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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 249

249. If any man hear my voice. That this signifies he who attends to the precepts of the Lord is evident from the signification of hearing, as being to attend; that is, to see with attention, and to hearken, or to obey. For those things that enter by hearing are not only seen by the understanding, but are also obeyed, if they agree with man's affection; for interior affection adjoins itself to things thus heard, but not to things merely seen. This is why hearing and hearkening in common discourse have the two following significations, that of hearing and hearkening, and that of being a hearer and listener to some one; the latter denotes to obey, but the former to perceive; and hence to be a hearer denotes to be obedient, and to be a seer merely denotes to be intelligent (that there are such significations in common discourse originates in the spiritual world, in which man's spirit is, as may be seen above, n. 14 and 108); and from the signification of my voice, or the voice of the Lord, as being the truths of the Word, of doctrine, and of faith therefrom; thus the precepts of the Lord (concerning this see Arcana Coelestia 219, 220, 3563, 6971, 8813, 9926).

[2] It is said, he who attends to the precepts of the Lord; which means whoever is willing to know truths, and to investigate them from the Word; this no one can do who is in evils of life, and who has confirmed himself in falsities of doctrine. Those who confirm themselves in falsities of doctrine attend to nothing in the Word but what favours their false principles; other things they either pass by as if they were not seen, or they pervert and falsify them; whereas those who are in evils of life do not concern themselves about truths, and if they hear them still they do not hear them. Thus they receive with the one faculty of hearing, which is to see and perceive what they hear, but not with the other faculty, which is to hearken to or obey those things. But those who desire to know truths, and to investigate them from the Word, are those who are in the spiritual affection of truth, and who love truth because it is truth. And those alone are in that affection who desire to live according to truths from the Word, thus according to the precepts of Lord. These are they who are meant by, If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 249

249. If any one hear My voice, signifies if one attends to the Lord's precepts. This is evident from the signification of "to hear," as being to attend, that is, to observe with attention, and to hearken or obey; for the things that enter by the hearing are not only seen by the understanding, but also, if they are in accord with man's affection, are obeyed; for interior affection joins itself to things heard, but not to things seen. There are therefore two significations of hearing and hearkening in common discourse, namely, to hear anyone or listen, and to hear anyone or hearken to him; the latter means to obey, but the former means to perceive; consequently "hear thou" means to be obedient, and "see thou" means to be intelligent. Such things in common discourse have their origin in the spiritual world, in which man is in respect to his spirit (See above, n. 14 and 108). This is evident also from the signification of "My voice," or the Lord's voice, as being the truths of the Word, of doctrine, and of faith therefrom, thus precepts (See Arcana Coelestia 219, 220, 3563, 6971, 8813, 9926).

[2] It is said, if one attends to the Lord's precepts; which means if one wishes to know truths, and to study them from the Word; this no one can do who is in evils of life, and who has confirmed himself in falsities of doctrine. Those who have confirmed themselves in falsities of doctrine attend to nothing in the Word except what favors the principles of their falsity; other things they either pass by, as if not seen, or pervert and falsify; while those who are in evils of life do not care about truths, and when they hear them do not listen to them. Thus in one way of hearing, which is seeing and perceiving truths, they receive, but not in the other way, which is hearkening to or obeying truths. But those who wish to know truths, and to study them from the Word, are such as are in the spiritual affection of truth; these love truth because it is truth; and those are in that affection who wish to live according to truths from the Word, thus according to the Lord's commandments. Such are meant by "If anyone hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."

Apocalypsis Explicata 249 (original Latin 1759)

249. "Si quis audiverit vocem meam." - Quod significet qui attendit ad praecepta Domini, constat ex significatione "audire", quod sit attendere, hoc est, cum attentione videre et auscultare seu obedire; nam quae per auditum intrant, non modo videntur intellectu, sed etiam si con-cordant cum affectione hominis obediuntur; adjungit enim se affectio interior rebus auditis, non autem ita rebus visis; inde est quod binae significationes audire et auscultare sint in communi sermone, nempe audire et auscultare aliquem, ac audire et auscultare alicui; hoc enim est obedire, illud autem appercipere: et inde est, quod "audiens esto" sit obediens, at "videns esto" sit intelligens; (quod talia sint in communi sermone, est ex spirituali mundo, in quo homo quoad spiritum suum est, videatur supra, n. 14 et 108); et ex significatione "vocis meae" seu vocis Domini, quod sint vera quae Verbi, doctrinae, et fidei inde, ita praecepta (de qua n. 219, 220, 3563, 6971, 8813, 9926).

[2] Dicitur qui attendit ad praecepta Domini, ac intelligitur qui vult scire vera et investigare illa ex Verbo; hoc nemo potest qui in malis vitae est, et qui se confirmavit in falsis doctrinae; qui se confirmarunt in falsis doctrinae, illi non attendunt ad alia in Verbo quam quae favent principiis falsi eorum; reliqua vel praetereunt sicut non visa, vel pervertunt et falsificant; qui autem in malis vitae sunt, illi non curant vera, et si audiunt illa usque non audiunt; ita una facultate auditus, quae est videre et appercipere illa, recipiunt, sed non altera facultate auditus, quae est auscultare seu obedire illis. At qui volunt scire vera et investigare illa ex Verbo, sunt illi qui in affectione veri spirituali sunt, qui sunt qui amant verum quia est verum, et ii sunt in illa affectione qui volunt vivere secundum vera ex Verbo, ita secundum praecepta Domini: hi sunt qui intelliguntur per "Qui audiverit vocem meam, et aperuerit ostium, intrabo ad illum, et cenabo cum illo et ille Mecum."

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