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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 199

199. And I will not blot out his name out of the book of life. That this signifies that they will be in heaven because they are fitted for it is evident from the signification of name, as denoting the quality of the state of man's life (see above, n. 148) and from the signification of the book of life, as denoting heaven, concerning which we shall speak presently. Hence, not to blot their name out of the book of life signifies that they will be in heaven because their state as to love and faith is heavenly, thus because they are fitted for heaven. The reason why heaven is signified by the book of life is, that a man who is in love and faith to the Lord is a heaven in its least form, and this heaven corresponds to heaven in the greatest form: therefore he who has heaven in himself, also comes into heaven, for he is fitted for it. (That there is such a correspondence, may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 51-58, 73-77, 87-102; and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 230-236.) Hence it is, that the book of life is that in man which corresponds to the heaven in which he is; and because the former remains with him to eternity, if he becomes spiritual by the knowledges of truth and good applied to life in the world, therefore, it is here said, "I will not blot out his name from the book of life. In the world, indeed, it may be blotted out, if a man does not remain spiritual even unto the end of his life; but if he does remain spiritual it cannot be blotted out, because he is conjoined to the Lord by love and faith; and conjunction with the Lord, such as took place in the world, remains with man after death.

From these considerations it is evident, that by the book of life is meant that from the Lord which is inscribed on a man's spirit, that is, which is inscribed on his heart and soul, or, what is the same, on his love and faith; and that which is inscribed by the Lord on man, is heaven.

[2] It is therefore evident what is meant by the book of life in the following passages; in Daniel:

"The Ancient of days did sit, and the books were opened" (Heaven and Hell 462, 463, and in Arcana Coelestia, 2469-2494, 7398; and that this is the book of man's life, 2474, 9386, 9841, 10505; and likewise, n. 5212, 8067, 9334, 9723, 9841.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 199

199. And I will not blot his name out of the book of life, signifies that they will be in heaven because they are fitted for it. This is evident from the signification of "name," as being the quality of man's state of life (See above, n. 148); and from the signification of "the book of life," as being heaven (of which presently); therefore, "not to blot his name out of the book of life" signifies that they will be in heaven because their state in respect to love and faith is such, thus because they are fitted for heaven. "The book of life" signifies heaven, because a man who is in the love to the Lord and faith in Him is a heaven in least form, and this heaven of man corresponds to heaven in the greatest form; therefore he who has heaven in himself also comes into heaven, for he is fitted for it. (That there is such correspondence, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 51-58, 73-77, 87-102; and The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 230-236.) From this it is that "the book of life" is that with man that corresponds to the heaven with him. Because this remains with man to eternity, if he has become spiritual by means of the knowledges of truth and good applied to life in the world, it is said, "I will not blot his name out of the book of life." In the world indeed it may be blotted out if man does not remain spiritual to the end of life; but if he does so remain it cannot be blotted out, because he is conjoined to the Lord by love and faith, and such conjunction with the Lord as there has been in the world remains with man after death.

[2] From this it can be seen that "the book of life" means that from the Lord which has been written on man's spirit, that is, on his heart and soul, or what is the same, on his love and faith; and what is written by the Lord in man is heaven. From this it is clear what is meant by "the book of life" in the following passages. In Daniel:

The Ancient of Days sat, and the books were opened (Heaven and Hell 462, 463; and Arcana Coelestia 2469-2494, 7398; and that this is man's "book of life," see n. 2474, 9386, 9841, 10505, n. 5212, 8067, 9334, 9723, 9841.

Apocalypsis Explicata 199 (original Latin 1759)

199. "Et non delebo nomen ejus e libro vitae." - Quod significet quod in caelo erunt quia ei accommodati, constat ex significatione "nominis", quod sit quale status vitae hominis (de qua supra, n. 148); et ex significatione "libri vitae", quod sit caelum (de qua sequitur); inde "non delere nomen ejus e libro vitae" significat quod in caelo erunt, quia status eorum quoad amorem et fidem talis est, ita quia caelo accommodati sunt. Quod per "librum vitae" significetur caelum, est quia homo qui in amore et fide in Dominum est, in minima effigie est caelum, et hoc ejus correspondet caelo in maxima effigie; quapropter qui caelum in se habet, etiam in caelum venit, est enim ei accommodatus. (Quod talis correspondentia sit, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 51-58, 73-77, 87-102; et in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 230-236.) Inde est quod "liber vitae" sit id apud hominem quod correspondet caelo apud illum. Hoc quia manet apud illum in aeternum, si factus est spiritualis per cognitiones veri et boni applicatas vitae in mundo, ideo dicitur "Non delebo nomen ejus e libro illo": in mundo quidem deleri potest si homo non permanet spiritualis usque ad finem vitae; sed si permanet non deleri potest, quia conjunctus est Domino per amorem et fidem; et conjunctio, qualis in mundo fuit cum Domino, manet hominem post mortem.

[2] Ex his constare potest quod per "librum vitae" intelligatur quod ex Domino inscriptum est hominis spiritui, hoc est, quod ejus cordi et animae, seu, quod idem est, ejus amori et fidei; et quod a Domino inscribitur homini, est caelum. Ex his nunc patet quid per "librum vitae" intelligitur in sequentibus his locis:

– Apud Danielem,

"Antiquus dierum consedit, .... et libri aperti sunt" (Daniel 7 [9,] 10);

apud eundem,

"Eripietur populus, omnis qui invenietur scriptus in libro" (12:1):

apud Davidem,

"Deleantur e libro vitarum, et cum justis non scribantur" (Psalms 69:29 [B.A. 28]);

apud Mosen,

Moses dixit, "Dele me quaeso e libro quem scripsisti; et dixit Jehovah, Illum qui peccavit Mihi, delebo e libro" (Exodus 32:32, 33);

in Apocalypsi,

"Adorabunt bestiam omnes quorum non sunt scripta nomina in libro vitae Agni" (13:8; 17:8);


"Vidi.... quod libri aperti sint; et liber alius apertus est qui est vitae, et judicati sunt mortui juxta ea quae scripta sunt in 1

libris secundum opera illorum;.... et si quis non inventus est in libro vitae scriptus, ejectus est in stagnum ignis" (Apocalypsis 20:12, 13, 15 2



"Non ingredientur" in Novam Hierosolymam, "nisi qui scripti in libro vitae Agni" (Apocalypsis 21:27);

apud Davidem,

"Non latuit Te os meum cum factus sum in occulto;.... super libro tuo omnes scripti sunt dies, quibus formati, et non unus ex illis deest" (Psalms 139:15, 16);

per quod "omnes dies inscripti sint", intelligitur quod omnes status vitae. (Quod omnia at singula quae homo cogitavit, voluit, locutus est, egit, immo quae vidit et audivit, sint apud hominem in spiritu ejus quasi inscripta, adeo ut prorsus nihil desit, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 462, 463; et in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 2469-2494, 7398: et quod id sit "liber vitae" hominis, n. 2474, 9386, 9841, 10505; et praeterea, n. 5212, 8067, 9334, 9723, 9841.)


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2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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