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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 170

170. As many as have not this doctrine. That this signifies with whom external delight, which is that of the love of self and of the world, does not rule is evident from the signification of that doctrine, which Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess taught, and by which she seduced, as being the delight of the love of self and of the world (concerning which see above, n. 159, 160, 161). By doctrine is here signified life; thus by not having it is signified not to live according to it; for by having doctrine is meant to have it in themselves; and to have doctrine in themselves is to have it in their life. Hence it is clear, that by the doctrine of Jezebel, is meant the life of the love of self and of the world.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 170

170. As many as have not this doctrine, signifies with whom external delight, which is the delight of the love of self and the world, is not dominant. This is evident from the signification of that "doctrine" which "Jezebel, who calleth herself a prophetess," taught, and by which she seduced, as being the delight of love of self and the world (of which see above, n. 159-161). Here "doctrine" signifies life; so by "not having it," is signified not to live according to it; for what is meant is having doctrine in themselves; and to have doctrine in themselves is to have it in the life. From this it is clear that by the "doctrine of Jezebel" is meant the life of the love of self and the world.

Apocalypsis Explicata 170 (original Latin 1759)

170. "Quicunque non habet doctrinam hanc."

- Quod significet apud quos jucundum externum, quod est jucundum amoris sui et mundi, non dominatur, constat ex significatione "doctrinae" illius, quam "Jezabel dicens se prophetissam" docuit et per quam seduxit, quod sit jucundum amoris sui et mundi (de qua supra, n. 159-161): per "doctrinam" hic significatur vita, ita per "non habere illam" significatur non vivere secundum illam; intelligitur enim habere doctrinam in se, et habere doctrinam in se est in vita: inde patet, quod per "doctrinam Jezabelis" intelligatur vita amoris sui et mundi.

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