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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1062

1062. The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth. That this signifies the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned by those who are in dominion from that religious persuasion, is evident from the signification of the seven heads of the beast, as denoting the holy things of the Word profaned (concerning which see n. 1040); and from the signification of seven mountains, as denoting the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned. That by mountains are signified the goods of love, and, in the opposite sense, the evils of the love, may be seen (n. 405, 510, 850, 1025). And that seven is said of what is holy, and, in the opposite sense, of what is profane (n. 1040). Hence by the seven mountains are signified the goods of love, which also are the goods of the Word, adulterated and profaned. And from the signification of, upon which the woman sitteth, as denoting where there is dominion from that religious persuasion.

That by the woman is signified the religious persuasion of those who are of Babylon may be seen above (n. 1038). And that to sit signifies to rule may be seen above (n. 1033, 1038), where it is explained concerning the woman that she sitteth upon many waters, and upon the scarlet beast.

The reason why it is dominion from that religious persuasion that is meant is, that those who are in dominion over the holy things of the church, and exercise that dominion, are the persons meant by this woman, who is called a whore, and the mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth; and not those who worship according to that religious persuasion, and are not in dominion. For these, while they live according to the statutes of the Pope, and acknowledge him for the Lord's vicar, and comply with the holy things of worship according to their institution, are not unlike well-disposed pagans, who know simply that the truths which their ministers and monks teach them are good and holy. And this is the more readily admitted, because they do not read the Word; some, because it is taken away from them, and some, because having been persuaded, they depend upon the teaching of the monks, and believe that these and no others understand the Word.

[2] But those of the people who look to the Lord, and to the Pope only as to the head of the church, and have some affection for truth, though they are indeed in Babylon, still they are not of it. For after death they can be withdrawn from the vanities and idolatries of that religious persuasion, and be brought to worship and adore the Lord; and they also receive truths from the Lord through the Word, or through those who teach it. Therefore also many societies, which are so many churches, were instituted from them by the Lord after the Last Judgment, of which we shall speak in what follows.

As to the seven mountains upon which the woman was seen sitting, it is supposed that they are the seven mountains of Rome, where the Papal chair is. But admitting that Rome also is meant, still by the seven mountains are signified the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned; for the Word is everywhere spiritual, and this is its spiritual. That by the seven mountains are signified the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned, is evident also from what follows presently, where it is said, that by the seven heads of the beast are also signified seven kings; and by seven kings, in the spiritual sense, are signified the truths of the Word falsified and profaned.

Concerning the fourth kind of Profanation:-

[3] Those who give themselves up wholly to a life of piety, continually walk in pious meditations, pray frequently upon their knees, and discourse continually concerning salvation, faith, and love, and yet do not shun frauds, adulteries, hatred, blasphemies, and similar things, as sins against God, and do not fight against them, are those of this kind whose profanation is the greater. For by the impurities of their minds they defile the piety of their lips, especially if they abdicate the world, and lead solitary lives.

Of this kind, those are guilty of greater profanation who are such, and yet defend their vices - as adulteries and lust as pertaining to nature and their pleasure - by reasonings and by the Word falsely interpreted. Such persons make themselves first secure, afterwards blameless, and at length holy; and so, under the veil of sanctity, they enter into impurities, with which they pollute both themselves and their garments.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1062

1062. The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sitteth upon them, signifies the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned by those who are in dominion from that religious persuasion. This is evident from the signification of "the seven heads of the beast," as being the holy things of the Word profaned (See n. 1040); also from the signification of "seven mountains," as being the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned. (That "mountains" signify the goods of love, and in the contrary sense evils pertaining to the love, see n. 405, 510, 850, 1025; also that "seven" is predicated of what is holy, and in the contrary sense of what is profane, n. 1040; therefore "seven mountains" signify the goods of love, which are the goods of the Word, adulterated and profaned.) Also from the signification of "where the woman sitteth upon them," as being where there is dominion from that religious persuasion. (That "the woman" signifies the religious persuasion of those that belong to Babylon, may be seen above, n. 1038; and that "to sit" signifies to have dominion, see above, n. 1033, 1038, where the woman is said "to sit upon many waters," and "to sit upon a scarlet beast.") Dominion from that religious persuasion is meant because those who are in dominion over the holy things of the church, and exercise that dominion, are the ones meant by this "woman," who is called a "harlot," and "the mother of the whoredoms and the abominations of the earth," and not those who are in worship according to that religious persuasion and are not in dominion. When such live according to the statutes of the Pope, and acknowledge him to be the Lord's vicar, and observe the holy things of worship as they have been instituted, they are not dissimilar to upright pagans, who know not otherwise than that they are truths, goods and holy things which their ministers and monks teach; and this the more because they do not read the Word, some because it has been taken away from them, and some because under persuasion they depend upon the mouth of their monks, and believe that these alone and no others understand the Word.

[2] But those of their people who look to the Lord, and to the Pope only as to the head of the church, and who are in some affection for truth, are indeed in Babylon, but are not of it; for after death these can be drawn away from the vanities of that religious persuasion and from idolatries, and can be led to worship and adore the Lord; and they also receive truths from the Lord through the Word or through those who teach it. For this reason, after the Last Judgment many societies, which are so many churches, were instituted from these by the Lord (of which in what follows). In regard to "the seven mountains" upon which the woman was seen to sit, it is believed that they are the seven mountains of Rome, where the Papal throne is. But admitting that Rome is meant, still "the seven mountains" signify the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned; for the Word is spiritual in every part, and this is the spiritual of it. That "the seven mountains" signify the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned is evident also from what immediately follows, where it is said that "the seven heads of the beast" mean also "seven kings;" and "seven kings" signify in the spiritual sense the truths of the Word falsified and profaned.

(Continuation respecting the Fourth Kind of Profanation)

[3] Those who give themselves up wholly to a life of piety, who walk continually in pious meditations, who pray frequently upon their knees, and talk about salvation, faith, and love at all times and in all places, and yet do not shun frauds, adulteries, hatreds, blasphemies, and the like, as sins against God, nor fight against them, are the kind that more fully profane; for by the impurities of their minds they defile the piety of their lips, especially when they renounce the world, and lead solitary lives. Of this kind there are some who still more fully profane; these are like those just described, but by reasonings and by the Word falsely interpreted they defend their vices, as adulteries and lusts that belong to their nature, and thus to their enjoyment. Such first regard themselves as free from danger, afterwards as blameless, and at length as holy; and thus under the veil of sanctity they cast themselves into uncleannesses with which they pollute both themselves and their garments.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1062 (original Latin 1759)

1062. "Septem capita montes sunt septem, ubi mulier sedet super illis." - Quod significet bona Verbi adulterata et profanata ab illis qui ex eo religioso in dominio sunt, constat ex significatione "septem capitum bestiae", quod sint sancta Verbi profanata (de qua (supra), n. 1040); ex significatione "montium septem", quod sint bona Verbi adulterata etprofanata; (quod per "montes" significentur bona amoris, et in opposito sensu mala quae amoris sunt, videatur (supra, ) n. 405, 510, 850(a), 1025; et quod "septem" dicatur de sancto, et in opposito sensu de profano, n. 1040; inde per "montes septem" significantur bona amoris, quae etiam sunt bona Verbi, adulterata et profanata;) et ex significatione "ubi mulier sedet super illis", quod sit ubi dominium ex illo religioso; (quod per "mulierem" significetur religiosum quod est illis qui e Babylonia, videatur supra, n. 1038; et per "sedere" significatur dominari, ut supra, n. 1033 et 1038, ubi de muliere illa dicitur "sedere super aquis multis", et "sedere super bestia coccinea:") quod sit dominium ex illo religioso quod intelligitur, est quia illi qui in dominio sunt super sancta ecclesiae, et id dominium exercent, sunt qui per "mulierem" hanc, quae vocatur "meretrix", ut et "mater scortationum et abominationum terrae", intelliguntur, et non illi qui in cultu secundum id religiosum sunt, et non in dominio; hi dum secundum statuta Papae vivunt, et agnoscunt illum pro vicario Domini, et obeunt sancta cultus secundum institutionem, sunt non absimiles paganis probis, qui non sciunt aliter quam quod vera, bona et sancta sint, quae eorum ministri et monachi docent; et hoc eo magis, quia Verbum non legunt, quidam quia illis ablatum est, quidam quia persuasi pendent ab ore monachorum suorum, et credunt quod illi soli Verbumintelligant, et non alii.

[2] At vero illi ex populo qui spectant ad Dominum, et ad Papam modo ut ad caput ecclesiae, et in aliqua veri affectione sunt, illi quidem in Babylonia sunt, sed non ex illa; nam illi post mortem abduci possunt a vanitatibus illius religiosi, et ab idololatriis, ac perduci ad colendum et adorandum Dominum, et quoque recipiunt vera a Domino per Verbum, aut per docentes illud: quare etiam plures societates, quae totidem ecclesiae sunt, ex illis post ultimum judicium a Domino institutae sunt, de quibus in sequentibus.

Quod "septem montes" attinet, super quibus sedere visa est mulier; creditur quod sint septem montes Romae, ubi solium papale est; sed sit quod etiam Roma intelligatur, at usque per "septem montes" significantur bona Verbi adulterata et profanata, nam Verbum ubivis est spirituale, et hoc ejus spirituale est: quod per "septem montes" bona Verbi adulterata et profanata significentur, patet etiam a mox sequentibus quod dicatur quod per "septem capita bestiae etiam septem reges" significentur, et per "septem reges" in sensu spirituali significantur vera Verbi falsificata et profanata.

[3] (Continuatio de quarto genere Profanationis.)

Illi qui se totos dant vitae pietatis, vadunt in piis meditationibus continue, et frequenter super genubus orant, et de salute, fide et amore omni tempore et loco sermocinantur, et tamen non fugiunt fraudes, adulteria, odia, blasphemationes, et similia, ut peccata contra Deum, nec pugnant contra illa, illi ex hoc genere sunt qui plus profanant; nam per impura mentis suae inquinant pia oris sui, imprimis si abdicant mundum, et vivunt solitarii. Ex hoc genere illi adhuc plus profanant, qui tales, et usque patrocinantur vitiis, ut adulteriis et concupiscentiis quae sunt naturae et inde voluptatis illorum, per ratiocinia et per Verbum false interpretatum: hi se primum securos, dein inculpatos, tandem sanctos faciunt, et sic in immunda sub sanctitatis velo se conjiciunt, quibus polluunt et se et vestes.

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