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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1078

1078. Verses 16-18. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall devour her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put it into their hearts to do his mind, and to come to one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be consummated. And the woman, whom thou sawest, is the great city, which hath a kingdom over the kings of the earth.

"And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast," signifies the truths of the church from the Word, with the Reformed, especially concerning the Lord's Divine power, and concerning the Divine sanctity of the Word; "these shall hate the whore," signifies the total rejection of the dogmas by which the Papal Consistory has falsified the truths, and adulterated the goods of the Word, and thus profaned the holy things of the church; "and shall make her desolate and naked," signifies the rejection of the falsities thereof, these being falsified truths; and then manifestation that they were destitute of all truth; "and shall devour her flesh," signifies the rejection of the evils thereof, which are adulterated goods; and then manifestation that they were destitute of all good; "and burn her with fire," signifies rejection of the whole of that religion that has profaned the holy things of the church by the love of domination over them, and over heaven.

"For God hath put into their hearts to do his mind," signifies these things from the Lord, that they should altogether withdraw; "and to come to one mind," signifies unanimously; "and to give their kingdom unto the beast" signifies the acknowledgment of the Word as Divine, and the foundation of the church upon it; "until the words of God shall be consummated," signifies even to the last state of the church, when judgment [takes place], and afterwards a new [state]; "and the woman, whom thou sawest, is the great city," signifies the abominable doctrine of the church; "which hath a kingdom over the kings of the earth," signifies the domination thereof over the truths of the church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1078

1078. Verses 16-18. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her up with fire. For God gave into their hearts to do His mind, and to do one mind, 1until the words of God shall be consummated. And the woman whom thou sawest is the great city, which hath dominion over the kings of the earth.

16. "And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast," signifies the truths of the church from the Word with the Reformed, especially respecting the Lord's Divine authority and the Divine holiness of the Word (n. 1079); "these shall hate the harlot," signifies an entire rejection of the dogmas by which the Papal Consistory has falsified the truths and adulterated the goods of the Word, and has thus profaned the holy things of the church (n. 1080); "and shall make her desolate and naked," signifies rejection of its falsities, which are falsified truths, and then manifestation that they were without any truth (n. 1081); "and shall eat her flesh" signifies rejection of its evils, which are adulterated goods, and then the manifestation that they were without any good (n. 1082); "and shall burn her up with fire," signifies rejection of the whole of that religion, which has profaned the holy things of the church by the love of having dominion over them and over heaven (n. 1083).

17. "For God gave into their hearts to do His mind," signifies things from the Lord, causing them to recede altogether (n. 1084); "and to do one mind" signifies unanimously (n. 1085); "and to give their kingdom unto the beast," signifies acknowledgment that the Word is Divine, and the founding of the church upon it (n. 1086); "until the words of God shall be consummated," signifies even to the last state of the church, when there is a judgment, and after that what is new (n. 1087).

18. "And the woman whom thou sawest is the great city," signifies the heinous doctrine of the church (n. 1088); "which hath dominion over the kings of the earth," signifies its dominion over the truths of the church (n. 1089).


1. The photolithograph omits the clause, "and to give their kingdom unto the beast." It is given below and in the explanation, n. 1086.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1078 (original Latin 1759)

1078. VERSUS 16-18.

"Et decem cornua quae vidisti super bestia, hi odio habebunt meretricem, et devastatam facient illam, et nudam, et carnes ejus comedent, et illam comburent igne. Quoniam Deus dedit in corda illorum facere sententiam ejus, et facere unam sententiam, [et dare regnum suum bestiae,] donec consummentur verba Dei. Et mulier, quam vidisti, est urbs magna habens regnum super reges terrae."

16. "Et decem cornua quae vidisti super bestia", significat vera ecclesiae ex Verbo apud Reformatos, imprimis de Divina Potestate Domini, et de Divina sanctitate Verbi [n. 1079] ; "hi odio habebunt meretricem", significac rejectionem totalem dogmatum per quae Consistorium Papale falsificavit vera et adulteravit bona Verbi, et sic profanavit sancta ecclesiae [n. 1080] ; "et de vasta tam facient eam; et nudam", significat rejectionem falsorum ejus, quae sunt falsificata vera, et tunc manifestationem quod essent absque omni vero [n. 1081] ; "et carnes ejus comedent", significat rejectionem malorum ejus, quae sunt adulterata bona, et tunc manifestationem quod essent absque omni bono [n. 1082] ; "et illam comburent igne", significat rejectionem totius religionis istius quae sancta ecclesiae profanavit per amorem dominationis super illa et super caelum [n. 1083] .

17. "Quoniam Deus dedit in corda illorum facere sententiam ejus", significat illa a Domino, ut prorsus recederent [2:1[084] ; "et facere unam sententiam", significat unanimiter [n. 1085] ; "et dare regnum suum bestiae", significat agnitionem Verbi pro Divino, et fundationem ecclesiae super illo [n. 1086] ; "donec consummentur verba Dei", significat usque ad ultimum statum ecclesiae, cum judicium, et postea novum [n. 1087] .

18. "Et mulier, quam vidisti, est urbs magna", significat nefandam doctrinam ecclesiae [n. 1088] ; "habens regnum super reges terrae", significat dominationem ejus super vera ecclesiae [2:1[089] .

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