom denotes, that when truths were revealed to them they falsified them; such a church, as to doctrine, is the house of the harlot, into which they came by troops.

[7] In the same:

"Thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the crime of thy whoredom, and thine abominations on the hills in the field have I seen. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! thou wilt not be made clean" (13:27).

Neighings denote profanations of truth, because a horse signifies the Intellectual where truth dwells; the hills in the field signify the goods of truth in the church, which are perverted.

[8] In the same:

"I have seen in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible obstinacy, in committing adultery and going in a lie" (Jeremiah 23:14).

In the same:

"They have done foolishness in Israel, and have committed adultery with the wives of their companions, and have spoken my word in my name lyingly" (29:23).

To adulterate and to commit adultery here clearly denote to pervert truths; the prophets signify those who teach truths from the Word; for it is said, in committing adultery and going in a lie, and they have spoken my word lyingly. A lie, in the Word, signifies what is false.

[9] In Moses:

"Your sons were feeding in the desert forty years; and they bore your whoredoms even till their bodies were consumed in the desert" (Numbers 14:33).

That the sons of Israel were not consumed in the wilderness because they bore whoredoms, but because they rejected heavenly truths is evident from the fact that this was said to them because they were not willing to enter into the land of Canaan, but wished to return into Egypt. For by the land of Canaan is signified heaven and the church, with its truths; and by Egypt are signified those things falsified, and turned into magic.

[10] In Micah:

"All the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the rewards of whoredom shall be burned in the fire; and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate, for she hath gathered them from the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot" (1:7).

Graven images and idols signify the falsities which are from man's own intelligence; the hire of a harlot denotes the knowledges of truth and good which they applied to falsities and evils, and thus perverted.

[11] And in Hosea:

Jehovah said to the prophet, "Take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms, for the land doth commit great whoredom in departing from Jehovah" (1:2).

By this was represented that the quality of the church was such that it was wholly immersed in falsities.

[12] In the same:

"They sinned against me; I will change their glory into shame; they committed whoredom, because they have quite forsaken Jehovah. Whoredom, wine and new wine, occupied the heart. Your daughters commit whoredom, and your daughters-in-law commit adultery" (4:7, 10, 11, 13).

Whoredom, wine and new wine, are falsified truths. Whoredom is the falsification itself, wine is interior falsity, new wine is exterior falsity; the daughters who commit whoredom are the goods of truth perverted; the daughters-in-law who commit adultery are evils conjoined with falsities therefrom.

[13] In Isaiah:

"It shall come to pass after the end of seventy years that Jehovah will visit Tyre, that she may return to her meretricious hire, and commit fornication with all the kings of the earth upon the faces of the world; at length her merchandize shall be holy to Jehovah" (23:17, 18).

Tyre, in the Word, signifies the church with respect to the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good; the meretricious hire spoken of denotes the same knowledges applied to evils and falsities by perversion; her merchandize is the selling thereof. To commit fornication with all the kings of the earth, denotes with everyone of the truths of the church. The reason why it is said that her merchandize and her meretricious hire shall be holy to Jehovah, is, that by these are signified knowledges of truth and good applied by them to falsities and evils. And a man, by definite knowledges, may become wise; for they are the means of becoming wise; they are also a means of becoming insane when they are falsified by application to evils and falsities.

The same is signified where it is said that

they should make to themselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness (Luke 16:9);

and where it is commanded that

the sons of Israel should borrow from the Egyptians gold, silver and raiment, and take them away with them (Exodus 3:22; 12:35, 36);

for by the Egyptians are signified scientifics (scientifica) of every kind, which they applied to falsify truths.

[14] In Moses:

"I will cut off the soul which looketh back to such as have familiar spirits, and to wizards, to go a whoring after them" (Leviticus 20:5).

"He entereth into peace, he walketh in uprightness. But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore" (57:2, 3).

"Woe to the city of bloods, full of lies; the horseman ascendeth, and the glitter of the sword, and the sheen of the spear, the multitude of the slain, above the multitude of the whoredoms of the harlot, of the mistress of sorceries, selling the nations by her whoredoms" (3:1, 3, 4).

In Moses

A covenant was not to be made with the inhabitants of the land, lest their sons and their daughters go a whoring after their gods (Exodus 34:15).

In the same:

"That ye may remember all the commandments of Jehovah, and do them: and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye used to go a whoring" (Numbers 15:39).

In the Apocalypse:

Babylon "hath made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication" (14:8).

The angel said: "I will show the judgment of the great harlot that sitteth upon many waters: with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication" (17:1, 2).

Babylon "all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her" (18:3).

"He hath judged the great harlot, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication" (19:2).

[15] That in these passages by whoredoms are meant falsifications of truth, is evident. Because such things are signified by whoredoms and adulteries, and as they have the same signification in heaven, therefore, in the Israelitish church, which was a representative church in which all things were significative, the following commands were given:

That there should not be a whore nor a whoremonger in Israel (Deuteronomy 23:17).

That the man who committed adultery with the wife of a man, and he who committed adultery with the wife of his companion, should be put to death (Leviticus 20:10).

That the gift of a whore should not be brought into the house of Jehovah with any vow (Deuteronomy 23:18).

That the sons of Aaron should not take a harlot to wife, nor a woman put away by her husband. That the high priest should take a virgin to wife. That the daughter of a priest, if she profaned herself by committing whoredom, should be burned with fire (Leviticus 21:7, 9, 13, 14), besides many other passages.

[16] That whoredoms and adulteries involve such things, has been testified to me from much experience in the other life. The spheres of spirits who have been of such a quality, manifest those things. From the presence of spirits who have confirmed in themselves falsities, and applied truth from the sense of the letter of the Word to confirm them, there goes forth an abominable sphere of whoredom; such spheres correspond to all the prohibited degrees (concerning which see Heaven and Hell 384, 385, 386).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 141

141. To eat idol-sacrifices and to commit whoredom, signifies that they may be imbued with evils and with falsities therefrom. This is evident from the signification of "eating," as being to appropriate to themselves, and to be consociated with (See Arcana Coelestia 2187, 2343, 3168, 3513, 5643, 8001); so also to be imbued with; and from the signification of "idol-sacrifices," which are things consecrated to idols, as being evils of every kind (of which more in what follows); and from the signification of "committing whoredom," as being to falsify truths (of which also more presently). That Balaam counseled Balak to invite the sons of Israel to the sacrifices of his gods appears from what was shown in the preceding article, and from these words of Moses:

Israel abode in Shittim, where the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab; for he called 1the people unto the sacrifices of their gods; and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. Especially did the people join themselves to Baal-peor; therefore the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Israel. And those that were slain were four and twenty thousand (993, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042; and "eating" the appropriation of goods, 10109.) As the eating of things sanctified to Jehovah signified the appropriation of good, so the eating of the sacrifices offered to the gods of the nations, and which were called "idol-sacrifices," signified the appropriation of evil.

[2] That to "commit whoredom," in the spiritual sense, signifies to become imbued with falsities, so also to falsify truths, can be seen from many passages in the Word. The same was signified by the whoredoms of the sons of Israel with the daughters of Moab; for all historical parts of the Word involve spiritual things and signify them (as can be seen from the explanations of Genesis and Exodus, called Arcana Coelestia). And as the eating of idol-sacrifices by the sons of Israel and their whoredoms with the daughters of Moab involved such things (for what things signify they involve), therefore it was commanded that the heads of the people should be hung up to Jehovah before the sun; and for the same reason Phinehas the son of Eleazar thrust through a man of Israel and a Midianitish woman in the place of their lust, and for doing that he also was blessed; and for the same reason there were slain of Israel twenty and four thousand (as may be seen, Numbers 25 to the end). Such punishments and such plagues merely because of the eating of idol-sacrifices, and committing whoredom with the women of another nation, would never have been commanded to be done, unless they had involved heinous offenses against heaven and the church, which do not appear in the literal sense of the Word, but only in its spiritual sense. The heinous offenses involved were the profanation at once of the goods and of the truths of the church, and this, as has been said above, was the appropriation of evil and falsity.

[3] That adulteries and whoredoms involve such things is evident from numerous passages in the Word, where they are recounted, which show clearly that they signify the adulterations of good and the falsifications of truth, as in the following. In Ezekiel:

Jerusalem, thou hast trusted in thy beauty, and hast committed whoredom because of thy renown, so that thou hast poured out thy whoredoms on everyone that passed by. Thou has committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt thy neighbors, great of flesh, and hast multiplied thy whoredom. Thou hast committed whoredom with the sons of Asshur, when there was no satiety to thee, with whom thou committedst whoredom. Thou hast multiplied thy whoredom even to Chaldea, the land of traffic. An adulterous woman receiveth strangers instead of her husband. All give reward to their harlots, 2but thou hast given reward to all thy lovers, and hast rewarded them that they may come unto thee on every side in thy whoredoms. Wherefore, O harlot! hear the word of Jehovah (Ezekiel 16:15, 26, 28-29, 32-33, 35.).

Who cannot see that by "whoredoms" here are not meant whoredoms in the usual natural sense? For the church in which all the truths of the Word have been falsified is treated of; this is what is meant by "whoredoms;" for "whoredoms" in the spiritual sense, or spiritual whoredoms, are no other than falsifications of truth. "Jerusalem" here is the church; the "sons of Egypt," with whom she committed whoredom, are scientifics and knowledges of every kind, perversely applied to confirm falsities; the "sons of Asshur" are reasonings from falsities; "Chaldea," the land of traffic, is the profanation of truth; the "rewards" that she gave to her lovers are the vendings of falsities; and because of the adulteration of good by the falsifications of truth, that church is called a "woman adulterous while subject to her husband."

[4] In the same:

Two women, the daughters of one mother, committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth. One committed whoredom while subject to me, and chose for lovers the Assyrians her neighbors; she bestowed her whoredoms upon them yet she hath not left her whoredoms in Egypt. The other hath corrupted her love more than she, and her whoredoms above the whoredoms of her sister; she increased her whoredoms, she loved the Chaldeans; the sons of Babel came to her to the bed of loves, and they defiled her with their whoredom (Ezekiel 23:2-3, 5-8, 11, 14, 16-17).

Here also by "whoredoms" are in like manner meant spiritual whoredoms, as is evident from every particular. "Two women, the daughters of one mother, are the two churches, the Israelitish and the Jewish; "whoredoms" with "the Egyptians," "the Assyrians," "the Chaldeans," signify the like as above; "the bed of loves with the sons of Babel" is the profanation of good.

[5] In Jeremiah:

Thou hast committed whoredoms with many companions, thou hast profaned the land with thy whoredoms, and with thine evil. Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? She hath gone away upon every high mountain, and under every green tree, and there committeth whoredom. Perfidious Judah also hath gone away and committed whoredom, so that by the voice of her whoredom she hath profaned the land; she hath committed adultery with stone and with wood (Jeremiah 3:1-2, 6, 8-9).

"Israel" is the church that is in truth, "Judah" the church that is in good, for they represented these two churches. The falsifications of truth are signified by the "whoredoms of Israel," and the adulterations of good by "the whoredoms of Judah." "To go away upon every high mountain and under every green tree and to commit whoredom" is to seek after all the knowledges of good and truth, even from the Word, and to falsify them; "to commit adultery with stone and wood" is to pervert and profane all truth and good; "stone" signifying truth, and "wood" signifying good.

[6] In the same:

Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man [vir], if there be any doing judgment, seeking truth. When I fed them to the full they committed whoredom and came by troops to the house of the harlot (Jeremiah 5:1, 7).

To "run to and fro through the streets, and to seek in the broad places of Jerusalem," is to see and explore the doctrinals of that church; for "Jerusalem" is the church, and "streets" and "broad places" are doctrinals. "If ye have found a man, if there be any doing judgment, seeking truth," means whether there be any truth in the church. "When I fed them to the full they committed whoredom," means that when truths were revealed to them they falsified them. Such a church, in respect to doctrine, is the "house of the harlot," into which they "came by troops."

[7] In the same:

Thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom, thine abominations on the hills in the field have I seen. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! thou wilt not be made clean (Jeremiah 13:27).

"Neighings" are profanations of truth, because a "horse" signifies the intellectual where there is truth; "the hills in the field" are goods of truth in the church, which have been perverted.

[8] In the same:

In the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible stubbornness in adulterating and in walking in a lie (Jeremiah 23:14).

They have wrought folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their companions' wives, and have spoken My 3word in My name falsely (Jeremiah 29:23).

To "adulterate" and to "commit adultery" here clearly mean to pervert truths; "the prophets" signifying those who teach truths from the Word; for it is said "in adulterating and walking in a lie," and "they have spoken My word falsely." A "lie" in the Word signifies falsity.

[9] In Moses:

Your sons shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years, and shall bear your 4whoredoms even till their carcasses are consumed in the wilderness (Numbers 14:33).

The sons of Israel did not bear whoredoms and were not for that reason consumed in the wilderness, but because they spurned heavenly truths, as is evident from this, that it was so said to them because they wished not to enter into the land of Canaan, but to return to Egypt; "the land of Canaan" signifies heaven and the church, with the truths thereof; and "Egypt" signifies the same falsified and turned into magic.

[10] In Micah:

All her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all the rewards of whoredom shall be burned up with fire; and all her idols will I lay waste, for she hath gathered them from the hire of an harlot, therefore even to the hire of an harlot shall they return (Micah 1:7).

"Graven images" and "idols" signify falsities that are from self-intelligence; "the rewards of whoredom" are the knowledges of truth and good that they have applied to falsities and evils and have thus perverted.

[11] In Hosea:

Jehovah said to the prophet, Take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms, for whoring the land doth commit whoredom in departing from Jehovah (Hosea 1:2).

By this was represented what the quality of the church was, namely, that it was wholly in falsities.

[12] In the same:

They sinned against Me; I will change their glory into disgrace. They committed whoredom; because they have forsaken Jehovah. Whoredom, wine, and new wine, have occupied the heart. Your daughters commit whoredom, and your daughters-in-law commit adultery (Hosea 4:7, 10-11, 13).

"Whoredom, wine, and new wine," are falsified truths; "whoredom" falsification itself; "wine" interior falsity; "new wine" exterior falsity; "daughters who commit whoredom" are the goods of truth perverted; "daughters-in-law who commit adultery" are evils conjoined with falsities therefrom.

[13] In Isaiah:

It shall come to pass after the end of seventy years that Jehovah will visit Tyre, that she may return to her meretricious hire, and commit whoredom with all the kingdoms of the earth upon the faces of the world; at length her merchandise [and her meretricious hire] shall be holiness to Jehovah (Isaiah 23:17, 18).

"Tyre," in the Word, is the church in respect to the knowledges of truth and good; "meretricious hire" the same knowledges applied, by perverting them, to evils and falsities; "her merchandise" the vending of these. "To commit whoredom with all the kingdoms of the earth," is with all and every truth of the church. "Her merchandise and her meretricious hire shall be holiness to Jehovah" because these signify the knowledges of truth and good applied by them to falsities and evils; and by means of the knowledges themselves regarded in themselves, a man can gain wisdom; for knowledges are means of becoming wise, and they are also means of becoming insane. They are the means of becoming insane when they are falsified by being applied to evils and falsities. The like is signified where it is said that:

They should make to themselves friends of the unrighteous mammon (Luke 16:9);

and where it is commanded that:

They should borrow from the Egyptians gold, silver, and raiment, and take them away from them (Exodus 3:22; 12:35-36).

By the "Egyptians" are signified scientifics of every kind which they used to falsify truths.

[14] In Moses:

I will cut off the soul that looketh unto them that have familiar spirits and unto wizards, to go a-whoring after them (Leviticus 20:5, 6).

In Isaiah:

He entereth into peace, he walketh in uprightness. But draw ye near, ye sons of the enchantress, the seed of the adulterer and the harlot (Isaiah 57:2-3).

In Nahum:

Woe to the city of bloods, all in a lie, the horseman ascendeth, and the flaming of the sword, and the flashing of the spear, a multitude of the slain; for the multitude of the whoredoms of the harlot, of the mistress of sorceries, selling the nations through her whoredoms (Nahum 3:1, 3-4).

In Moses:

A covenant must not be made with the inhabitants of the land, lest the sons and daughters go a-whoring after their gods (Exodus 34:15-16).

In the same:

That ye may remember all the commandments of Jehovah, and do them; and that ye spy not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye are wont to go a-whoring (Numbers 15:39).

In Revelation:

Babylon hath made all nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her whoredom (Revelation 14:8);

The angel said, I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot that sitteth upon many waters; with whom the kings of the earth have committed whoredom (Revelation 17:1-2);

Babylon hath made all nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her whoredom, and the kings of the earth have committed whoredom with her (Revelation 18:3);

He hath judged the great harlot, which did corrupt the earth with her whoredom (Revelation 19:2).

It is manifest that in these passages by "whoredoms" are meant the falsifications of truth.

[15] As such things are signified by "whoredoms" and "adulteries," and as these have the same signification in heaven, therefore in the Israelitish church, which was a representative church, in which all things were significative, the following commands were given:

That there should be no harlot nor whoremonger in Israel (Deuteronomy 23:17);

That the man that committed adultery with the wife of a man, and the man that committed adultery with the wife of his companion should be put to death (Leviticus 20:10);

That the hire of a harlot should not be brought into the house of Jehovah for any vow (Deuteronomy 23:18);

That the sons of Aaron should not take a harlot to wife, nor a woman put away by her husband. That the high priest should take a virgin to wife. That the daughter of a priest, if she profaned herself by committing whoredom, should be burned with fire (Leviticus 21:7, 9, 13-14). (Besides many other passages.)

[16] That "whoredoms" and "adulteries" involve such things has been testified to me from much experience in the other life. The spheres from spirits who have been of such character have made these things evident; from the presence of spirits who have confirmed falsities in themselves, and have applied truths from the sense of the letter of the Word to confirm them, there exhales an abominable sphere of whoredom. Such spheres correspond to all the prohibited degrees (of which, see Heaven and Hell 384-386).


1. In Hebrew: "they called," as also found in Apocalypse Explained 140, 401; Apocalypse Revealed 114; Arcana Coelestia 10652.

2. In Hebrew: "They give reward to all harlots," as also found in Apocalypse Explained 695; Arcana Coelestia 8904 Arcana Coelestia 8904[1-12].

3. In Hebrew: "the word," as also found in Arcana Coelestia 2466, 8904. "My" is found in Apocalypse Revealed 134 and in True Christian Religion 314.

4. In Hebrew: "your," as also found in Apocalypse Explained 633; Arcana Coelestia 2466, 8904, but Apocalypse Revealed 134 has "their."

Apocalypsis Explicata 141 (original Latin 1759)

141. "Edere idolothyta et scortari." - Quod significet ut imbuant mala et inde falsa, constat ex significatione "edere", quod sit appropriare sibi et consociari (de qua n. 2187, 2343, 3168, 3513, 5643, 8001), ita quoque imbuere; ex significatione "idolothytorum", quae sunt quae sanctificata sunt idolis, quod sint mala omnis generis (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "scortari", quod sit falsificare vera (de qua etiam sequitur). Quod Bileamus consuluerit Balaco ut invitaret filios Israelis ad sacrificia deorum ejus, constat ex illis quae in praecedente articulo ostensa sunt, et ex his apud Mosen,

"Consedit Israel in Schittim, ubi coepit populus scortari cum filiabus Moabi; 1

vocarunt enim populum ad sacrificia deorum suorum, et comedit populus, et incurvavit se diis 2

earum; imprimis adjunxit se populus Baalpeori; ideo accensa est ira Jehovae contra Israelem, ... et occisi sunt quatuor et viginta millia" (Numeri 25:1-3, 9).

Fuerat ex statutis ubi sacrificia instituta sunt, quod ex sacrificiis, imprimis eucharisticis, aliqua adolerentur super altari, et aliqua comederentur in loco sancto; ipsa "sacrificia" significabant cultum ex amore et fide, et "comessationes" appropriationes boni illius.

(Quod "sacrificia" significaverint omnis cultus ex bono amoris et fidei, videatur n. 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042; et quod "comessationes" appropriationem boni, n. 10109.) Quia Comessationes ex sanctificatis Jehovae significabant appropriationem boni, inde comessationes ex sacrificiis quae pro diis gentium erant, et "idolothyta" vocabantur, significabant appropriationem mali.

[2] Quod "scortari" in sensu spirituali significet imbuere falsa, tum quoque falsificare vera, constat ex pluribus locis in Verbo. Simile significabatur per scortationes filiorum Israelis cum filiabus Moabi; omnia enim historica in Verbo involvunt spiritualia et significant illa (ut constare potest ab explicationibus super Genes in et Exodum, quae Arcana Caelestia vocantur). Et quia comessationes filiorum Israelis ex idolothytis et scortationes eorum cum filiabus Moabi talia quoque involvebant, nam quae significant involvunt, ideo mandatum est ut capita populi suspenderentur Jehovae coram sole, et ideo Pinchasus filius Eleazaris transfodit in lupanari virum ex Israele et feminam Midianitiden, propter quod etiam benedictus est; et ideo quoque occisi sunt ex Israele ad viginti quatuor millia (videatur Numeri 25:1 ad fin. ). Tales poenae et tales plagae nequaquam ob solam comessationem ex idolothytis, et scortationem cum feminis alius gentis, potuissent ex mandato fieri, nisi involvissent nefanda contra caelum et ecclesiam, quae non exstant in litterali sensu Verbi, sed solum in ejus sensu spirituali. Nefanda illa quae involvebantur, erant, quod profanarent simul bona et vera ecclesiae; quod erat, ut supra dictum est, appropriatio mali et falsi.

[3] Quod "adulteria" et "scortationes" talia involvant constat ex plurimis locis in Verbo ubi illa memorantur, ex quibus manifeste patet quod per illa significentur adulterationes boni et falsificationes veri; ut in his sequentibus:

- Apud Ezechielem,

Hierosolyma "confisa es pulchritudini, et scortata es ob famam tuam, adeo ut effuderis scortationes tuas super omnem transeuntem. ...Scortata es cum filiis Aegypti Vicinis tuis, magnis carne; ac multiplicasti scortationem tuam. ...Scortata es cum filiis Aschuris, cum satietas tibi nulla, cum quibus scortata es. Multiplicasti scortationem tuam usque ad terram negotiationis chaldaeam Mulier adultera sub Viro suo accipit alienos. 3

Omnes meretricibus suis dant mercedem, tu vero dedisti mercedes omnibus amasiis tuis, et remunerasti eos, ut veniant ad te in circuitu in scortationibus tuis. ...Quare, meretrix, audi verbum Jehovae" (16:15, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, seq.):

quis non videre potest quod hic per "scortationes" non intelligantur scortationes in sensu communi naturali? agitur enim de ecclesia, ubi omnia vera Verbi falsificata sunt; haec sunt quae per "scortationes" intelliguntur, nam "scortationes" in spirituali sensu seu scortationes spirituales non aliud sunt quam falsificationes veri. "Hierosolyma" ibi est ecclesia; "filii Aegypti" cum quibus scortata est sunt scientifica et cognitiones omnis generis, sinistre applicata ad confirmandum falsa; "filii Aschuris" sunt ratiocinationes ex illis; "terra negotiationis Chaldaea" est profanatio veri; "mercedes" quas dedit amasiis suis sunt venditationes falsorum; ex adulteratione boni per falsificationes veri vocatur illa ecclesia "mulier adultera sub viro suo."

[4] Apud eundem,

"Duae mulieres, filiae unius matris, scortatae sunt in Aegypto; in adolescentia sua scortatae sunt scortata est" una "sub Me, et dilexit amasios Assyrios propinquos;... dedit scortationes suas super illis;... attamen scortationes suas in Aegypto non deseruit." ...Altera "corrupit amorem suum plus quam illa, et scortationes suas supra scortationes sororis addidit ad scortationes amavit Chaldaeos; ...venerunt ad illam filii Babelis ad concubitum amorum, et polluerunt eam per scortationem suam" (23:2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17 4

, seq.):

quod per "scortationes" hic similiter intelligantur scortationes spirituales, a singulis patet. "Duae mulieres, filiae unius matris", sunt binae ecclesiae Israelitica et Judaica; "scortationes" cum "Aegyptiis", "Assyriis" et "Chaldaeis" similia hic significant quae mox supra; "concubitus amorum cum filiis Babelis" est profanatio boni.

[5] Apud Jeremiam,

"Scortata es cum sociis multis, ... profanasti terram scortationibus tuis et malitia tua. ...Num vidisti quae fecit aversa Israel? Abiens haec super omnem montem altum, et sub omni arbore viridi, et scortabaris ibi: ...etiam perfida Jehudah abivit et scortata est, adeo ut a voce scortationis suae profanaverit terram; moechata est cum lapide et ligno" (3:1, 2, 6, 8, 9):

"Israel" est ecclesia quae in vero, "Jehudah" ecclesia quae in bono, has enim binas ecclesias repraesentaverunt; falsificationes veri significantur per "scortationes Israelis", et adulterationes boni per "scortationes Jehudae"; "abire in omnem montem altum, et sub omni arbore viridi et scortari", est inquirere omnes, cognitiones boni et veri, etiam ex Verbo, ac falsificare; "moechari cum lapide et ligno", est pervertere et profanare omne verum et bonum, "lapis" significat verum, et "lignum" bonum.

[6] Apud eundem,

"Discurrite per plateas Hierosolymae, ... et quaerite in vicis ejus, si inveniatis virum, si sit faciens judicium, quaerens veritatem;... cum saturavi eos scortati sunt, et domum meretricis turmatim venerunt" (5:1, 7):

"discurrere plateas et quaerere in vicis Hierosolymae", est videre et explorare in ecclesiae istius doctrinalibus, nam "Hierosolyma" est ecclesia, ac "plateae" et "vici" sunt doctrinalia; "si inveneritis virum, si sit faciens judicium, quaerens veritatem", est num aliquid ibi verum sit; "cum saturavi eos scortati sunt", est quod cum vera illis revelata sunt falsificaverint ea; ecclesia talis quoad doctrinam est "domus meretricis" in quam "turmatim veniunt."

[7] Apud eundem,

"Adulteria tua, hinnitus tui, scelus scortationis tuae, super collibus in agro vidi abominationes tuas; vae tibi Hierosolyma, non mundaberis" (13:27):

"hinnitus" sunt profanationes veri, quia "equus" significat intellectuale ubi verum; "colles in agro" sunt bona veri in ecclesia, quae perversa sunt.

[8] Apud eundem,

"In prophetis Hierosolymae vidi obfirmationem horrendam, adulterando et eundo in mendacio" (23:14).

Apud eundem,

"Fecerunt stultitiam in Israele, et moechati sunt cum uxoribus sociorum suorum, et locuti sunt verbum 5

meum in nomine meo mendaciter" (29:23):

"adulterare" et "moechari" hic manifeste pro pervertere vera; "prophetae" significant illos qui docent vera ex Verbo, nam dicitur "adulterando et eundo in mendacio, ... et locuti verbum meum mendaciter"; "mendacium" in Verbo significat falsum.

[9] Apud Mosen,

"Filii vestri erunt pascentes in deserto quadraginta annis; et portabunt scortationes 6

vestras usque dum consumuntur corpora eorum in deserto" (Numeri 14:33):

quod filii Israelis non portaverint scortationes, et ideo consumpti fuerint in deserto, sed quia respuerunt caelestia vera, constat ex eo, quod hoc dictum sit illis quia intrare non voluerunt in Terram Canaanem, sed redire in Aegyptum; per "Terram Canaanem" significatur caelum et ecclesia cum ejus veris, et per "Aegyptum" significantur illa falsificata et versa in magica.

[10] Apud Micham,

"Omnia sculptilia ejus contundentur, et omnes mercedes meretriciae comburentur igne; et omnia idola ejus ponam in Vastitatem, nam ex mercede meretricis congregavit; ideo usque in mercedem meretricis revertentur" (1:7):

"sculptilia" et "idola" significant falsa quae ex propria intelligentia; "mercedes meretriciae" sunt cognitiones veri et boni quas applicuerunt falsis et malis et sic perverterunt.

[11] Apud Hoscheam,

Locutus est Jehovah ad Prophetam, "Accipe tibi mulierem scortationum et liberos scortationum, quia scortando scortatur terra a post Jehovam" (1:2):

per hoc repraesentatum est qualis ecclesia erat, quod nempe tota in falsis.

[12] Apud eundem,

"Peccarunt Mihi; gloriam eorum in ignominiam convertam;... scortabantur, ... quia Jehovam dereliquerunt...; scortatio, Vinum et mustum occupavit cor;... scortantur filiae vestrae, et nurus vestrae adulterantur" (4:7, 10, 11, 13. ):

"scortatio, vinum et mustum" sunt falsificata vera; "scortatio" est ipsa falsificatio, "vinum" est falsum interius, "mustum" est falsum exterius; "filiae quae scortantur" sunt bona veri perversa; "nurus quae adulterantur" sunt mala conjuncta falsis inde.

[13] Apud Esaiam,

"Fiet a fine septuaginta annorum Visitabit Jehovah Tyrum, ut redeat ad mercedem meretriciam suam, et scortetur cum omnibus regnis terrae super faciebus orbis; tandem erit mercatura ejus (et merces meretricia ejus) sanctum Jehovae" (23:17, 18):

"Tyrus" in Verbo est ecclesia quoad cognitiones veri et boni; "merces meretricia" sunt eaedem applicatae malis et falsis pervertendo; "mercatura ejus" est venditatio earum; "scortari cum omnibus regnis terrae" est cum omnibus et singulis veris ecclesiae; quod "mercatura et merces meretricia futura sit sanctum Jehovae", est quia per illas significantur cognitiones veri et boni ab illis applicatae falsis et malis: et homo per ipsas cognitiones in se spectatas potest sapere; nam cognitiones sunt media sapiendi, et quoque sunt media insaniendi; sunt media insaniendi cum falsificantur per applicationes ad mala et falsa: simile significatur per illud, quod per quod Facerent sibi amicos ex injusto mammone (Esaiam 16:9);

et per quod mandatum ut mutuo acciperent ab Aegyptiis aurum, argentum et Vestes, et eis auferrent (Exodus 3:22; 12:35, 36);

per "Aegyptios" enim significantur scientifica omnis generis, quibus usi sunt ad falsificandum vera.

[14] Apud Mosen,

"Exscindam... animam quae respicit ad pythones et ad hariolos, ad scortandum post illos" (Leviticus 20:5 [, 6]);

apud Esaiam,

"Intrat pacem, ... ambulat in rectitudine; vos autem accedite filii praestigiatricis, semen adulteri, et scortata est" (57:2,3);

apud Nahum,

"Vae urbi sanguinum, tota in mendacio"... eques ascendit, et splendor gladii, et fulgur hastae, multitudo confossorum, ... prae multitudine scortationum scorti, magistrae praestigiarum, vendentes gentes per scortationes suas" (3:1, 3, 4);

apud Mosen,

Non pangendum est foedus cum habitatoribus terrae, ne Scortentur filii et filiae post deos eorum (Exod 34 [15,] 16, 16);

apud eundem,

"Ut recordemini omnium praeceptorum Jehovae et faciatis ea, nec investigetis post cor vestrum, et post oculos vestros, post quos vos scortari soletis" (Numeri 15:39);

in Apocalypsi,

Babylon "a vino irae scortationis potavit omnes gentes" (14:8);

Angelus dixit, "Monstrabo judicium meretricis magnae, sedentis super aquis multis, cum qua scortati sunt reges terrae" (17:1, 2);

Babylon "ex vino furoris scortationis suae potavit omnes gentes, et reges terrae cum ea scortati sunt" (18:3);

"Judicavit meretricem magnam, quae corrupit terram scortatione sua" (19:2).

Quod in his locis per "scortationes" intelligantur falsificationes veri, patet.

[15] Quia talia per "scortationes" et "adulteria" significantur, et quoque talia per illa significantur in caelo, ideo in EccleSia Israelitica, quae erat ecclesia repraesentativa, in qua omnia significabant, sequentia mandata sunt:

Quod non esset meretrix et scortator in Israele (Deuteronomius 23:18 [B.A. 17]);

Quod vir, qui adulterium commiserit cum uxore viri, et qui adulterium commiserit cum uxore socii, occidendo occideretur (Leviticus 20:10);

Quod donum meretricium non inferretur in domum Jehovae, quocunque voto (Deuteronomius 23:19 [B.A. 18]);

Quod filii Aharonis non acciperent meretricem in uxorem, neque mulierem repudiatam a viro suo. Quod summus sacerdos in uxorem acciperet virginem. Quod filia sacerdotis, si profanaverit se scortando, igne combureretur (Leviticus 21:7, 9, 13, 14);

(Praeter plura).

[16] Quod scortationes et adulteria talia involvant, ex multa experientia in altera vita testatum factum est: sphaerae ex spiritibus qui tales fuerunt, manifestarunt illa; ex praesentia spirituum qui confirmarunt apud se falsa, et applicuerunt vera ex sensu litterae Verbi ad confirmanda illa, sphaera scortationis nefanda exhalat. Omnibus gradibus prohibitis (de quibus 7

Leviticus 20:11-21), correspondent tales sphaerae, cum differentia secundum applicationem verorum ad falsa, et secundum conjunctionem falsorum cum malis, imprimis cum malis scaturientibus ex amore sui (de quibus plura videantur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 384-386).


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