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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1057

1057. They whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. That this signifies that they are those who do not acknowledge the Lord's Divine power over heaven and earth, but as transferred to some vicar, and from him to his vicars, is evident from the signification of names not written in the book of life, as denoting those who are not received in heaven (concerning which see (n. 199, 222, 299). And because those who do not acknowledge the Lord's Divine power over heaven and earth are not received in heaven, therefore these are they who are meant; and from the signification of the foundation of the world, as denoting from the establishment of the church. By the foundation of the world, in the literal or natural sense, is meant the creation of the world; but in the internal spiritual sense the establishment of the church is meant. For the spiritual sense treats of spiritual things; and the natural sense of the natural things that pertain to the world. Hence it is that by the creation of heaven and earth, in the first chapter of Genesis, in the spiritual sense, is described the new creation or establishment of the first and Most Ancient Church on this earth. That this is described by the creation of heaven and earth in the first chapter of Genesis may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia, where the things in that chapter are explained. Moreover, by creating, in the Word, is signified to reform, and by Creator, the Lord as Reformer and Saviour. That to create signifies to reform, and that by the creation of heaven and earth in the first chapter of Genesis is described, in the spiritual sense, the establishment of the Most Ancient Church, may be seen above (n. 294, 739).

[2] The establishment of the church is also meant by the foundation of the world in these passages in the Word:

"The king shall say to them on the right hand, Come and possess as a heritage the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34).

Jesus praying said, "Father, because thou hast loved me before the foundation of the world" (John 17:24).

Jesus said, "The blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, shall be required of this generation" (Luke 11:30).

That the establishment of the church is meant by the foundation of the world, is evident from the passages in the Word where it is said to found the earth, the founding of the earth, and the foundation of the earth, by which is not meant the foundation or creation of the earth, but the establishment or creation of the church upon the earth. As in Zechariah:

"Jehovah who stretcheth out the heavens, and layeth the foundations of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man in the midst of him" (12:1).

Here by stretching out the heaven, and founding the earth, is not meant the stretching out of the visible heaven, and founding the habitable earth, but the church as to its internals, which are called spiritual, and as to its externals, which are called natural. To found the latter and stretch out the former is to establish; therefore it is also said, forming the spirit of man in the midst of him, which signifies his reformation and regeneration.

[3] In Isaiah:

"Attend to me, O Jacob and Israel, my hand hath founded the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens" (48:12, 13).

By founding the earth with the hand, and spanning the heavens with the right hand, are signified similar things to those explained just above, as is evident from the preceding and following parts of the chapter, where the establishment of a new church by the Lord is treated of.

In the same:

"Hast forgotten Jehovah thy Maker, who stretcheth out the heavens, and foundeth the earth" (51:13).

Here also by the heavens and the earth is signified the church as to its internal or spiritual things, and as to its external or natural things and by stretching out and founding is signified to establish.

[4] In the same:

"I will put my words into thy mouth, and with the shadow of my hand will I cover thee, to plant the heavens, and to found the earth, and to say unto Zion, Thou art my people; awake, awake, arise, O Jerusalem" (51:16, 17).

Here by planting the heavens and founding the earth, is evidently meant to establish the church; for this is said unto the prophet, that the word should be put in his mouth, and that he should be covered with the shadow of the hand to plant the heavens and to found the earth. By a prophet the earth cannot be founded, but the church. Therefore also it is added, "To say unto Zion, thou art my people;" also, "Awake, awake, arise, O Jerusalem." For by Zion and by Jerusalem, in the Word, is meant the church.

In David:

"The heaven and the earth are thine; the world and the fulness thereof thou hast founded them" (Psalm 89:11).

Here in like manner by heaven and the earth is signified the church, by the world the church as to good; and by the fulness thereof are signified all the goods and truths of the church.

[5] Again:

"Jehovah hath founded the earth and the world upon the seas, and established them upon the rivers. Who shall ascend into the mountain of Jehovah, and who shall stand in the place of his holiness?" (Psalm 24:2, 3).

That the establishment of the church is described by founding the earth and the world upon the seas, and establishing them upon the rivers, may be seen above (n. 40:21).

In the same:

"The foundations of the earth are corrupted" (24:18).

Likewise in Isaiah 58:12; Jeremiah 31:37; Micah 6:2; Psalms 18:8, 16; 82:5; and elsewhere).

Continuation concerning the second kind of Profanation:-

[6] The reason why profaners of this kind are stupid and foolish in spiritual things, but cunning and ingenious in worldly things is, that they make one with the devils in hell.

And because, as said above, they are merely sensual, and thence are in their own proprium, which draws its delight of life from the unclean effluvia exhaled from effete things in the body, and exhaled from dunghills, from these also arise their conceit and pride when things are in their delight.

[7] That it arises from these is evident from their delights, after death, when they live as spirits; for then in preference to the most fragrant odours they love the rank stenches that arise from the air discharged from the belly, and from latrines, which smell to them more fragrant than thyme. By the breath and touch of these the interiors of the mind are closed, and the exteriors belonging to the body are opened, whence arise their eagerness in worldly matters, and their dulness in spiritual things. In a word, the love of domination by means of the holy things of the church corresponds to filth, and the delight of it to an unspeakable stench, which to the angels is most horrible. Such is the exhalation from their hells when they are opened, but because of the oppression that arises, and on account of swooning that sometimes follows, they are kept closed.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1057

1057. Whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, signifies that there are those who do not acknowledge the Divine authority of the Lord over heaven and earth, but regard it as transferred to a certain vicar, and from him to his vicars. This is evident from the signification of "names not written in the book of life," as being those who are not received in heaven (See n. 199, 222, 299); and as those are not received into heaven who do not acknowledge the Lord's Divine authority over heaven and earth, such are here meant. Also from the signification of "from the foundation of the world," as being from the establishment of the church. In the sense of the letter or the natural sense "the foundation of the world" means the creation of the world; but in the internal spiritual sense it means the establishment of the church; for the spiritual sense treats of spiritual things, while the natural sense treats of natural things which pertain to the world. For this reason the creation of the heaven and the earth in the first chapter of Genesis describes in the spiritual sense the new creation or establishment of the first and Most Ancient Church on this earth. (That this is described by the creation of heaven and earth in the first chapter of Genesis may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia, where the contents of that chapter are explained.) Moreover, "to create" signifies in the Word to reform; and "the Creator" means the Lord as Reformer and Savior. (That "to create" signifies to reform, and that the creation of heaven and earth in the first chapter of Genesis in the spiritual sense describes the establishment of the Most Ancient Church can be seen above, n. 294, 739.)

[2] The establishment of the church is meant by "the foundation of the world" in these passages in the Word:

The king shall say to them on the right hand, Come and possess as an inheritance the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Matthew 15:34).

Jesus praying said, Father, for Thou lovedst Me before the foundation of the world (John 17:24).

Jesus said, The blood of all the prophets shed from the foundation of the world shall be required of this generation (Luke 11:50).

That the establishment of the church is meant by "the foundation of the world" is evident from passages in the Word where mention is made of "founding the earth," "the founding of the earth," and "the foundation of the earth," which do not mean the founding or creating of the earth, but the establishment or creation of the church upon the earth. As in Zechariah:

Jehovah spreadeth abroad the heavens, and foundeth the earth, and formeth the spirit of man in the midst of him (Zechariah 12:1).

Here "spreading abroad the heaven and founding the earth," does not mean the spreading abroad of the visible heaven and the founding of the habitable earth, but the church as to its internals, which are called spiritual, and as to its externals, which are called natural. "To found" this and "to spread abroad" that means to establish; and therefore it is added, "and formeth the spirit of man in the midst of him," which signifies his reformation and regeneration.

[3] In Isaiah:

Hearken unto Me, O Jacob and Israel, My hand hath founded the earth, and My right hand hath spanned the heavens (Isaiah 48:12-13).

"Founding the earth with the hand, and spanning the heavens with the right hand," has a similar signification here as above, as can be seen from what precedes and what follows in this chapter where the establishment of a New Church by the Lord is treated of. In the same:

Thou hast forgotten Jehovah thy Maker, that stretcheth forth the heavens and foundeth the earth (Isaiah 51:13).

Here again, "the heavens and the earth" signify the church as to its internal or spiritual things and its external or natural things; and "to stretch forth and found" signifies to establish.

[4] In the same:

I will put My words in thy mouth, and will cover thee with the shadow of My hand, to plant the heavens and to found the earth, and to say unto Zion, Thou art My people. Awake, awake, arise, O Jerusalem (Isaiah 51:16-17).

Here "to plant the heavens and to found the earth" evidently stands for the establishment of the church; for this is said to the prophet, that "the word should be put in his mouth, and that he should be covered with the shadow of the hand, to plant the heavens and to found the earth;" and a prophet cannot found the earth, but he can found a church; therefore it is also added, "to say unto Zion, Thou art my people. Awake, awake, arise, O Jerusalem," "Zion and Jerusalem," in the Word, meaning the church. In David:

The heaven is Thine and the earth is Thine; the world and the fullness thereof Thou hast founded them (Psalms 89:11).

Here too, "heaven and earth" signify the church; "the world" signifies the church as to good, and "the fullness thereof" signifies all the goods and truths of the church.

[5] In the same:

The earth and the world Jehovah hath founded upon the seas, and established upon the rivers. Who shall ascend into the mountain of Jehovah, and who shall stand in the place of His holiness? (Psalms 24:2-3).

The establishment of the church is described by "founding the earth and the world upon the seas, and establishing them upon the rivers," as can be seen above (n. Isaiah 40:21).

In the same:

The foundations of the earth are corrupted (Isaiah 24:18; likewise Isaiah 63:12; Jeremiah 31:37; Micah 6:2; Psalms 18:7, 15; 82:5).

(Continuation respecting the Second Kind of Profanation)

[6] Profaners of this kind are stupid and foolish in spiritual things, but are crafty and keen in worldly things, because they make one with the devils in hell; and because, as has been said above, they are merely sensual, and are therefore in what is their own [proprium], which draws its delight of life from the unclean effluvia that exhale from waste matters in the body, and that are emitted from dunghills; and these cause a swelling of their breasts when their pride is active and the titillation of these causes delight.

[7] That such is the source of their delight is made evident by their delights after death when they are living as spirits; for then more than the sweetest odors do they love the rank stenches arising from the gases of the belly and from outhouses, which to their smell are more fragrant than thyme. The approach and touch of these close up the interiors of their mind, and open the exteriors pertaining to the body, from which comes their quickness in worldly things, and their dullness in spiritual things. In a word, the love of having dominion by means of the holy things of the church corresponds to filth, and its delight to a stench indescribable by words, and at which angels shudder. Such is the exhalation from their hells when they are opened; but they are kept closed because of the oppression and occasional swooning which they produce.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1057 (original Latin 1759)

1057. "Quorum nomina non scripta sunt in libro vitae a fundatione mundi." - Quod significet quod sint qui non agnoscunt Divinam potestatem Domini super caelum et super terram, sed illam translatam in quendam vicarium, et ab illo in ejus vicarios, constat ex significatione "nominum non scriptorum in libro vitae", quod sint qui non recipiuntur in caelo (de qua (supra), n. 199, 222(a), 299); et quia illi non recipiuntur in caelo qui non agnoscunt Divinam potestatem Domini super caelum et super terram, ideo sunt hi qui intelliguntur: et ex significatione "fundationis mundi", quod sit ab instauratione ecclesiae. Per "fundationem mundi" in sensu litterae seu naturali intelligitur creatio mundi; sed in sensu interno spirituali intelligitur instauratio ecclesiae; nam sensus spiritualis agit de spiritualibus, et sensus naturalis de naturalibus, quae sunt mundi. Inde est quod per "creationem caeli et terrae", in primo capite Geneseos, in sensu spirituali describitur nova creatio seu instauratio ecclesiae primae et antiquissimae in hac tellure: (quod haec per "creationem caeli et terrae", in primo capite Geneseos describatur, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus, ubi illa quae in eo capite sunt, explicata sunt;) praeterea per "creare" in Verbo significatur reformare, et per "Creatorem" Dominus ut Reformator et Salvator. (Quod per "creare" significetur reformare, et quod per "creationem caeli et terrae", in primo capite Geneseos, in sensu spirituali describatur instauratio Ecclesiae Antiquissimae, videatur supra, n. 294, 739.)

[2] Instauratio ecclesiae per "fundationem mundi" etiam intelligitur in his locis in Verbo: –

"Rex dicet illis qui a .. dextris, Venite, .. et tanquam hereditatem possidete regnum paratum vobis a fundatione mundi" (Matthaeus 25:34);

Jesus orans dixit, "Pater, .... quia amasti Me ante fundationem mundi" (Johannes 17:24);

Jesus dixit, "Requiretur sanguis omnium prophetarum effusus a fundatione mundi a generatione hac" (Luca 11:50).

Quod instauratio ecclesiae per "fundationem mundi" intelligatur, constat ex locis in Verbo ubi dicitur "fundare terram", "fundatio terrae", et "fundamentum terrae", per quae non fundatio aut creatio terrae, sed instauratio seu creatio ecclesiae super terra intelligitur; ut apud Sachariam,

"Jehovah extendens caelos, et fundans terram, et formans spiritum hominis in medio ejus" (12:1);

ubi per "extendere caelum, et fundare terram", non intelligitur extendere caelum aspectabile, et fundare terram habitabilem, sed ecclesiam quoad interna ejus quae vocantur spiritualia, et quoad externa ejus quae vocantur naturalia; hanc fundare et illam extendere, est instaurare; quare etiam dicitur, "formans spiritum hominis in medio ejus", per quod significatur reformatio et regeneratio ejus.

[3] Apud Esaiam,

"Attende mihi, Jacob, et Israel, .... manus mea fundavit terram, et dextra mea pugillavit caelos" (48:12, 13):

per "manu fundare terram, et dextra pugillare caelos", similia significantur quae nunc supra, ut constare potest ex antecedentibus et sequentibus in eo capite, ubi de instauratione novae ecclesiae a Domino agitur.

Apud eundem,

"Num oblivisceris Jehovae Factoris tui, qui expandit caelos et fundat terram" (51:13):

etiam hic per "caelos et terram" significatur ecclesia quoad interna seu spiritualia ejus, et quoad externa seu naturalia ejus, et per "expandere et fundare" significatur instaurare.

[4] Apud eundem,

"Ponam verba mea in os tuum, et umbra manus meae obtegam te, ad plantandum caelos, et ad fundandum terram, et ad dicendum Zioni, Populus meus tu: excitare, excitare, surge Hierosolyma" (51:16, 17):

hic "plantare caelos et fundare terram" manifeste pro instaurare ecclesiam, nam hoc dicitur ad prophetam, quod "in ejus ore poneretur Verbum, et ille obtegeretur umbra manus ad plantandum caelos et ad fundandum terram"; per prophetam terra non fundari potest, sed ecclesia; quare etiam additur, "ad dicendum Zioni, Populus meus tu"; tum, "Excitare, excitare, surge Hierosolyma"; per "Zionem" enim et per "Hierosolymam" in Verbo intelligitur ecclesia.

Apud Davidem,

"Tu caelum et terram, orbem et plenitudinem ejus Tu fundasti" (Psalms 89:12);

hic similiter per "caelum et terram" significatur ecclesia, per "orbem" ecclesia quoad bonum, et per "plenitudinem ejus" significantur omnia bona et vera ecclesiae.

[5] Apud eundem,

Jehovah terram et orbem "super maria fundavit .. et super flumina stabilivit ... Quis ascendet in montem Jehovae, et quis stabit in loco sanctitatis Ipsius?" (Psalms 24:2, 3):

quod instauratio ecclesiae describatur per "fundare terram et orbem super maria, et stabilire super flumina", videatur supra (n. 304(c), 518(d), 741(b)); quod instauratio ecclesiae significetur, patet a sequentibus ibi, nempe "Quis ascendet in montem Jehovae, et quis stabit in loco sanctitatis Ejus?" Per "montem Jehovae" intelligitur Zion, per quam significatur ubi Dominus per Divinum Verum regnat; et per "locum sanctitatis" intelligitur Hierosolyma, ubi templum, per quam significatur ecclesia quoad doctrinam: ex his patet quod per "fundationem mundi" significetur instauratio ecclesiae, simile enim per "mundum" intelligitur quod per "caelum et terram"; et "fundare terram" dicitur, quia per "terram" significatur ecclesia in terris, et super hac fundatur caelum quoad sancta sua. Ex his etiam patet quid per "fundamenta terrae" in sequentibus locis significatur:

– Apud Esaiam,

"Annon scitis? annon auditis? annon indicatum est ab initio vobis? annon intelligitis fundamenta terrae"; (40:21);

apud eundem,

"Corrupta sunt fundamenta terrae" (24:18).

(Pariter Esaias 63:12; Jeremias 31:37; Micham 6:2; Psalms 18:8, 16 [B.A. 7, 15); Psalms 82:5: et alibi.)

[6] (Continuatio de secundo genere Profanationis.)

Quod profanatores hujus generis in spiritualibus stupidi et fatui sint, in mundanis autem astuti et ingeniosi, est quia unum faciunt cum diabolis in inferno; et quia, ut supra dictum est, mere sensuales sunt, et inde in proprio suo, quod trahit suum jucundum vitae ex effluviis immundis quae ex effetis in corpore exspirant, et a stercoreis efflantur; ex his est tumescentia pectoris eorum dum in fastu sunt, et ex titillatione illorum jucunditas.

[7] Quod ex illis sit, patet ex jucundis illorum post mortem, dum vivunt spiritus; tunc prae odoribus fragrantibus amant nidores olidos ex afflatibus ventris et ex latrinis, quae illis olent fragrantius quam thymi. Ex horum afflatu et tactu occluduntur interiora mentis eorum, et aperiuntur exteriora quae corporis sunt; inde est illis alacritas in mundanis, et lentor in spiritualibus: verbo, amor dominationis per sancta ecclesiae correspondet fetori, et jucundum ejus putori vocibus inexpressibili, quem angeli horrent. Tale exhalatur ex infernis illorum, dum aperiuntur; sed illa, propter gravedinem et quandoque deliquium inde, occlusa tenentur.

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