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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1040

1040. Having seven heads. That this signifies, and profaned, is evident from the signification of the head, as denoting intelligence and wisdom; and in the opposite sense, insanity and stupidity, and also cunning (concerning which see (n. 553, 715). And because the heads were those of the scarlet beast, by which is signified the Word as to its holy things (concerning which see above, n. 1038), and seven of them were seen; therefore by the seven heads are signified the holy things of the Word profaned. For the number seven signifies what is holy, and in the opposite sense what is profane.

By the head of this beast, in the proximate sense, is signified the Word as to the understanding thereof, and thence as to the intelligence and wisdom in it and from it. But when the truths and goods thereof, from which are intelligence and wisdom, are falsified and adulterated, then by its heads, when seven were seen, are signified the holy things of the Word profaned.

That this is signified by the seven heads, is evident also from the ninth and tenth verses of this chapter, where it is said: "The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth; and these are seven kings;" by which is signified the profanation of the good of love and of the truth of faith.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1040

1040. Having seven heads, signifies and profaned. This is evident from the signification of the "head," as being intelligence and wisdom; and in the contrary sense, insanity and folly and also cunning (See n. 553, 715). And as these heads were the heads of the scarlet beast, which signifies the Word as to its holy things (See above, n. 1038), and seven of them were seen, so "the seven heads" signify the holy things of the Word profaned, for the number "seven" signifies what is holy, and in the contrary sense what is profane. In the sense nearest to the letter "the head" of this beast signifies the Word as to the understanding of it, and thus as to the intelligence and wisdom in it and from it. But when its truths and goods, from which intelligence and wisdom come, have been falsified and adulterated, its "heads," when seven were seen, signify the holy things of the Word profaned. That this is the signification of "the seven heads" is evident also from the ninth and tenth verses of this chapter, where it is said, "The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sitteth upon them, and they are seven kings," which signifies profanation of the good of love and of the truth of faith.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1040 (original Latin 1759)

1040. "Habente capita septem." - Quod significet et profanata, constat ex significatione "capitis", quod sit intelligentia et sapientia, ac in opposito sensu insania et stultitia, et quoque astutia (de qua (supra), n. 553, 715): et quia illa "capita" fuerunt "bestiae coccineae", per quam significatur Verbum quoad sancta ejus (de qua mox supra, n. 1038), et quia visa sunt "septem", ideo per "capita septem" significantur sancta Verbi profanata; nam numerus "septem" significat sanctum, et in opposito sensu profanum. Per "caput" hujus bestiae in sensu proximo significatur Verbum quoad intellectum ejus, et inde quoad intelligentiam et sapientiam in illo et ex illo; at cum vera et bona ejus, ex quibus intelligentia et sapientia, falsificata et adulterata sunt, tunc per "capita" ejus, dum "septem" visa sunt, significantur sancta Verbi profanata. Quod hoc significetur per "capita septem", patet a versibus nono et decimo hujus capitis, ubi dicitur, "Septem capita septem montes sunt, ubi mulier sedet super illis, et septem reges sunt", per quae significatur profanatio boni amoris et veri fidei.

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