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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 174

174. (Verse 26) And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end. That this signifies perseverance in love and faith after combat against those loves and the removal of them as far as possible is evident from the signification of overcoming, as denoting to fight against the delights of the loves of self and of the world, and to remove them. That this is the spiritual sense of these words follows from the series of the things treated of; and from the signification of keeping unto the end, as denoting, perseverance even unto death; for he who thus perseveres in love and faith is saved, because all of a man's life remains to eternity, such as he is at the time of death (as may be seen above, n. 125); also from the signification of works as being the things of love and faith, in cause and in effect, or in internals and in externals. The reason why these things are here signified by works is, that the subject treated of in what is written to the angel of this church is such things (see above, n. 150). It is said, and keepeth my works, because the all of love and faith and all the opening of the internal and its conjunction with the external is from the Lord alone; hence the works by which those things are signified, are not of man, but of the Lord with man, and therefore they are called "my works."

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 174

174. Verse 26. And he that overcometh and keepeth My works unto the end, signifies perseverance in love and faith after combat against these loves and their removal as far as possible. This is evident from the signification of "overcoming" as being to fight against the delights of the loves of self and of the world, and to remove them. That this is the spiritual sense of these words follows from the connection. It is evident also from the signification of "keeping unto the end," as being perseverance even unto death; for he who perseveres even unto death in love and faith is saved; for such as he then is in respect to his life, he thenceforth remains to eternity (See above, n. 125). It is evident also from the signification of "works" as being the things of love and faith in cause and in effect, that is in internals and in externals. These things are here signified by "works," because these are the things treated of in what is written to the angel of this church (See above, n. 150). It is said, "keepeth My works," because everything of love and faith, and every opening of the internal and its conjunction with the external is from the Lord alone; therefore the "works," by which these are signified, are not man's, but the Lord's with man; and consequently it is said, "My works."

Apocalypsis Explicata 174 (original Latin 1759)

174. (Vers. 26.) "Et vincens at custodiens usque ad finem opera mea." - Quod significet post pugnam contra illos amores, et remotionem illorum quantum potest, perseverationem in amore et fide, constat ex significatione "vincere", quod sit pugnare contra jucunda amorum sui et mundi, ac illa removere; quod hic sensus spiritualis illorum verborum sit, sequitur ex serie; et ex significatione "custodire usque ad finem", quod sit perseveratio usque ad mortem, nam qui perseverat usque ad mortem in amore et fide, is salvatur, manet enim postea in aeternum qualis quoad omnem suam vitam tunc est (videatur supra, n. 125); et ex significatione "operum", quod sint illa quae sunt amoris et fidei in causa et in effectu, seu in internis et in externis; quod haec per "opera" hic significentur, est quia de illis in scriptis ad Angelum hujus Ecclesiae agitur (videatur supra, n. 150). Dicitur custodiens "opera mea", quia omne amoris et fidei, et omnis aperitio interni et ejus conjunctio cum externo est a solo Domino; inde "opera", per quae illa significantur, non sunt hominis sed Domini apud illum; inde est quod dicantur "opera mea."

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