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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 121

121. (Verse 10) Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. That this signifies that they should not grieve on account of such persecution is evident from the signification of fear when said of those who are about to suffer persecutions, as being that they should not grieve in mind, for such fear is also grief; and from the signification of those things which thou shalt suffer from those who are in all kinds of falsity, as being that these are about to persecute. The persecution of those who are in the spiritual affection of truth, by those who are in falsities, is now treated of. This is particularly evident from those who are of such a character in the world of spirits (concerning which world see what is said in the work, Heaven and Hell 421-535); for there the quality of every one as to the interiors of his thought and intention is made evident, because every one there is in himself, because he is a spirit, and it is the spirit which thinks and intends. All spirits there are conjoined either with the hells or with the heavens.Those who are conjoined with the hells, as soon as they perceive any one who is in the spiritual affection of truth, begin to burn with hatred, and endeavour to destroy him; they cannot even endure the sight of him. When most of these perceive only slightly the delight of the spiritual affection of truth, which is the essential delight of heaven, they become insane, as it were, and nothing is then more delightful to them than to endeavour to extinguish it. It is evident from this, that all in the hells are in opposition, to the spiritual affection of truth, and all in the heavens are in that affection. It would be similar on earth among men, if they had the perception which spirits have; but because this is not the case, and hence they do not know those who are in spiritual affection, they remain quiet, and act amicably, according to the delights of the world.

This disposition, however, manifests itself in the churches, among those who study religious dogmas, and also among those who are in that spiritual affection, by this circumstance, that falsities break out in their thoughts, striving to extinguish their desire, and the delight thence derived. Such falsities are from hell; for everything that a man thinks is either from hell or heaven (as was said above, n. 120).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 121

121. Verse 10. Fear not the things which thou art to suffer, signifies that they should not grieve because such men persecute them. This is evident from the signification of "fear not," as being, in reference to those about to suffer persecutions, that they should not grieve in mind; for fear with these is also grief; and from the signification of "the things which thou art to suffer," namely, from those who are in the doctrine of all falsities, as being that such are about to persecute. The persecution of those who are in the spiritual affection of truth, by those who are in falsities, is now treated of. This can best be seen from those who are of this character in the world of spirits (of which world see in the work on Heaven and Hell 421-535), for there the quality of everyone in respect to his interiors, which are of thought and intention, is manifest; since everyone there is in himself, because he is a spirit, and the spirit is what thinks and intends.

All spirits there are either conjoined with the hells or conjoined with the heavens. Those who are conjoined with the hells, as soon as they perceive anyone to be in the spiritual affection of truth begin to burn with hatred, and strive to destroy him; they cannot endure the sight of him. Very many of them, if they only perceive for a moment the delight of the spiritual affection of truth, which is the delight itself of heaven, become as if insane, and nothing is then more delightful to them than to destroy that delight. From this it is evident that all the hells are opposed to the spiritual affection of truth, and that all the heavens are in it. It would be similar among men on the earths if they were in the perception in which spirits are; but as they are not in such perception, and therefore do not know who are in spiritual affection, they remain quiet and act in a friendly manner towards each other, in accordance with the delights of the world. But this disposition displays itself in the churches, among those who are zealous in religious matters. It also becomes evident with those who are in that spiritual affection, in this way, that falsities break in upon their thoughts, endeavoring to extinguish their longing and the delight thence; these falsities that break in upon their thoughts are from hell; for everything that a man thinks is either from hell or from heaven (as was said above, n. 120.

Apocalypsis Explicata 121 (original Latin 1759)

121. (Vers. 10.) "Ne timeas quae futurus es pati." - Quod significet Ne doleant quod tales persequantur vos, constat ex significatione "Ne timeas", cum de illis qui passuri sunt persecutiones, quod sit ne doleant animo, nam timor eorum est etiam dolor; et ex significatione "quae futurus es pati", nempe ab illis qui in doctrina omnium falsorum sunt, quod sit quod tales persecuturi sint. Agitur nunc de persecutione illorum qui in affectione veri spirituali sunt ab illis qui in falsis: hoc imprimis constare potest ex illis qui tales in mundo spirituum sunt (de quo mundo videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 421-535); nam ibi patent omnes quales sunt quoad interiora quae sunt cogitationis et intentionis, quoniam quisque ibi in se est, quia est spiritus, ac spiritus est qui cogitat et intendit. Omnes ibi Spiritus vel conjuncti sunt infernis vel conjuncti caelis: illi qui conjuncti sunt infernis, ut primum appercipiunt aliquem in affectione veri spirituali esse, incipiunt flagrare odio, et conantur eum perdere; non sustinent visum ejus: plerique ex illis cum modo parumper percipiunt jucundum affectionis veri spiritualis, quod est ipsum jucundum caeli, fiunt sicut insani, et tunc nihil jucundius illis est quam id exstinguere. Inde patet quod omnia inferna sint contra affectionem veri spiritualem, et quod omnes caeli sint in illa. Simile foret in terris inter homines si in perceptione essent in qua sunt spiritus; sed quia in tali non sunt, et inde non sciunt quinam sunt, quiescunt, et inter se amice agunt secundum jucunda mundi. Sed usque se manifestat inter ecclesias apud illos qui religiosis student: et quoque se manifestat apud illos qui in affectione illa spirituali sunt, per id, quod falsa in cogitationes eorum irrumpant conantia exstinguere desiderium eorum et inde jucundum. Falsa illa quae in cogitationes irrumpunt sunt ab inferno; nam omnia quae homo cogitat, vel ex inferno vel e caelo sunt, ut supra (n. 120) dictum est.

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