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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 120

120. But are a synagogue of Satan. That this signifies the doctrine of all their falsities, is evident from the signification of synagogue, as being doctrine (concerning which we shall speak presently); and from the signification of Satan, as being the hell whence all falsities go forth. There are two kinds of hells, one in which are those who are in evils, and the other in which are those who are in the falsities of evil. The hell in which the former are, is by one expression called the Devil, and that in which the latter are, is called by one expression Satan. That the hells are thus named is totally unknown to those who are unacquainted with the particulars concerning them, and who have formed the opinion about the devil that he was created an angel of light, and that, because he rebelled, he was cast down with his crew, and in this way hell was made. (That the hells are called by the names Devil and Satan, may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 311, 544, 553; and in the small work, The Last Judgment, in the article where it is shown that heaven and hell are from the human race, n. 14-22.) Besides, it should be known, that as all goods and truths proceed out of the heavens from the Lord, so all evils and falsities are from the hells. He who believes that they proceed from any other source is much deceived.

[2] Man is only a receptacle of these, and to whichever he turns himself, he receives therefrom. If he turns himself to heaven, which is brought about by the goods of love and the truths of faith, he then receives goods and truths from the Lord; but if he turns himself to hell, which is brought about by the evils of love and the falsities of faith, he then receives evils and falsities from hell. Now, because all evils and falsities are from the hells, and as the hells are designated, by one expression, either the Devil or Satan, it follows, that by the Devil are also signified all evils, and by Satan all falsities. This is why a synagogue of Satan signifies all kinds of false doctrine.

[3] The reason why by synagogue is signified doctrine is, that doctrine was taught in the synagogues, and also because differences in doctrinal matters were there adjusted. That doctrine was taught in the synagogues, is clear from The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 120

120. But are a synagogue of Satan, signifies the doctrine of all falsities with these. This is evident from the signification of "synagogue," as being doctrine (of which presently); and from the signification of "Satan," as being the hell from which are all falsities. There are two kinds of hells, one in which those are who are in evils, and the other in which those are who are in the falsities of evil. The hell in which those are who are in evils is called, in one word, Devil, and that in which those are who are in the falsities of evil is called, in one word, Satan. That the hells are thus named is totally unknown to those who know nothing about the hells, but have adopted the belief that the devil was created an angel of light, and because he rebelled was cast down with his crew, and thus hell was made. (That the hells are called Devil and Satan may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 311, 544, 553; and in the small work on The Last Judgment, in the chapter where it is shown that Heaven and Hell are from the Human Race, n. 14-22.)

[2] Let it be known, moreover, that as all goods and truths are from the Lord out of the heavens, so all evils and falsities are out of the hells. He is greatly deceived who believes that goods and truths have any other source than out of the heavens from the Lord, or that evils and falsities have any other source than out of the hells. Man is simply a receptacle of these, and to whichever he turns himself of that he is a recipient. If he turns himself towards heaven, which is effected by the goods of love and the truths of faith, he receives goods and truths from the Lord; but if he turns himself towards hell, which is effected by the evils of love and falsities of faith, he receives evils and falsities from the hells. Now as all evils and falsities are from the hells, and as the hells are called, in one word, either Devil or Satan, it follows that by Devil are also signified all evils, and by Satan all falsities. From this it is that by a "synagogue of Satan" the doctrine of all falsities is signified.

[3] By "synagogue" doctrine is signified, because in the synagogues there was instruction, and differences in matters of doctrine were also adjusted. That there was instruction in the synagogues is evident from The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248).

Apocalypsis Explicata 120 (original Latin 1759)

120. "Sed synagoga satanae." - Quod significet doctrinam omnium falsorum apud illos, constat ex significatione "synagogae", quod sit doctrina (de qua sequitur), et ex significatione "satanae", quod sit infernum ex quo omnia falsa. Sunt bina genera infernorum, unum in quo sunt illi qui in malis, et alterum in quo sunt illi qui in falsis mali. Infernum in quo sunt illi qui in malis, una voce vocatur Diabolus; ac infernum in quo sunt illi qui in falsis mali, una voce vocatur Satanas. Quod ita nominentur inferna, ignorant illi qui nihil de infernis sciunt, et qui de diabolo captaverunt opinionem quod creatus fuerit lucis angelus, et quia rebellis factus cum turba sua dejectus sit, et sic factum est infernum. (Quod inferna dicantur Diabolus et Satanas, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 311, 544, 553; et in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio, in articulo ubi ostensum est quod Caelum et Infernum sint ex Humano Genere, n. 14-22.)

[2] Praeterea sciendum est quod sicut omnia bona et vera sunt e caelis a Domino, ita omnia mala et falsa ex infernis. Qui credit quod bona et vera aliunde sint quam e caelis a Domino, et quod mala et falsa aliunde quam ex infernis, multum fallitur. Homo solum est receptaculum eorum, et quo se vertit inde recipit; si se vertit ad caelum, quod fit per bona amoris et vera fidei, tunc recipit bona et vera a Domino; at si se vertit ad infernum, quod fit per mala amoris et falsa fidei, tunc recipit mala et falsa ab infernis. Quoniam nunc omnia mala et falsa ab infernis sunt, et inferna una voce dicuntur vel diabolus vel satanas, sequitur quod per "diabolum" etiam significentur omnia mala, et per "satanam" omnia falsa. Inde nunc est, quod per "synagogam satanae" significetur doctrina omnium falsorum.

[3] Quod per "synagogam" significetur doctrina, est quia in synagogis docebatur, et quoque lites in doctrinalibus dirimebantur.

Quod in synagogis doceretur, patet apud Matthaeus 4:23:9:35; 13:54; Marcus 1:21, 22, 1

29, 39; 6:2; Luca 4:15, 16, 44; 13:10, 14; Johannes 18:20.

Quod lites in doctrinalibus in synagogis dirimerentur. concludi potest ex illis quae dicuntur apud Matthaeus 10:17; Marcus 13:9; Luca 12:11; 21:12; Johannes 9:22; 12:42; cap. 16:23 2


Quod apud gentem Judaicam fuerit doctrina omnium falsorum, constare potest ex multis quae de illa gente nota sunt; quod nempe negaverint Dominum, quod velint Messiam cujus regnum sit in terris, et qui evehat illos supra omnes gentes in mundo; quod omnem cultum in externi ponant, et quod interna cultus quae sunt fidei et amoris in Dominum rejiciant; quod omnia in Verbo ad se applicent, et illud per traditiones a se inventas falsificent (Videatur Matthaeus 15:6-9; Marcus 7:1-13); porro qualis illa gens quoad interiora sua ab initio fuerat, constare potest ex Cantico Mosis (Deutr. cap. 32), et alibi pluries (et in collectis ex Arcanis Caelestibus, in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. De 248).


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