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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 251

251. I will come in to him. That this signifies conjunction is evident from the signification of coming in, when said of the Lord, as being to be conjoined to Him (concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 3914, 3918, 6782, 6783). The Lord is conjoined to those who receive Him in the heart and life, because He enters or flows into life; but this He does only with those who are in the life of spiritual love, or in the life of charity, for charity is spiritual love. When this life constitutes the life of man, then the Lord enters or flows by this means into the truths of faith, and causes man to see or to know them; hence man has the spiritual affection of truth. It is a great mistake to suppose that the Lord enters or flows into faith alone, or into faith separated from charity, with man; in this faith there is no life, for it is like the breath of the lungs without the action of the heart; this breath would produce only an inanimate motion, for the breath of the lungs is animated by the influx of the heart, as is well known. Hence it is clear that the proceeding Divine from the Lord is admitted into man by the way of the heart, that is, of the love. For whether we speak of the heart or of the love it is the same thing as the life of the spirit therefrom. That love constitutes the life of man anyone may know and see if he will only attend. For what is a man without love, but like a stock? Hence, according to the quality of his love such is the man; love consists in willing and doing, for what a man loves that he wills and does. An idea of the good of charity and the truth of faith may be formed from the light and heat of the sun. When the light which proceeds from the sun is conjoined with the heat, as is the case in the time of spring and summer, then all things of the earth bud and flourish; but when there is no heat in the light, as in the time of winter, then all things of the earth grow torpid and die. Moreover, spiritual light is the truth of faith, and spiritual heat is the good of charity. From these considerations also an idea of the quality of the man of the church may be formed; when his faith is conjoined to charity he is like a garden and a park; but when his faith is not conjoined to charity he is like a desert, and a land covered with snow.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 251

251. I will come in to him, signifies conjunction. This is evident from the signification of "coming in," as being, in reference to the Lord, to be conjoined with Him (See Arcana Coelestia 3914, 3918, 6782, 6783). The Lord is conjoined with those who receive Him in heart and life, because the Lord enters or flows in into life; He enters or flows in only with those who are in a life of spiritual love, or in a life of charity; for charity is spiritual love. When that love makes a man's life, the Lord enters or flows in through it into the truths of faith, and causes man to see, or to know them; from this man has the spiritual affection of truth. It is a great mistake to suppose that the Lord enters or flows in into faith alone or into faith separate from charity with man; in such a faith there is no life, for it is like the breathing of the lungs without the inflow from the heart, which breathing would be only a lifeless movement, for the breathing of the lungs is made alive by the inflow from the heart, as is well known.

This makes clear by what way the Divine proceeding from the Lord is admitted, namely, by the way of the heart, that is, of the love; whether you say the heart or the love, it is the same as the life of the spirit therefrom. Love makes man's life, as anyone may know and see if he is only willing to give thought to it; for what is a man without love? Is he not a stock? Therefore, as the love is so is the man. Love is willing and doing, for what man loves he wills and does. An idea of the good of charity and of the truth of faith may be formed from the sun's light and heat. When the light that proceeds from the sun is conjoined with heat, as in spring and summer time, then all things of the earth bud and blossom; but when there is no heat in the light, as in winter time, then all things of the earth become torpid and die. Spiritual light also is the truth of faith, and spiritual heat is the good of charity. From this an idea may be formed of the man of the church; that when faith with him is conjoined to charity he is like a garden and a paradise; but when faith in him is not conjoined to charity he is like a desert, or a land covered with snow.

Apocalypsis Explicata 251 (original Latin 1759)

251. "Intrabo ad illum." - Quod significet conjunctionem, constat ex significatione "intrare", cum de Domino, quod sit conjungi Ipsi (de qua n. 3914, 3918, 6782, 6783). Quod Dominus conjungatur illis qui recipiunt Ipsum corde et vita, est quia Dominus intrat seu influit in vitam; intrat seu influit solum apud illos qui in vita amoris spiritualis sunt, seu in vita charitatis, nam charitas est amor spiritualis; quando hic amor facit vitam hominis, tunc intrat seu influit Dominus per illum in vera fidei, et facit ut homo videat seu cognoscat illa; inde affectio veri spiritualis est homini. Maxime fallitur quod Dominus intret seu influat in solam fidem, seu in fidem separatam a charitate apud hominem; huic fidei nulla vita inest, est enim sicut spiritus pulmonicus absque cordis influxu, qui spiritus foret solum motus inanimatus; spiritus enim pulmonicus animatur per influxum cordis, ut notum est. Inde patet per quam viam admittitur Divinum procedens a Domino, nempe per viam cordis, hoc est, amoris: sive dicas cor sive amorem, idem est ac spiritus vitam inde. Quod amor faciat vitam hominis, quisque potest scire et videre, si modo vult attendere; nam quid homo absque amore? nonne stipes? Inde qualis amor talis homo. Amor est velle et facere, nam quod homo amat hoc vult et facit. Idea de bono charitatis et de vero fidei formari potest ex solis luce et calore. Lux quae procedit ex sole cum conjuncta est calori, quod fit tempore veris et aestatis, tunc omnia telluris germinant et florent; at cum in luce non est calor, ut tempore hiemis, tunc omnia telluris torpent et emoriuntur: etiam lux spiritualis est verum fidei, et calor spiritualis est bonum charitatis. Ex his idea formari potest de homine ecclesiae, qualis ille est quando apud illum conjuncta est fides charitati, quod nempe sit sicut hortus et paradisus; et qualis ille quando apud illum non conjuncta est fides charitati, quod sit sicut desertum et terra nive obtecta.

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